ChthoniC 板


因為看到有版友分享日文翻釋,所以就把我已經貼在youtube MV下的也轉到這裡來 ------原文照轉------ I was bored the other day. So I translated the lyrics. 前兩天搭火車的時候很無聊,就隨手翻譯了一下。 厝崩 橋 眾生掣 Houses collapse, bridges break, we are shivering. 霆雷 爍爁 天烏陰 Thunders, lightnings, the sky turns dark. 砲火 銃聲 獨裁者 Shellfires, gun shots, dictators 邪氣 屍臭 魔神仔 Malice, stench, evil spirits 昨暝夢中 輕聲細說是誰人? (是誰人?) Last night in my dream, whose was the voice whispering to me? (who was it?) 今日亂世 改朝換代是逐一冬? (是逐一冬?) We live in a world of chaos. When will this be ended? (when will it be?) 武德殿外 敵我不明對誰來效忠? (對誰來效忠?) Outside Bu-Tik palace, everyone looks like the enemy. To whom should I pledge allegiance? ( To whom should I pledge allegiance?) 醒靈寺內 鬼神難分向誰來詛誓? Inside Sing-Ling temple, no differences between gods and ghosts. To whom should I pray? 厝崩 橋 眾生掣 Houses collapse, bridges break,we are shivering. 霆雷 爍爁 天烏陰 Thunders, lightnings, the sky turns dark 砲火 銃聲 獨裁者 Shellfires, gun shots, dictators 邪氣 屍臭 魔神仔 Malice, stench, evil spirits 昨暝夢中 輕聲細說是誰人? (敢是我?) Last night in my dream, whose was the voice whispering to me? (was it me?) 今日亂世 改朝換代是逐一冬? (敢是夢?) We live in a world of chaos. When will this be ended? (or only in our dreams?) 武德殿外 敵我不明對誰來效忠? (佮誰參詳?) Outside Bu-Tik palace, everyone looks like the enemy. To whom should I pledge allegiance? ( To whom should I confide in?) 醒靈寺內 鬼神難分向誰來詛誓? Inside Sing-Ling temple, no differences between gods and ghosts. To whom should I pray? 向誰詛誓 ? To whom should I pray? 等誰宣判 ? Who will judge me in the end? 向誰詛誓 ? To whom should I pray? 等誰宣判 ? Who will judge me in the end? 孽鏡台 鑿目光 火薰中 愈來愈明 Mirror of sins, sparkles , glitters by the fire 跤鐐手銬 拖磨聲 迷亂中 愈來愈清 Shackles, tortures, jangle, tinkle in my dream 萬劫不復 Forever lost 萬劫不復 Forever lost 萬劫不復 Forever lost 萬劫不復 Forever lost Chorus 數百年 戰袂煞 我輩武德 For centuries, we fight. We, the followers of Bu-Tik 千萬人 拚袂退 勇者無敵 Thousands of us, never give in. The braves are fearless 數百年 戰袂煞 我輩武德 For centuries, we fight. We, the followers of Bu-Tik 千萬人 拚袂退 勇者無敵 Thousands of us, never give in. The braves are fearless 千年也萬年 Millenniums after millenniums 我孤魂已束縛佇遮 千年也萬年? My soul have been trapped here alone for how many millenniums? 生死簿的名字 Oh, the names on the death list 目睭前一逝一逝 生死簿的名字 One by one, pass before my eyes, the names on the death list 千年也萬年 Millenniums after millenniums 生死簿的名字 Names on the death list 數百年 戰袂煞 我輩武德 For centuries, we fight. We, the followers of Bu-Tik 千萬人 拚袂退 勇者無敵 Thousands of us, never give in. The braves are fearless 數百年 戰袂煞 我輩武德 For centuries, we fight. We, the followers of Bu-Tik 千萬人 拚袂退 勇者無敵 Thousands of us, never give in. The braves are fearless 千年也萬年 Millenniums after millenniums 生死簿的名字 Names on the death list 千年也萬年 Millenniums after millenniums 萬劫不復 Forever lost ---------------------- 裡面的「生死簿」,我沒有把它翻成 Book of Life and Death, 因為我想這裡要強調的是死去的人,Book of Life and Death太繞口了。 「孽鏡台」、「邪氣」也是同樣的道理,我想外國朋友應該不太熟悉台灣民俗的符號 ,孽鏡台就簡單直譯Mirror of sins, 邪氣也只譯成「惡意」Malice。 ---------------------- 以上。 我的google帳號是Jane TS。這原本是去年十月貼在MV下的翻譯。 --

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