作者girlwendy (摔倒的同時仰望天空)
標題[問題] listening
時間Mon Aug 5 09:03:02 2013
Q: I'm afraid this restaurant isn't up to much.
a. I ordered the dishes you like.
b. But it's very cheap.
c. Go or not, it's up to you.
d. I really hate this restaurant.
A: B
Why can't I choose answer C?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 dunkjames:We should choose C, if there is no B. 08/06 14:19
2F:→ dunkjames:If there are only B and C, I would go for B. 08/06 14:19
3F:→ dunkjames:B is "more" logical I would assume. 08/06 14:21