戴爾美語練功坊 英檢中級閱讀試題(5/10日) 下面7個閱讀克漏字填充題,內容取自生活英文,程度大約在英檢中級程度, 同學可試做看看,了解自己的程度。 America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The (1) of the population will affect American society in many ways - education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the graying of America has (2) us a very different society- (3) in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages. A person's age no longer (4) you anything about his/her social position, marriage or health. There's no longer a particular year (5) one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isn't as strong as it (6) . It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old man who has become a father (7) the first time. Public ideas are changing. 1. (A) age (B) aging (C) aged (D) ages 2. (A) caused (B) done (C) made (D) found 3. (A) it (B) this (C) one (D) each 4. (A) tells (B) says (C) informs (D) notifies 5. (A) which (B) of when (C) at which (D) in which 6. (A) used to be (B) was used to be (C) was used to being (D) used to being 7. (A) at (B) on (C) in (D) for 中文翻譯 美國正逐漸高齡化。五十年前每一百個人之中只有四個人是六十五歲以上, 到了今天,每一百個美國人之中有十個人是六十五歲以上。 人可老化在許多方面會影響美國社會-在教育,醫療,商業等方面。悄悄地, 美國的人口老化使我們變成一個非常不同的社會,在這個社會中的人對於 什麼樣的年齡該有什麼樣的行為有相當不同的看法。 一個人的年齡不在能告訴你他或者她的社會地位、婚姻、健康狀況。不再有 特定的年齡該去上學,工作,結婚,或開始成家。以往使我們按部就班, 教導我們何時上學、工作、退休的社會時序,現在不像過去那樣強勢了。 現在聽到有人二十九歲擔任大學校長,三十五歲當祖母,七十歲初為人父, 都不會令人驚訝。大眾的想法正在改變。 1. 答案:B 解析: (A) age n. 年齡 (B) aging n. 老化 (C) aged adj. 年老的 2. 答案:C 解析:make + O + (become) + N 使~成為… 1. Hard work made him a billionaire. (努力工作使他成為富翁。) 2. Pollution made the fertile field a wasteland. ( 污染使良田變成荒地。) 3. 答案:C 解析:one = a society,代名詞one可以代替「a + 單數名詞」 1. Although he is not a scholar, he acts like one ( = a scholar). (雖然他不是學者,他言行上卻像個學者。) 2. If you like a hot dog, I can get you one (= a hot dog). (如果你想吃熱狗,我可以幫你買一支。) 4. 答案:A 解析:tell + sb. + sth. 告訴某人某件事情 I told him a story. ( 我跟他講一則故事。) = I told a story to him. 5. 答案:D 解析:a particular year in which one goes to school = when 說明 : 下面是關係副詞when出現的條件: 1) 關係代名詞which之前有介系詞,也就是出現「介系詞 + which」。 2) 先行詞是表示「時間」的名詞,例如time, day, date, week, month, year, season等,此時「介系詞 + which」可等於關係副詞when 。 句型:時間名詞+ 介系詞 + which ~ = when 1. October is the month in which I am most relaxed. when 先行詞是時間名詞 ( 十月是我最輕鬆的月份。) 6. 答案:A 解析:S + used to +原形V 以前曾經~ 說明 : used to +V 表示以前曾經如此,但現在已不復如此的行為或狀態。 1. I used to smoke, but I quit three years ago. (我以前抽煙,但三年前戒了。) 2. I used to live in Taipei. (我以前住過台北。) 7. 答案:D 解析:for the first time 首次 --

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