DragonQuest 板


山壁內村民: What to do, what to do? The master went to fetch some herbs but still hasn’t returned… I think he went into the cave in this village… But I wonder what happened to him? 教堂外村民: This is a church. If you go inside and pray, you can make a record of your journey. 教堂內修女: I heard that your mother passed away when you were still a baby. But you’ll be fine. After all, you’ve got such a strong and kind father to look after you. 村內老人: You’re a good boy aren’t you? Then be careful not to get in your father's way, okay? 女村民: This is the village of Santa Rosa. If you head West, you’ll eventually reach the city of Alcapa. 洞口前守衛: If you go further along the path, you’ll reach a cave… But if you get lost in there, don’t say I didn’t warn you. (雖然守衛想推卸責任,但MATHPIG還是得進去找爸爸) (到了B3,看到一個人躺在地上,被大石壓著) 路人: *snore snore* Huh? What? Where? Ha ha, lying here for so long must have made me sleepy… Guess I dozed off for awhile! When I was walking along, this giant rock came out of nowhere and fell on top of me… Little boy, do me a favor… help me push this rock off? The fall injured my shoulder… (身為乖寶寶的MATHPIG當然義不容辭地推開了石頭) 路人: Phew! Thank the lord! And thank you, little boy! Now I can go deliver this medicine to Duncan’s wife! Oops! I can’t dilly dally! I’ve got to get back and prepare the medicine. (MATHPIG來不及問他有沒有看到Papas,他就走掉了,只有自己再找囉><”) (接著看到了一隻Slime) Slime: Don’t hurt me, please! I’m really not a bad little slime! I know! I’ll tell you something helpful! When you want to search lots of different places, you should use the blue button!(唉呀~~超任的回憶啊) (再往下找也不見Papas的踨影,所以還是先離開洞窟,回Sancho大叔的家休息吧) (一早起床後,Sancho, Papas, Bianca及她的媽媽都已經在樓下了) Papas: Ah, you’re awake! Bianca and her mother got the medicine they needed, so they’re going home today… But I get such a bad feeling having two women out walking alone… I was thinking of escorting them back to Alcapa… Do you want to come along? (Yes) Alright then! Let’s get a move on it while there’s still daylight! (No) Oh, stop complaining and come along with me. It’ll be fun! Sancho: Master Papas, please take care… and you too, young master! (到了村口) 村口守衛: Ah, Papas, are you heading out somewhere? Papas: Just to the city of Alcapa. 村口守衛: Well, take care then! (於是一行四人出村後,打敗了一組來襲的怪物,終於還是順利到達了Alcapa) ---- 經過了洞窟中獨自的探險 MATHPIGPIG一顆愛冒險的心 似乎已經蠢蠢欲動 --

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