2023 JUNG YONG HWA LIVE 'ALL-ROUNDER' IN TAIPEI 演唱會,將發售限量版OFFICIAL M D,以下是預購申請方式 及 申請表格的連結。 * 預購時間: 開始日期:2023年 5月22日 下午5點 (臺灣時間) 截至日期:2023年 5月28日 晚上11點 (臺灣時間) (因商品為限量數量發售,如當其中一種商品售罄,該產品將會提前結束預售) 預購申請方法 請點擊以下連結進入Google預購表單。 這次臺灣演唱會,現場無銷售周邊商品。 只有預約銷售,訂購成功的粉絲,現場憑證領取 訂購的商品~**請注意,現場並無周邊販售**‼ 注意事項 - 預購者 Benefit 4種商品中,各有3個由JUNG YONG HWA 親筆簽名的MD,該商品將在預購的商品中,於現 場隨機贈送。 (4 items 휠3 ea = 12 ea) 親筆簽名的MD將由(當天)現場的工作人員隨機分發 < 預購申請方法 > 1) 請填寫及提交申請表格,並需轉帳到主辦方指定的銀行帳戶 2) 完成轉帳後,必需提供轉帳收據 或 成功轉賬的截圖 3) 需提供轉帳人的中,英文全名 及 申請人之姓名,轉帳日期和時間並發送至以下電子 郵件。 4) 當確認轉帳款項後,均以電子郵件回覆並提供確認信。 E-Mail : [email protected] . 填寫表格時,請提供以下相關資料。 1. 申請人 中,英文全名 : 2. 聯絡電話 : 3. 電子郵箱: 4. 轉帳人之 中,英文全名 : (請注意申請後,申請人需於3天內完成轉帳,若未能完成轉帳的所有申請,將會被自動 取消) <換領商品事項> - 在演唱會當天領取,而領取地點和時間將在日後於UJIN Entertainment官方FB 及 IG 粉絲專頁公佈詳情 換領時,請務必提供電郵回覆的確認信(invoice)公演现场取货时要带来打印出来invoice 文件,並且需要確認申請人的身份證才可領取。 本商品爲獲得FNC ENTERTAINMENT CO. LTD唯一許可的官方MD,所有商品均是限量銷售。 感謝大家支持。 ============================= [English] An order form for Pre-ordering the “2023 JUNG YONG HWA LIVE 'ALL-ROUNDER' IN TAIPEI ” official merchandise. Early Bird ordering period: From May 22th, 2023, 17:00 - To May 28th, 2023, 23 :00 (taiwan time) (Please note that it could be out-of-stock before closing sale period) How to fill-in a pre-order form There is no MD on-site sale at this Taiwan concert. Therefore, you can only pu rchase it through pre-order sales. You can only receive the reserved goods on site. Please be careful. Benefit for Early Bird Pre-ordering Those are 4 type of items, 3 quantities per each. Artist will give their hand written autograph, you’ll randomly obtain and receive in-front at the event. (4 items 휠 3ea = 12 ea) Handwritten autograph MD. (Handed out by staff) Please check the below link and fill in the pre-order form. <How to apply for advance reservation> 1) After submitting the MD application form, transfer to the account number be low that the organizer guided you, capture the transfer receipt, fill out the name of the sender and the applicant, and send it to the email address below. (However, applicants who have not remitted money within 3 days of application will be automatically canceled.) 2) After checking the deposit, We will reply with the product receipt (invoice )by email. 3) You can receive the product directly at the performance venue with the prod uct receipt(invoice) you received. (The location and schedule of the performance & venue will be announced in det ail on the fan base ujinent official FB,IG channels in Korea.) When you bring the invoice receipt, you need to check the applicant's ID, so p lease bring it. After ordering from Google Form, send the remittance receipt Please fill out the information below and send it to me by e-mail. thank you~ 1. NAME : 2. PHONE NUMBER : 3. E-MAIL : 4. REMITTANCE NAME : e-mail : [email protected] All merchandise and products has been authorized under permission from FNC ENT ERTAINMENT CO., LTD Thank you~ # #CNBLUE # #鄭容和 #JUNGYONGHWA #ALLROUNDER #ASIATOUR #TAIPEI #CONCERT #BOICE #FNC #UJIN #UJINENT #HUAYE &mibextid=Nif5oz m04Q&s=19 --

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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1F:推 pingmay : 請問這是官方的嗎?我好像在FNC官網找不到… 05/25 01:45
2F:推 eva041 : ujin是FNC跟台灣主辦之間的溝通單位 也是算主辦喔 05/25 10:16

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