Equestrian 板


https://reurl.cc/A0yW6j 凱旋門大賽在即,英國天空體育的賽馬節目At The Races邀請日本的海外競馬通、長年擔 任綠台海外賽事解說的合田直弘介紹日本今年的參賽馬「遨遊汪洋」。 在對談中,雙方也談起在寶塚紀念賽擊敗「遨遊汪洋」的「春秋分」,而當At The Races 主持人問及「春秋分」今後的動向時,合田披露了驚人的消息。 本段對談尚未在日本引發較熱烈的討論。以下提供該段落的英文逐字稿。 --------------------------------------- 主持人:What's the latest on Equinox? Where we might see him next? 合田 :OK. Equinox was given a summer break after returning from Dubai, but now he has started, he has resumed his full training at Northern Farm. Probably, it is very likely that the first start for Equinox in second half of the year should be Tenno Sho Autumn, which is on October 29th. And then, ultimate goal of the season for Equinox is Japan Cup on last Sunday of November, as he is trained very well, all in the report from Northern Farm is very very positive. 主持人:And the longer term plan, do you know will he be heading back to Dubai again? Might we see him in Riyadh at the Saudi before that? 合田 :So far as I know, probably this is the final season as a racehorse for Equinox, and it's likely that the Japan Cup is his swan song, and Equinox is going to stand at Shadai Farm next spring. This is the plan which I have heard so far. 主持人:OK. But we don't know if he'll go back to the Sheema Classic again? 合田 :I think it's unlikely. 主持人:OK. That's a shame. --------------------------------------- 合田直弘表示,他得知的消息是,「春秋分」將在出戰今年的秋季天皇賞以及日本盃之後 引退,明年將不會在沙特盃賽馬日與杜拜世界盃賽馬日出場,而是在社台種馬站開始第二 馬生。 「春秋分」所屬的一口馬主俱樂部絲綢會尚未宣布關於「春秋分」競賽生涯的任何決定。 -- https://i.imgur.com/fopQFvM.jpg
不要逃啊,卑鄙的牝馬!牡馬一直在對妳們有利的賽場上戰鬥!我們都是有血有肉的馬, 被追過之後無法輕易趕上,失去的耐力也不能回復過來! 豪哥沒有輸!他戰鬥到了最後、奔跑到了最後!是妳輸了! --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Equestrian/M.1695844477.A.181.html ※ 編輯: metz1552 ( 臺灣), 09/28/2023 04:05:06
1F:推 KingHalo: 一大早的就看到這個消息,坐等絲綢社回覆 09/28 06:24
2F:推 MotoDawn: 好快 什麼時候絲綢變四歲退了 這樣追不上老爸RRRRRRRRRR 09/28 07:11
3F:推 sean0611a: That's a shame. 09/28 08:02
4F:→ sean0611a: 不過這樣小北來季負擔應該可以減輕很多吧? 09/28 08:02
5F:推 uohZemllac: 好可惜 不試試秋三冠嗎 09/28 08:39
6F:推 MotoDawn: 不可能跑啦 現在年輕馬都爛草莓 要連鬥像要他們命似的 09/28 09:46
7F:→ MotoDawn: 只有底邊仔才會連跑刮賞金 上層的都挑自己擅長的跑 09/28 09:47
8F:推 Kein545: 太快了ㄅ 09/28 10:21
9F:推 raymaxash: 說是幫老爸分擔 更有可能父子都配200+ 這就是社台 09/28 11:06
10F:推 zader: 秋三冠不挑戰? 09/28 17:35
11F:推 mick5988: 看到轉載9月會報節錄的,看起來大意就是4歲退役超棒(?) 09/28 21:25
12F:→ mick5988: 舉的例子:deep,阿雲,大鳴大放,農神節慶... 09/28 21:26
13F:→ mick5988: 這些不是老爸沒了就是傷退的,真還有說服力啊 09/28 21:28
14F:推 chw281: OK, it's a shame! 09/29 02:19
15F:→ metz1552: https://i.imgur.com/X0udTIO.jpg 09/29 20:18
16F:推 peterlee0718: 真夠糞-.- 09/29 22:09
17F:→ SunnyBrian: 蛤? 09/30 09:56
18F:推 kery0129: 生產效益大過賽事獎金,合理的選擇 09/30 14:03
19F:→ xkiller1900: 北寶的耐戰血統... 09/30 20:24

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