Celtics 板


這一部份是為了寫薪資系列而開啟的後端程序,可以想像一邊是在進 行解碼與重新組構,另外一邊則是書寫文章。得請波士頓球迷原諒我 把暑假作業放在這裡寫 :) 這些後端資料處理程序,因為可能錯誤百出,請勿轉載..... ------------------------------------------------------------ from ARTICLE I : DEFINITIONS (bbb) "Room" means the extent to which: (i) a Team's then-current Team Salary is less than the Salary Cap; or (ii) a Team is entitled to use one of the Salary Cap Exceptions set forth in Article VII, Section 6(c), (d), (e) and (h) (Disabled Player, $1 Million, Mid-Level Salary and Assigned Player Exceptions). (球隊一定要有「薪資空間」才能簽他隊的自由球員)構成「空間」 的定義為: 1. 一支球隊目前的球隊薪資少於薪資上限。 2. 一支球隊得以運用的薪資上限例外條款。 ------------------------------ 什麼是薪資上限? (ddd) "Salary Cap" means the maximum allowable Team Salary for each Team for a Salary Cap Year, subject to the rules and exceptions set forth in this Agreement. 薪資上限是在薪資上限年度中,一支球隊除了規則與例外條款外,所 能容許的最大球隊薪資。 ------------------------------ 何時是薪資上限年度? (eee) "Salary Cap Year" means the period from July 1 through the following June 30. 從當年的七月一日到下一年的六月三十日。 ------------------------------ 薪資包含哪些內容? (ccc) "Salary" means, with respect to a Salary Cap Year, a player's Compensation with respect to the Season covered by such Salary Cap Year, plus any other amount that is deemed to constitute Salary in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, not including Unlikely Bonuses, any benefits the player received in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (including, e.g., the benefits provided for by Article IV, per diem, and moving expenses), and any portion of the player's Compensation that is attributable to another Salary Cap Year in accordance with this Agreement. Salary also includes any consideration received by a retired player that is deemed to constitute Salary in accordance with the terms of Article XIII. 一個球員的薪資其實有很多細項。定義上一個球季的薪資首先必須符 應薪資上限年度,其內涵: 1. 球員單季的酬庸(Compensation),外加依照規則估算所得結果 2. 排除Unlikely Bonuses(什麼是UB yungkai大人討論過)的其他元素。 Bonues的一些類型: 簽約獎金:均攤在opt year之前的各年,不受薪資上限限制,但算入球隊薪資 (signing bonuses) 表現獎金:簽約年受薪資上限限制,之後分為UB或LB,後者算入球隊薪資 Performance bonuses (incentives) 兩者皆規定不可超過酬庸的25%。 此外對球員的借款之類的也都會算進其他元素。 3. benefits,這包含許多球員的福利,包括退休金與保險之類的。 4. player expenses,球員支出,包括餐費與旅費 光是餐費就超好賺的,98-99年球季每天85塊美金。漲到現在,想像 一下每天球隊給你新台幣三、四千塊讓你去吃飯。 ------------------------------ 至於球隊薪資: (jjj) "Team Salary" means, with respect to a Salary Cap Year, the sum of all Salaries attributable to a Team's active and former players plus other amounts as computed in accordance with Article VII, less applicable credit amounts as computed in accordance with Article VII. 球隊薪資符應薪資上限年,總和其間隊上現有與曾有的球員,再加上 規定中一些有的沒的。 這樣講不明確,所以還是要去看Article VII的定義,或者先看FAQ。 算進球隊薪資的東西包括(FAQ): Salaries of all active players and players on injured reserve, including likely bonuses. 球員名單上各球員的薪資。 Salary paid or payable to waived players, minus any set-off amounts (see question numbers 51 , 57 and 89 ). 對於被釋出或合約買斷的球員,依照相關薪資規定要算上的部分。 Any salary still being paid to retired players (see question number 50 ). 在合約屆滿之前退休的球員,逐年薪資照算,除非是因傷兩年後退休 得申請移除。 A percentage of the previous salary of unrenounced free agents (see question number 28 ). 球隊仍然尚未放棄,屬於己隊的自由球員,要依照一定比例算上球隊薪資。 Salaries offered in offer sheets (see question number 34 ). 當一支球隊已與某球員簽下offer sheet,那東西會先掛在球隊薪資上。 The "scale" amount for the team's unsigned first-round draft pick(s) (see question number 41 ). This amount begins applying to the team's team salary immediately upon selection in the draft. However, this is not the same as his trade value (see question number 69 ). 第一順位選秀權的第一年薪資可能會掛在球隊薪資上,但那不代表那 份薪資有交易價格。選秀權的交易價格為:0元。 A roster charge if the team has fewer than 11 players (see question number 33 ). 球員名單空隙。少於十一名球員時,會以菜鳥最小合約填補。 The combined amount of any mid-level, $1 million, disabled player (see question number 17 ) or traded player exceptions (see question number 67 ) available to the team (see question number 18 ), if the team is under the salary cap. (Teams may renounce these exceptions, in which case they no longer are included in team salary.) 如果球隊薪資還在薪資上限以下的話,那麼中產階級條款、百萬條款、 傷兵條款、交易條款通通都得算進去。 If a team completes a mid-season trade, then the entire season salaries of any players they acquire are included in their team salary, and the entire season salaries of any players they trade away are removed from their books. 也就是說,季中交易結束以後,才會開始清算球員名單上的球員薪資。 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw)
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