戴爾美語練功坊全民英檢閱讀測驗(9/23) 下面一篇閱讀測驗,大約在英檢中級程度,同學可試做看看, 了解自己的實力。 Dentists think that women can put up with more pain than men. Michael is a dentist and he says, "Women are more aware of what pain is than a man." Men do not seem to expect any pain and are surprised when the drilling hurts. Pain researchers think that men don't prepare for pain. A dental patient says, "I think men just try to fight the pain head-on." There is the pain only a mother can know. Stephanie says, "I thought to myself when I had a child, my husband could never go through this." Bruce was working out at the gym when he said, "I think it is a big cover-up; men grunt and groan and scream at a gym more than women do. Women are much more stoic." Some people wonder how pain tolerance is figured out. One weight lifter said, "How do you measure how much you do show as compared to someone else? I think we need a pain-o-meter before we can do this really right." How about for those who have lived through years of pain? John says, "I think women endure pain better than men do but complain more often about it." Park says his wife complained to him for years about her stomach problems. What about her ability to cope with pain? He says, "She can take it. I don't know how she can take it. When she goes to the dentist, she feels nothing." In the end, we all have to grin and bear it. 1. What is the title for this report? (A) Seeing a Dentist (B) Putting Up with Pain (C) Measuring Pain (D) Fighting Pain 2. A pain-o-meter would be something that is used to _________. (A) cause people to feel pain (B) help a dentist drill teeth (C) reduce patient's pain (D) measure people's pain tolerance 3. According to John's observation, ___________. (A) women complain about pain more often than men do. (B) men can endure pain better than women do. (C) men use grunts and groans as a cover-up. (D) men cannot bear pain as women do because the former never give a birth. 4. Stephanie thought that men couldn't stand as much pain as women because ________. (A) men more often feel pain (B) men wouldn't be able to stand the pain of childbirth (C) women are tougher than men spiritually (D) men are more stoic than women in many ways 答案:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 原文及題目翻譯: 牙醫師認為女人比難人能忍受疼痛。麥克是牙醫,他說:「女人比男人 更了解疼痛。」男人似乎料想不到會有疼痛,當鑽牙產生疼痛時,他們就 很驚訝。研究疼痛的人認為,男人沒有心理準備接受疼痛。一位牙醫的 病患說:「我認為男人只想要硬碰硬的對抗疼痛」。 有一種疼痛是只有身為人母的人才懂得。史蒂芬妮說:「我生孩子時 心理面想著,我先生絕對無法忍受這種痛苦。」布魯斯在健身房做運動時 說:「我想那是一種掩飾,男人在健身房比女人更常抱怨、呻吟、哀叫, 女人比較能忍耐。」 有些人想了解如何測出疼痛的容忍度。有一位舉重選手說:「要怎麼去 測量出你和他人相較之下表現的疼痛程度?我認為我們得先有一個測量 疼痛的儀器,然後才能把這件事做對。」 至於那些今年累月生活在疼痛中的人又是如何呢?約翰說:「我想女人 比男人能忍受疼痛,但是比較常抱怨疼痛。」派克說他太太多年來一直 向他抱怨胃腸問題,至於他太太忍受疼痛的能力如何呢?他說:「她很能忍, 我不知道她怎麼能忍的,她去看牙醫,她什麼感覺都沒有。」 終究,對於疼痛,我們都得忍受。 1. 本文的標題為何? (A) 看牙醫 (B) 忍受疼痛 (C) 測量疼痛 (D) 對抗疼痛 2. 疼痛的測量器是一種用來____________的東西。 (A) 使人感到疼痛 (B) 幫助牙醫鑽牙齒 (C) 減少病人疼痛 (D) 測量人的疼痛忍耐度 3. 根據約翰的觀察,__________________。 (A) 女人比男人更常抱怨疼痛 (B) 男人比女人更能忍受疼痛 (C) 男人用抱怨和呻吟作為掩飾。 (D) 男人不如女人能忍痛,因為前者從未生過小孩。 4. 史蒂芬妮認為男人無法像女人那麼能忍痛是因為___________。 (A) 男人比較常感覺到疼痛 (B) 男人無法忍受生孩子的疼痛 (C) 女人在精神上比較堅強 (D) 男人在很多方面比較堅忍 --

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