Eng-Class 板


※ [本文轉錄自 translator 看板] 作者: Kalovi (世に廃れ者なし) 看板: translator 標題: [問題] BBC國家檔案14 時間: Fri Aug 10 19:45:45 2007 1.In 1952 the United Nations resolved to establish it as an autonomous entity federated with Ethiopia as a compromise between Ethiopia claims for sovereignty and Eritrean aspirations for independence. 1952年聯合國決議確立厄利垂亞為一與衣索比亞結盟的自治體,以作為宣稱擁有主權的 衣國和可望獨立的厄國之間的一個妥協。 2.Although largely free from the coups that have plagued other African countries,Ethiopia's turmoil has been no less devastating. 雖然衣索比亞大多不像其他非洲國家政變頻仍,但是它的毀滅性動亂沒有比較少。 3.Deregulation has been on the cards for some years and in 2006 licenses were awarded to two private FM stations in the capital. 解制已實行多年,2006年首都兩家FM私人頻道也取得核准。 4.Despite being made up of more than 40 ethnic groups,Gabon has escaped the strife afflicting other West African states. 儘管是由四十多個種族所構成,然而加彭並未有其他西非國家所遭遇的鬥爭。 5.Reporters Without Borders(RSF) has described press freedom in Gambia as "catastrophic",with death threats,surveillance and arbitrary night-time arrests the daily lot of journalists"who do not sing the government's praises". 無疆界記者組織描述甘比亞的新聞自由糟糕透了,有著死亡威脅、監視和每天任意夜間 逮捕大多沒有唱頌政府的記者。 6.The lucrative tourist industry has bounced back following the slump that followed bomb attacks in Nairobi in 1998 and Mombasa in 2002. 商機大的觀光業隨著98年奈洛比和02年蒙巴薩炸彈攻擊後的委靡已慢慢復甦。 7.Former and current ministers have been implicated in an alleged scam involving shadow deals and large sums of public money. 前任和現任部長遭控涉嫌介入非正式交易和龐大公款金額的一場騙局。 8.Economic woes have been compounded by the scrapping of a global textile quota system which esposed producers to Asian competition. 經濟困難由於廢除可以和亞洲競爭的產品之全球紡織品定額制而加深了。 以上, 請多指教! 謝謝! --

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1F:推 nikecezanne:第一題 去掉"一個" 中文不說一個妥協 08/10 19:56

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