作者: momo2585 (培養氣質的桔喵) 看板: PingTung 標題: [轉錄]Re: [新聞] 半罩式安全帽 較不傷頸椎 時間: Thu Dec 20 03:13:46 2007 前幾天由中時發表的一篇新聞, 指出如標題所示的:半罩式安全帽 較不傷頸椎 相關連結:http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/071218/4/q48y.html (連結無毒) 但是經過東機車友向此篇新聞裡的 Dr. Yang 求證之後, 我們的妓者誤解了 Dr. Yang 的本意了... 以下為東機車友與 Dr. Yang 信件來往的內容, 再加上 Biker 的鄉長 - Haiker, 為了看不懂英文的鄉民所做的結論。 ---------- ※ [本文轉錄自 biker 看板] 作者: Haiker (單純偏執狂) 看板: biker 標題: Re: [新聞] 半罩式安全帽 較不傷頸椎 時間: Thu Dec 20 02:34:13 2007 轉自東吳機研部品板 有板友找到發表原文的教授 也取得回應並同意公開此段回信:p 都是原文,看得懂的就看 不想看英文的 結論我直接告訴大家,原教授同意全罩式是優於半罩or3/4(open face) "I believe that full-faced helmets are better than open helmets." ---- 楊博士已同意在所有區域公開其回應 但是為求謹慎 請各位轉錄時 請把全文轉錄 由於是回應我的信件 懇請各位一併把我的信件附上 把過程全部呈現 以下是全文 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: about full-face motorcycle helmets, response from Taiwan Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:48:15 -0500 Can you please give me the URL for what I was supposed to have said. I don't recall saying that full-faced motorcycle helmets are more dangerous than open-faced ones. I may have been misinterpreted or misquoted. I remember talking to a reporter in Taiwan about how modern helmets have higher backs and that this is a good because it reduces the risk of spinal cord injury. I was referring only to the rear and praised this development. I believe that full-faced helmets are better than open helmets. Wise. 我的再回覆 Hi, I didn't expect that you replied so soon. I have to apologize for misunderstanding you. Our reporters did not do their job well and made her report being misleading and let you take the heat. There has been so many mortorcyclist saying sth bad about you. I will explaine your reply to them on the bbs or other websites. Is it ok that I post your reply on those bbs systems or websites? Here is the link of the article. http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/071218/4/q48y.html Sorry, I shouldn't say 'your article'. It's a report of our reporters. Dustin Wu. 楊的再回覆 Yes, you may quote me. Wise. 有沒有哪位板友熟悉媒體界的,讓他去爆看看 誤導誤很大.... -- Blog Open http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Haiker1207 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 guithawk:英文真好....(跪) 12/20 02:38
2F:推 momo2585:接轉錄應該很像你說的全部都附上的意思吧 12/20 02:40
3F:→ momo2585:........我居然腦殘把水球內容用推文送出 12/20 02:41
4F:推 WlshCloud:推 不過楊教授英文更漂亮XD 12/20 02:42
momo2585:轉錄至看板 NZJH_32TH305 12/20 02:42
5F:推 mb070:要不要轉到八卦版啊 感覺會來Biker的都懂 12/20 02:44
6F:→ mb070:八卦版應該有比較多會被誤導的人 12/20 02:45
7F:→ Haiker:請便:p 12/20 02:45
8F:→ Haiker:越多人知道越好....:p 12/20 02:45
9F:推 momo2585:感謝鄉長借我轉錄..希望推廣安全帽:) 12/20 02:45
Haiker:轉錄至看板 SuperBike 12/20 02:46 mb070:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 12/20 02:47 xxxEVA:轉錄至看板 FJ_Astroclub 12/20 02:59 imanikki:轉錄至看板 media-chaos 12/20 03:09 momo2585:轉錄至看板 ChungLi 12/20 03:12 Haiker:轉錄至看板 Kaohsiung 12/20 03:12 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: momo2585 來自: (12/20 03:15) --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From: ※ 編輯: prudencemf 來自: (12/20 08:41)
10F:→ prudencemf:記者弄錯,真害人不淺... 12/20 18:09
11F:推 cloud6564:請問全罩優於3/4的原因是為什麼? 01/26 00:56

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