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簡單說是此時此刻4680的電量密度比2170低,244 wh/kg : 269 wh/kg,但是存在成本優 勢一組電池包少了3600美金,並且會持續擴大到5500美金。 個人覺得便宜的電動車浪潮可能會比想像中的快襲來,類似46xx尺寸的電池技術不會只有 特有,對岸寧德時代也在規劃幫BMW做印象中是4690的電池,2025年和油車在價格上黃金 交叉可能不會被原物料那些影響,鴻海的平價電動車也加油 啊對了這篇文章電黑車板應該90%人看不懂,笑,他們只看的懂對岸來源堪慮的簡體字訊 息 Tesla 4680 vs 2170 battery cell test reveals lower energy density in the Texas -made Model Y https://www.notebookcheck.net/Tesla-4680-vs-2170-battery-cell-test-reveals-low er-energy-density-in-the-Texas-made-Model-Y.669162.0.html Those Model Y buyers who queue for an Austin-made unit with the 'revolutionary ' 4680 battery cell may be in for a disappointment. A teardown and analysis of one such cell returned lower energy density than that of the Model Y with 217 0 battery. Still, Tesla benefits from the lower per-pack price. After a Model Y cell-to-chassis 4680 battery platform teardown that revealed i t's nigh impossible to replace the pack's individual battery cells, now those same cells were tested for energy density and chemical composition, confirming the somewhat disappointing results from previous 4680 teardowns. It turns out that Tesla's touted 4680 battery has lower energy density than the tried-and- true 2170 cells it's been putting in its electric vehicles en masse. The analysis returned 244 Wh/kg energy density for an almost new Model Y 4680 battery cell, compared to 269 Wh/kg for the ubiquitous Panasonic 2170 cells th at Tesla uses in its long-range vehicles here in the US. This jibes with recen t revelations that the main reason Tesla is using 4680 batteries at the moment is to cut manufacturing costs, rather than any of the other pie-in-the-sky ad vantages announced on Battery Day a few years back. A Model Y's 4680 pack, for instance, is US$3,600 cheaper to manufacture than o ne with 2170 cells, but even then Tesla is only halfway through with the cost reduction potential of the new technology. It has yet to master and scale the dry-coating cathode method which would bring the pack's cost down US$5,500 com pared to the 2170 battery. For now, the battery that is in the Model Y assembled in the Austin factory is cheaper to produce than the 2170-equipped units because the larger cells allo w for manufacturing efficiencies resulting in a lighter pack. The Tesla 4680 c ell analysis found it to have thicker walls than its 2170 counterpart, as the cell-to-chassis technology actually uses the cans as structural packs for the vehicle. That's one small reason for its lower energy density, offset by using a much thicker cathode in the 4680 cell, unfortunately still made with the sl ower and expensive wet-coating method. The thicker cathode only bumps the 4680 capacity by 15% compared to the one in the 2170 cell, though, as it uses less nickel in its chemical composition. In stead, there is more of the expensive but less efficient cobalt for reasons th at might have to do with the recent challenges in nickel supply. The other big reason for the superior energy density of Panasonic's 2170 cells is that they have 10% silicon in their anode, whereas the 4680 unit has none. All in all, however, if accounting for all those structural and chemical compo sition differences, the 4680 and 2170 battery cells that Tesla uses have prett y similar adjusted energy density. It's just that the 4680 is not currently li ving up to its full potential but for its cost benefits that keep Tesla's prof it margins intact. Tesla may have other Model Y versions with a 4680 battery in the works, though , as it was just granted three Certificates of Conformity for the 2023 Model Y by the EPA. These include an AWD Model Y Long Range, as well as an AWD Model Y Performance and an AWD Model Y, too. Let's not forget that the 4680 cell sou rced for this analysis was produced over the summer, and the production method s may be improved for the new 2023 Model Y versions, too. --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/EV/M.1669010162.A.EC5.html ※ 編輯: decolonize ( 臺灣), 11/21/2022 14:07:03
1F:→ aggressorX: 原來4680能量密度反而低嗎 不是全面提升? 11/21 15:29
2F:→ decolonize: 猜想是技術上的問題還沒克服,以後應該會升上去 11/21 16:04
3F:推 KBchen: 能量密度本來就比較低 是體積變大總能量高而已11/21 16:24
4F:→ RunForestRun: 大規模量產前都是畫大餅11/21 19:40
5F:→ hiphoprover: CATL幫BMW做兩款4690和46120,120會拿來搭配大型休旅 11/22 03:31
6F:推 HyDroGen2528: 推4680的主要目的不是為了降成本嗎 11/22 07:58
7F:推 carllace: 磷酸鋰的能量密度比不上三元鋰啊 11/22 13:35
8F:→ carllace: 三元鋰的鈷酸太貴,四元鋰或磷酸鋰都是以降低成本為主 11/22 13:37
9F:推 kids1991: 長姿勢11/22 15:09
10F:→ hiphoprover: 4680主要是降成本沒錯,而且BMW自己也說採用新電池之11/22 17:53
11F:→ hiphoprover: 後成本最多可以降低50% 但我想車價應該不會降 XD 11/22 17:55
12F:推 YCL13: 4680的優點電池組的結構更簡單,省下的結構應該可以補目前 11/22 21:08
13F:→ YCL13: 能量密度的差距吧 11/22 21:08
※ 編輯: decolonize ( 臺灣), 11/22/2022 22:35:04
14F:推 carllace: 磷酸鋰鐵電池不用鈷啊,四元鋰是用鋁減少鈷的量 11/22 22:40
15F:推 linbryan: 應該這樣説.成本降低.能量密度降低. km/kwatt也降低.但 11/23 16:27
16F:→ linbryan: 最前者比最後者重要很多.所以整體來講是正面的 11/23 16:27
17F:→ GOPOL: 本來也想等4680 但是看到國外實測 似乎沒差多久 就下訂了 11/23 19:56
18F:→ GOPOL: 而且LR和性能版樣全面採用4680不知道要等到多久 11/23 19:57
19F:推 carllace: 能量密度低,安全性相對高,串並成大電池後可以減少一些 11/23 21:27
20F:→ carllace: 保護措施的重量 11/23 21:27
21F:推 gso1987: 看單顆電池沒意義 要用整體電池包和結構來看 4680 & stru 11/24 23:00
22F:→ gso1987: ctural pack可以省下原本保護電池的結構重量 11/24 23:00

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