作者metz1552 (腹有诗书气自豪)
标题[情报] 合田直弘:「春秋分」今年日本盃後引退
时间Thu Sep 28 03:54:30 2023
凯旋门大赛在即,英国天空体育的赛马节目At The Races邀请日本的海外竞马通、长年担
在对谈中,双方也谈起在宝塚纪念赛击败「遨游汪洋」的「春秋分」,而当At The Races
主持人:What's the latest on Equinox? Where we might see him next?
合田 :OK. Equinox was given a summer break after returning from Dubai, but
now he has started, he has resumed his full training at Northern Farm.
Probably, it is very likely that the first start for Equinox in second
half of the year should be Tenno Sho Autumn, which is on October 29th.
And then, ultimate goal of the season for Equinox is Japan Cup on last
Sunday of November, as he is trained very well, all in the report from
Northern Farm is very very positive.
主持人:And the longer term plan, do you know will he be heading back to Dubai
again? Might we see him in Riyadh at the Saudi before that?
合田 :So far as I know, probably this is the final season as a racehorse for
Equinox, and it's likely that the Japan Cup is his swan song, and
Equinox is going to stand at Shadai Farm next spring. This is the plan
which I have heard so far.
主持人:OK. But we don't know if he'll go back to the Sheema Classic again?
合田 :I think it's unlikely.
主持人:OK. That's a shame.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Equestrian/M.1695844477.A.181.html
※ 编辑: metz1552 ( 台湾), 09/28/2023 04:05:06
1F:推 KingHalo: 一大早的就看到这个消息,坐等丝绸社回覆 09/28 06:24
2F:推 MotoDawn: 好快 什麽时候丝绸变四岁退了 这样追不上老爸RRRRRRRRRR 09/28 07:11
3F:推 sean0611a: That's a shame. 09/28 08:02
4F:→ sean0611a: 不过这样小北来季负担应该可以减轻很多吧? 09/28 08:02
5F:推 uohZemllac: 好可惜 不试试秋三冠吗 09/28 08:39
6F:推 MotoDawn: 不可能跑啦 现在年轻马都烂草莓 要连斗像要他们命似的 09/28 09:46
7F:→ MotoDawn: 只有底边仔才会连跑刮赏金 上层的都挑自己擅长的跑 09/28 09:47
8F:推 Kein545: 太快了ㄅ 09/28 10:21
9F:推 raymaxash: 说是帮老爸分担 更有可能父子都配200+ 这就是社台 09/28 11:06
10F:推 zader: 秋三冠不挑战? 09/28 17:35
11F:推 mick5988: 看到转载9月会报节录的,看起来大意就是4岁退役超棒(?) 09/28 21:25
12F:→ mick5988: 举的例子:deep,阿云,大鸣大放,农神节庆... 09/28 21:26
13F:→ mick5988: 这些不是老爸没了就是伤退的,真还有说服力啊 09/28 21:28
14F:推 chw281: OK, it's a shame! 09/29 02:19
16F:推 peterlee0718: 真够粪-.- 09/29 22:09
17F:→ SunnyBrian: 蛤? 09/30 09:56
18F:推 kery0129: 生产效益大过赛事奖金,合理的选择 09/30 14:03
19F:→ xkiller1900: 北宝的耐战血统... 09/30 20:24