ChthoniC 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1NPGQSdc ] 作者: joe6304105 (老衲) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 路透社:林昶佐談從搖滾歌手轉型成國會 時間: Sat Jun 18 16:30:14 2016 1.媒體來源: 路透社 reuters 2.完整新聞標題: Out on a Lim: Taiwan hard-rocker finds transition to parliament tough 林昶佐談從搖滾歌手轉型成國會議員的困難 3.完整新聞內文: After two decades in make-up fronting one of Asia's biggest heavy metal bands, Freddy Lim is finding the transition to the more formal surroundings of the Taiwanese parliament harder than expected. 從一個成軍20年,亞洲最大的重金屬樂團之一的成員,轉型成為國會議員,林昶佐 坦承這個過程比他預期的還要困難。 Six months after being elected legislator in Taipei's 5th District, the long-haired political activist and lead singer of Chthonic is still trying to get his new colleagues to overlook his "weird" appearance in parliament. 自半年前當選台北第五選區的代表委員以來,這位閃靈樂團的長髮歌手仍然在努力 讓他的同事們習慣他獨特的外觀。 "It's not just that I was shocked, I think the entire system and the office and the people in the parliament were shocked," Lim told Reuters of his political arrival before the Metal Hammer Golden Gods awards in London this week. 在英國倫敦得到搖滾金神獎後,林昶佐在會後接受路透訪談說:「選舉結果不只讓我 驚訝,整個社會跟國會人員也是。」 Chthonic's music often focuses on Taiwan's identity, with graphic music videos such as 2013 hit 'Supreme Pain for the Tyrant'. 閃靈的音樂強調對台灣本土的認同,例如2013年有著強烈畫面的MV「破夜斬」 But he told the London crowd after picking up the Global Metal Band award that he now channels "the anger from my metal head persona into parliament". 他在金神獎的頒獎典禮上致詞提到,他將帶著重金屬的憤怒進入國會。 The human rights campaigner, former chairman of Taiwan's Amnesty International and co-founder of the political New Power Party, said he had found the switch to politics more difficult than expected. 林昶佐同時也是個人權活動家,他擔任過國際特赦組織台灣分會的會長,也是台灣新興 政黨「時代力量」的原始創黨員,他並坦言切換為國會議員身分後,整個政治運行的困 難程度超乎他的預期。 However, he believed rock stars were "strong" and therefore effective at tackling issues, even if they impacted on his music. 不論如何,他相信搖滾明星對社會議題的發聲可以帶來很強的力量,即使這樣會影響 到他自己的音樂事業。 "I just can't tour like I used to," the 40-year-old singer said. 這位40歲的歌手最後表示:「我已經沒辦法像以前那樣到處巡迴了。」 (Writing by Patrick Johnston in Singapore; Editing by Nick Macfie) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): 5.備註: --

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※ 轉錄者: joe6304105 (, 06/18/2016 16:31:06

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