戴爾美語練功坊 英檢閱讀克漏字測驗(8/30日) 下面五個閱讀克漏字填充題,內容取自911恐怖行動的新聞英文,程度大約 在英檢中級到中高級程度,同學可試做看看,了解自己的程度。 As hijackers took over the United Airlines Flight 93 that would later crash in western Pennsylvania, at least four passengers placed cell phone calls to (1) for help or say "I love you," including one who vowed to take action (2) the attackers. "We're being hijacked!" one man repeatedly told dispatchers who answered emergency lines before the plane crashed in western Pennsylvania. Another man called his mother to tell her three men had taken over the plane. He said he loved her. Then the phone (3) . The Boeing 757 slammed into a grassy field about 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Rescue crews who reached the scene shortly after 10 a.m. found a deep V-shaped gouge (4) smoldering rubble. Forty-five people had been on board. Tuesday's hijacking was the last of four closely timed terrorist attacks, (5) the two on New York's World Trade Center towers and a third on Defense Department headquarters at the Pentagon. 1. (A) please (B) plead (C) pleasant (D) pleasure 2. (A) behind (B) before (C) against (D) towards 3. (A) went dead (B) went deadly (C) went death (D) went to die 4. (A) was filled with (B) filling with (C) which filled with (D) filled with 5. (A) followed (B) to follow (C) following (D) had following 劫機者挾持聯合航空93號班機,在墜毀於賓州西部之前,至少有四名乘客 播手機求救,或說聲「我愛你」,其中有一位更誓言要採取行動對抗攻擊者。 「我們遭到劫機!」在飛機墜毀於賓州西部之前,一位男士對接聽緊急求救 電話的工作人員,重複說著這句話。另外一位男士打電話給他母親,告訴她 飛機被三個人挾持,同時告訴母親他愛她,然後電話就斷線了。這架波音757 型班機撞擊到匹茲堡西南八十英里的一處草地。救難人員於十點過後不久抵達 現場,發現一處V字型的凹洞,裡面滿是悶燒的碎片,機上原本有45名人員。 星期二的劫機事件是四起密集的恐怖行動中的最後一起。前兩起是攻擊世貿 大樓,第三起是在五角大廈的國防部總部。 1. 答案:B plead vi. 請求 please vt. 取悅 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 pleasure n. 愉快 2. 答案:C against prep. 對抗 behind prep. 在~之後 before prep. 在~之前 towards prep. 朝著~ 3. 答案:A go dead (電話)斷線 4. 答案:D filled with smoldering rubble 是分詞片語 …a deep V-shaped gouge (which was) filled with smoldering rubble be filled with ~ 充滿著~ 5. 答案:C following the two on New York's… 是分詞片語 …terrorist attacks, which followed the two on New York's World Trade Center towers = …terrorist attacks, following the two on New York's World Trade Center towers --

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