Eng-Class 板


資料來源:Prentice Hall Handbook for Writers (Ch.45) When only part of a word will fit at the end of a line, divide the word between syllables and use a hyphen to indicate the break. Always place the hyphen at the end of the line after the first part of a divided word, not at the beginning of the next line on which you complete the word. When you are in doubt about the syllabication of a word, consult a good dic- tionary. Desk dictionaries normally use dots to divide words between syllables: bank‧rupt, col‧lec‧tive, ma‧lig‧nant, punc‧ture. Note that not every syl- lable marks an appropriate point at which to divide a word at the end of a line. If a word cannot be correctly divided between syllables, move the entire word to the beginning of the next line. a. Do not divide words pronounced as one syllable. WRONG thr-ee cl-own yearn-ed scream-ed REVISED three clown yearned screamed b. Do not divide a word so that a single letter stands alone on a line. WRONG wear-y e-rupt a-way o-val REVISED weary erupt away oval c.When dividing a compound word that already contains a hyphen, make the break only where the hyphen occurs. AWKWARD pre-Dar-winian well-in-formed Pan-Amer-ican REVISED pre-Darwinian well-informed Pan-American d. Divide compound words only between the parts. When possible, divide words with suffixes or prefixes between the parts. COMPOUND WORDS snowmobiles(snow-mobiles) headache(head-ache) PREFIXES misinterpret(mis-interpret) disengage(dis-engage) SUFFIXES resentment(resent-ment) joblessness(jobless-ness) e. Do not divide figures, abbreviations, or contractions. WRONG 36,-000 YW-CA NA-TO were-n't did-n't REVISED 36.000 YWCA NATO weren't didn't -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/fizeau http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/fizeau/ --
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1F:→ yhli817: Grammar in Use 系列英版美版只差在單字用法的不一樣, 08/20 14:49
2F:→ yhli817: 例如:英式用 shop,美式用 store。至於美式沒出到 Adva 08/20 14:49
3F:→ yhli817: nced,是因為都已經有能力讀到進階文法了,是英式美式就 08/20 14:49
4F:→ yhli817: 沒差了吧?另外,劍橋(的英語教材)在臺灣的總代理是一 08/20 14:49
5F:→ yhli817: 家叫「華泰文化」的出版社,誠品只是進貨,有需求可以直 08/20 14:49
6F:→ yhli817: 接洽詢華泰文化的客服。 08/20 14:49

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