Eng-Class 板


News of the Corruption Case of Kong Jaw-sheng 1.Top financial regulator (n) 最高金融管理者 2.Leave the post (v) 離職 剀 Stay on the post (n) 續職 3.Suspend (v) 終止(職位、交易、條件等) 4.Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) (n) 金管會 5.Prosecutor (n) 檢察官 6.Alleged involvement in corrupt deals (n) 疑似介入貪污案 7.State-owned/run Taiwan Sugar Corp (n) 國營的台糖公司 8.Under investigation (n) 接受調查 9.Civil service (n) 公職 (Civil servant (n) 公務員) 10.Prove the innocence (n) 證明清白 11.Regard honor as his second life (v) 把榮譽看成第二生命 12.Act with the highest moral standard (v) 遵從最高道德標準 13.Avoid the legally required bidding process (n) 躲避法律上所需的競標程序 14.Break/violate the rule (v) 違規 (Obey/comply with the rule (v) 遵守規定) 15.Tender his resignation (v) 遞出辭呈 16.Be mired in several high-level corruption scandals (v) 陷入好幾件高階貪污案中 17.Cleanse its tarnished image (v) 洗淨受損的形象 18.Take precedence over (v) 優於;高於 = precede 19.Probe/ investigate the case (v) 調查此案 20.Trust the judicial system (v) 信任司法體制 News of Allegations of Chao Chien-ming’s Insider Trading 21.Cancel the DPP membership (v) 放棄民進黨員身分 22.Osteopath at the Taiwan University Hospital (n) 台大醫院的骨科醫生 23.Snowballing insider trading scandal (n) 滾雪球般擴大的內線交易醜聞 24.Protect the party’s image (v) 保護黨的形象 Tarnish the image (v) 毀壞形象 25.DPP caucus (n) 民進黨團 26.Donate their profits (v) 捐出獲利所得 27.Apologize for the scandal (v) 為醜聞而道歉 28.Buy the stock (v) 買股票 (Stock market (n) 股票市場) 29.The controversies had entered into judicial process 這些爭議已進入司法程序 30.Withdraw from DPP of my own accord (v) 自願退出民進黨 31.Preside over the swearing-in ceremony (v) 主持宣誓就職典禮 32.The first family (n) 第一家庭 (The first lady (n) 第一夫人) 33.The scandal is exposed/disclosed 醜聞曝光 34.Subpoena (v) 傳訊 (n) 傳票 = summons = process = citation 35.Get to the bottom of the matter (v) 搞清事情的真相 36.The popularity has sunk to an all-time low 支持度下滑到空前新低 37.Broadside (n) 任意謾罵 = severe criticism 38.Absolve (v) 赦免;寬恕 + 人 from 事情 39.Find out the irregularities and uphold justice (v) 找出不法,維護正義 40.Taipei district court (n) 台北地方法院 News of the Joint Examination for Gifted Student 41.Declare the nullification (v) 宣布取消 42.Joint examination (n) 聯合考試 43.Pick talented student (v) 挑選資優生 44.MOE = Ministry of Education (n) 教育部 45.Outstanding academic performance (n) 優異的學業成績 46.Gifted student class (n) 資優班 47.Sponsor (v) 贊助;提倡 (n) 提倡者 48.Announce the test result void (v) 宣布考試結果無效 49.Reiterate (v) 重申 = reaffirm 50.Cram school (n) 補習班 51.Law-breaking local governments and school leaders(n)違法的地方政府與學校長官 52.Totalitarian (n) 集權主義者 (Totalitarianism (n) 集權主義) 53.Nullify (v) 宣布無效 = announce sth. void/ null 54.Scoff at (v) 嗤之以鼻 = despise = look down on 55.Segregate (v) 使分離 = divide/separate + into 56.Vocational training schools (n) 職業訓練學校 57.Create a booming business for cram schools (v) 為補習業者創造巨大商機 -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/No1Kelvin 喜歡觀察體驗這世界 喜歡把心情寫成文章 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 alanqq:好文一定要推的 05/20 18:33
2F:推 maorimiao:真的很棒耶! 05/20 18:45
3F:推 aquablue:推依下 感謝! 05/20 22:12
4F:推 zmcse:nullification 取消 應該是無效才對 05/23 09:31

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