ChthoniC 板


※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1MVx2jiV ] 作者: DeathEraser (擦) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 金屬樂手林昶佐在自由廣場開選舉晚會 時間: Sun Dec 27 17:34:33 2015 theguardian報導 (英國外媒) Taiwan’s heavy metal star rallies fans to run for parliament on anti-China platform 台灣重金屬明星林昶佐在自由廣場舉辦大型競選造勢吸引大票粉絲 (有人知道知道為什麼這個外媒把中正廟/自由廣場寫成anti-China platform嗎?) For many in the city of Taipei and across Taiwan, it was the most hotly awaited event of the year. Tens of thousands of music fans gathered in Liberty Square on Saturday night for an extraordinary free concert which marked the 20th anniversary of Chthonic, the country’s most famous heavy metal band. 2015年台灣重金屬樂迷最期待的年度盛事 - 閃靈樂團成軍20周年演唱會在昨天展開 Wearing combat boots, lead singer Freddy Lim held the stage with the brand of music that has seen the Taiwanese “black metal” band dubbed the Black Sabbath of Asia. 總而言之說閃靈是東方黑色安息日 But this was not just any gig: it was also a political rally ahead of a crucial year for Taiwan. Described as a “concert to calm the soul and defend the nation”, the event was intended to energise Taiwanese youth and gain political support for Lim’s new role – as a parliamentary candidate for the New Power party (NPP). 這場鎮魂護國演唱會同時也是主唱林昶佐成立時代力量政黨並投身國會議員選舉的大型 造勢晚會 The party, which was formed earlier this year, emerged out of Taiwan’s 2004 Sunflower student movement and represents, said Lim, a means “to channel the energy and frustration of young activists and frustrated Taiwanese” ahead of the parliamentary elections on 16 January. 林昶佐表示時代力量這個政黨是由2014(原文寫成2004)年台灣的太陽花社會運動後 所凝聚的年輕力量而組成 Last year, student demonstrators occupied government offices and the parliament in Taipei in protest over a new trade pact with China. The demonstrators adopted a sunflower as the symbol of their movement and this month’s elections will be a significant test of its strength. 太陽花運動指的是台灣學生在去年反對政府與中國政府之間的黑箱貿易協商 並成為今年選舉的一項重要象徵 “For the past three years, we have been playing around Europe, the US and Japan and we have only met our Taiwanese fans on protests. We felt it was now time, at this key moment in Taiwan’s politics, that we join together with our fans and get the energy going again,” said Lim. “It’s a show of how we support freedom of speech and to encourage our fans to all try their best over the coming year to change Taiwan for the better. There is a new political space and it will allow more and more young people to bring about real change in Taiwan.” 林昶佐表示,過去三年閃靈一直在歐洲與日本表演,在台灣見到樂迷的場合反而是 在街頭抗爭運動中,現在的競選是把這些年輕的力量聚集起來,並把這些可望改變 的想法送入台灣國會。 After two decades of touring the world with Chthonic – pronounced “thonic” – and several years as a human rights campaigner and chair of Taiwan’s Amnesty International, Lim now ties back his rocker’s long hair during daylight hours and wears an elegant suit. “This is the hard part,” he said of his new role, “getting really involved and committing to that. But I have been very encouraged by fans and I felt I should do more than just protest, that I should enter the political process. The band have been supportive – perhaps less supportive when they realised the songwriting was drying up a bit, but supportive again when they felt that I might actually win!” 在以重金屬樂手的身分闖蕩世界20年後,林昶佐把他的頭髮綁起來並穿上競選服裝 林昶佐表示這場是個十分艱困的選舉,不過因為有歌迷的支持他相信最終會贏得勝利 Already the NPP has become the third party in the country, which is now facing a crucial moment over its future as an independent state. For years, Taiwan has been locked in a two-party rivalry between the pro-China ruling Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive party (DPP), which is pushing to maintain de facto independence. Since coming to power in 2008, the KMT under Ma Ying-Jeou has steered Taiwan ever closer to Beijing, to the dismay of many Taiwanese – particularly the younger generation, who fear increased restrictions on their freedoms. 現在的時代力量幾乎已經是台灣第三大黨,台灣過去幾年由KMT與DPP兩大政黨分庭抗禮 由於馬政府從2008年開始的傾中政策,使許多氣到彈出來的年輕人開始捍衛他們的民主 自由 “We are a free market, a free country. There is no censorship on our music: you can promote any act in Taiwan,” said Lim, whose own band is one of many acts banned from playing in China. 林昶佐說,我們有著自由的貿易環境、自由的國家,並且在音樂創作上不會遇到任何的 限制 “But there is a strong feeling of alienation, and people feel that the political decisions which are being made haven’t been through any sort of democratic review process. Its not just students but a lot of citizens who feel politics have nothing to do with them. It is being decided by the president that China and Taiwan will come closer together – against people’ s will. 林昶佐接著表示,但年輕人有感於現在的政府政策並不傾向給人民監督,使得台灣與 中國越來越靠近 “They don’t necessarily want to be estranged from China, but they do want to exist as different entities. Four years ago, president Ma Ying-Jeou said he would never meet with the president of China, then he is there, shaking his hand, and without any consideration of the people’s feelings. The people of Taiwan feel let down.” 四年前馬英九總統表示不會跟中共領導人見面,四年後卻開心的舉辦馬習會 這讓許多台灣人感到徹底失望 Lim’s band have gained popularity through interweaving Taiwanese classical music and traditional instruments, as well as language, into their music and through lyrics which often incorporate national folklore. 閃靈的音樂交織著傳統的台灣樂曲、台語,以及台灣主權獨立的意識 China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949 when, as the Communists swept to power, the defeated Nationalist government fled to the island. 中國自稱有著台灣的主權,因為中國國民黨在1949年被共產黨打敗兒來接管台灣 China insists that other nations cannot have official relations with both countries at once, which has led to the diplomatic isolation of Taiwan. However, Taiwan has firm links with the US, from which it buys a great deal of its arms. 中國方面堅持其他國家不能干涉台灣與中國的關係,尤其是美國對台灣的軍售讓中國 官方相當感冒 Despite China’s efforts to blackball the country, Taiwan has become one of Asia’s big success stories as one of the world’s top producers of computer technology. 儘管台灣在各方面處處受到中國的打壓,台灣依舊成為了世界頂尖的科技王國之一 Whether Lim wins his seart in the election or not next month, he may need to hang on to the suit: in order to crowdfund this weekend’s free concert, Chthonic have already auctioned off their stage costumes, which will be sent out – unwashed – to the keenest of their fans. 不管林昶佐能否在這場選舉中勝出,他都必須把西裝脫下換上表演服裝,在這場 閃靈20周年鎮魂護國演唱會中演出,而表演結束後會把表演服裝送給贊助此演唱會的 歌迷。 --

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※ 轉錄者: DeathEraser (, 12/27/2015 17:35:03

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