Eng-Class 板


1. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT? (A) You might wonder whether will human beings become victims of global warming as well. (B) A strong earthquake lasted for two minutes, a few of old buildings torn down in the twinkling of an eye. (C) No sooner had the electricity in the building been cut off after the residents felt panic. (D) What if you dressed yourself in a business suit? You can make a favorable impression on the interviewer. 答案是(D),想請問是錯在make嗎? 正確應該用leave?還是有其他錯的? (B)的a few of是對的嗎? 我只有看過a few這個用法。 2. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT? (A) The numbers of employees in computer and mathematical sciences are even lower for minority women, who make up fewer than 1 in 10 employed scientists and engineers. (B) By paying too much attention to polls can make a political leader unwilling to propose innovative policies. (C) Many of the senators were painfully tech illiterate, and the 33-year-old executive found himself explained basic features of Facebook. (D) The retired Justice John Paul Stevens wrote an Op-Ed in The New York Times which called for the repeal of the Second Amendment. 答案是(A),想請問(D)錯在哪裡? 是要加逗點,形成限定子句嗎? 3. Choose the INCORRECT item from the following paragraph: Today, there (A)remains thousands of children scattered in foster homes and child prison camps with no system in place for reunification. Each of these children (B) needs our prayers, our voices of outrage and our help to reunite them with their families and heal from this terror. And the children who came before them (C),those who have crossed the border (D) as children alone and some who were remanded (E) to youth prisons that are under scrutiny for abusive practices – these children also need our intervention. 答案是(A)remains,想請問應該改成什麼才是對的。(C),those who have crossed the border as children alone 這句話是什麼意思呢? 4. Choose the INCORRECT item from the following paragraph: (A) Found in urban areas from New York to Bangkok, the bike taxi represents an efficient and sensible mode of transportation. Also (B) known as a pedicab (in the U.S.), cyclo (in Vietnam), and cyclo-pousse (in Madagascar), the bike taxi is popular in many places. (C) Accordingly, the idea of bike taxis is gaining (D) momentum in more areas as technology helps to (E) make hailing one simpler. Customers can use an app or send an online request and one will appear. 想請問答案(C) Accordingly應該改成什麼才是對的? Because? 先謝謝大家的幫忙! -- --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Eng-Class/M.1617090856.A.DDE.html
1F:推 ppeach: 你問的問題,都顯示出,基礎文法沒有搞懂。你需要再把初 03/30 16:43
2F:→ ppeach: 級英檢程度的內容再學一次 03/30 16:43
3F:→ ppeach: 選項中的a few和of不是一組片語 03/30 16:44
4F:→ ppeach: 是 類似some of them ...的用法 03/30 16:44
5F:推 euruing: 第一題你說答案是D,問題要你選正確的,還問D哪裡錯?我 03/30 19:32
6F:→ euruing: 有理解錯誤嗎? 03/30 19:32
7F:推 AirOctopus: 1. B要用were torn down被動 03/30 20:42
8F:→ AirOctopus: 2. D裡John Paul Stevens只有一個,不用the再指定 03/30 20:47
9F:→ AirOctopus: 3. thousands of children是復數,要用remain 03/30 20:49
10F:→ AirOctopus: 4. Moreover之類的,語意比較通 03/30 20:51
11F:推 Yoshiko: 路過看到,欸第1題D錯喔,應該是What if you dress。B句 04/05 14:35
12F:→ Yoshiko: 無誤欸,(順便回應樓上,有連接詞and才會用were torn) 04/05 14:35
13F:推 Yoshiko: 第2題,the沒錯,錯在應將which called for改為who calle 04/05 14:40
14F:→ Yoshiko: d for 或直接calling for即可 04/05 14:40

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