DragonQuest 板


(在城堡周圍努力的找了找,看到了一艘小船) (航行到城門底下,驚訝的發現了這兒有個入口) (進入後有一個像是祭壇的地方,在祭壇正中央調查後) There seems to be a protrusion in the stone. Will you press it? (Yes) (一陣聲響後,後方的牆開了一個開口) (往下深入後,在一個牢房見到一老人) 老人: Hmm? Is someone there? I’ve been here for too long now… And my ears and eyes no longer serve me as well as they once did… But I can tell you this simple truth! The one who got rid of Prince Henry was none other than the former Queen, and our present Empress! And yet she pretended to be torn apart by his disappearance and even blamed the whole ordeal on Papas! Even destroyed his village… Never have I met such a vile and repulsive woman… But soon… she’ll get hers! (接著在另一個牢房裡發現了皇后(?)) Queen: Finally! Someone’s here! I am this country’s Queen… Now hurry up and get me out of here!!! Queen: What? You dare say you do not believe that I am an Empress? Oh! How irritating! Oh yes, it was I, who ten years ago had that brat Henry kidnapped and sent to his grave! But it was all for my dear son. All to make Dale the King! Part of being a parent, I suppose… But now, I truly do regret doing such a thing… So please… do not leave me here… *sob* (狠心的丟下皇后之後,出了地下水道後來到了王宮的庭園) (看到了可愛的小狗狗,沒想到接近後一聲吼叫變成了Dragon Pup怪物^^”) 廚房大嬸: The Empress, back when she was but a Queen seemed to truly care for her son, Dale. But the moment he became King, she became a totally different person, almost overnight… Now, it seems as though she considers King Dale to be a nuisance to her ambitions. I wonder… what could have happened? 廚房小姐: Hmm? Are you a stranger here? Oh, you must be newly hired here, eh? Then let me give you some advice. This country’s King is Lord Dale. But he is merely a puppet for the Empress. She holds the true power. So it would be best if you did not ever go up against her. Else, you may find your head lying by your feet… 一樓守衛: Hmm? The Empress called for you? Well, when you’re done, don’t loiter around the castle. Go home, you hear? 二樓學者房前守衛: This is the room of the great scholar, Desmond. Desmond: I am studying the evolution of life. People, living things, how did they come to be as they are now? Can they grow stronger…? I have heard that there was once a way to manipulate such evolution… Perhaps it was just an act of God. 二樓守衛: Today I had to execute one more person who was unable to pay their taxes… True, it is an order from the Empress, but how much longer can something this heinous continue with such impunity? 三樓大臣: What business do you have with our country? As you can see, our King is not feeling himself today. Come back tomorrow. Dale: You heard the Chancellor, did you not? We do not feel up to speaking with anyone today. Be gone from our sight. Henry whispers softly: Very true, my liege, but remember this… goons always listen to their masters… Dale: …!! That means… You are…!! Chancellor!! Leave us! I must be alone with these travelers! (大臣走後) Henry! My dear brother! You’re alive! Henry: Yeah… sorry for my absence ‘til now… But first off… Dale: What? Mother’s in the dungeon?! Henry: Shhhhhhh! Not so loud, Dale! Dale: Now that I think of it, things were going a bit odd… I don’t remember when, but I read in some book about a magical mirror… It was on the book shelf of the castle’s storage room… Here, take this key with you… it should come in handy… (MATHPIG has found a Reinhart’s Key!) Be careful… (離開前跟大臣說說話) Chancellor: To avoid a man of my caliber! What on Earth does the King plan on doing…? Oh well, so long as the Empress lives, this country will be peaceful. (到了一樓的倉庫前,用了鑰匙開門,調查了書櫃) MATHPIG looked at the bookshelf. You found an old diary! MATHPIG read the diary. Day * Month * Year “Today I traveled through the palace’s warp gate to a Southern land. In that land stands a tower. And in that tower is said to exist a mirror that reflects the truth of all things. But the door to such a tower would not open itself to me. Only the nunnery possesses the Key…” (再往下走去,看到一個藍色泉水狀的東西,原來就是所謂的傳送門) (傳送到另一處後,往下走看到了日記中所說的高塔,到了門口) MATHPIG attempted to open the door, but it refuses to budge! -- 好不容易在Dale的幫助下找到了真假王后的”破案”關鍵 塔中的鏡子就在觸手可及之處,卻被深鎖的門擋住 記憶之中,某處似乎有日記中所載的女修道院… 那兒 會有開門的關鍵嗎? --

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1F:推 Flory:你用心 啾甘心 推 02/06 14:55

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