Pronunciation Workshop: final “ed” and “s” sounds Pronunciation of words ending with “ed” Learning English past tense pronunciation is probably one of the more challenging parts of the Simple Past to ESL students. It's certainly one of the more difficult things for students studying English to master. However, with a few really simple pronunciation tips, ESL students can master pronunciation of the challenging "-ed" endings of Past Tense verbs and past participles. If the pronunciation of words ending with “ed” is incorrect, it then sounds like the learner has got the grammar incorrect so it’s really important to master this pronunciation. Pronunciation of words ending with “s” We will look at a simple way to tell the difference between the pronunciation of the final s in plural and 3rd person singular present, for example when to use s, z, and iz. We will do lots of [fun and easy to remember] practice. 2 native English speakers will be there to individually correct your pronunciation Date: Saturday 27 February 2010 Time: [registration @ 3.45pm] 4pm – 6pm Venue: BCD Café [Sun Yat Sun Memorial Hall exit 2. It’s down the 3rd alley after Hi Life] Location Map: Donation of: NTD350 and more [free donations will go to Love Child Organization,] Your donation includes: drink/cake and feedback by native English speaker on practice done at home after the workshop Please forward this on to people you think might be interested. Please write to [email protected] for registration ==============================中文版====================================== 發音講座: 以 “ed” 和 “s” 結尾的發音 以“ed” 結尾的字如何發音 對第二外語學習者來說,在精進英語的過程中,如何正確地發出動詞過去式是一個重要關 鍵,許多學生仍搞不清楚不同動詞的過去式該如何正確發音,在英文口試或日常會話時會 因為發音錯誤而被誤以為該生文法錯誤,實在是得不償失。 但其實透過幾個簡單的要點與訣竅,就能輕鬆掌握以"-ed" 結尾的動詞過去式與過去分詞 。 以“ed”結尾的發音錯誤,容易讓對方以為它是個文法錯誤, 因此“ed”結尾的發音正確十分重要。 以“s” 結尾的字如何發音 我們將以簡單的方式告訴您以s結尾的複數名詞和第三人稱單數現在式的動詞結尾兩者之 間的差別,例如,何時該發s, z, 和iz。 我們會以遊戲與練習的方式進行,讓您輕鬆記憶與學習。 現場還會有兩名外籍老師即時糾正您的發音 日期: 2010年2月27日 (六) 時間: 16:00 – 18:00 (15:45 開始報到) 地點: BCD Café (國父紀念館站二號出口) [經過萊爾富之後第三條巷子右轉] 交通資訊: 名額有限,請以電子郵件回覆報名,謝謝! 來信請寄到: [email protected] 其他: 酌收新台幣350元,費用將捐給信望愛育幼院 (另外現場也開放自由捐獻) 上述費用包括:飲料/蛋糕一份,另外在會後還可將發音的錄音檔寄給外籍人士幫您個人 矯正發音。 請將這封信寄給對此活動會感興趣的朋友 --

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