2023 JUNG YONG HWA LIVE 'ALL-ROUNDER' IN TAIPEI 演唱会,将发售限量版OFFICIAL M D,以下是预购申请方式 及 申请表格的连结。 * 预购时间: 开始日期:2023年 5月22日 下午5点 (台湾时间) 截至日期:2023年 5月28日 晚上11点 (台湾时间) (因商品为限量数量发售,如当其中一种商品售罄,该产品将会提前结束预售) 预购申请方法 请点击以下连结进入Google预购表单。 这次台湾演唱会,现场无销售周边商品。 只有预约销售,订购成功的粉丝,现场凭证领取 订购的商品~**请注意,现场并无周边贩售**‼ 注意事项 - 预购者 Benefit 4种商品中,各有3个由JUNG YONG HWA 亲笔签名的MD,该商品将在预购的商品中,於现 场随机赠送。 (4 items 휠3 ea = 12 ea) 亲笔签名的MD将由(当天)现场的工作人员随机分发 < 预购申请方法 > 1) 请填写及提交申请表格,并需转帐到主办方指定的银行帐户 2) 完成转帐後,必需提供转帐收据 或 成功转账的截图 3) 需提供转帐人的中,英文全名 及 申请人之姓名,转帐日期和时间并发送至以下电子 邮件。 4) 当确认转帐款项後,均以电子邮件回覆并提供确认信。 E-Mail : [email protected] . 填写表格时,请提供以下相关资料。 1. 申请人 中,英文全名 : 2. 联络电话 : 3. 电子邮箱: 4. 转帐人之 中,英文全名 : (请注意申请後,申请人需於3天内完成转帐,若未能完成转帐的所有申请,将会被自动 取消) <换领商品事项> - 在演唱会当天领取,而领取地点和时间将在日後於UJIN Entertainment官方FB 及 IG 粉丝专页公布详情 换领时,请务必提供电邮回覆的确认信(invoice)公演现场取货时要带来打印出来invoice 文件,并且需要确认申请人的身份证才可领取。 本商品爲获得FNC ENTERTAINMENT CO. LTD唯一许可的官方MD,所有商品均是限量销售。 感谢大家支持。 ============================= [English] An order form for Pre-ordering the “2023 JUNG YONG HWA LIVE 'ALL-ROUNDER' IN TAIPEI ” official merchandise. Early Bird ordering period: From May 22th, 2023, 17:00 - To May 28th, 2023, 23 :00 (taiwan time) (Please note that it could be out-of-stock before closing sale period) How to fill-in a pre-order form There is no MD on-site sale at this Taiwan concert. Therefore, you can only pu rchase it through pre-order sales. You can only receive the reserved goods on site. Please be careful. Benefit for Early Bird Pre-ordering Those are 4 type of items, 3 quantities per each. Artist will give their hand written autograph, you’ll randomly obtain and receive in-front at the event. (4 items 휠 3ea = 12 ea) Handwritten autograph MD. (Handed out by staff) Please check the below link and fill in the pre-order form. <How to apply for advance reservation> 1) After submitting the MD application form, transfer to the account number be low that the organizer guided you, capture the transfer receipt, fill out the name of the sender and the applicant, and send it to the email address below. (However, applicants who have not remitted money within 3 days of application will be automatically canceled.) 2) After checking the deposit, We will reply with the product receipt (invoice )by email. 3) You can receive the product directly at the performance venue with the prod uct receipt(invoice) you received. (The location and schedule of the performance & venue will be announced in det ail on the fan base ujinent official FB,IG channels in Korea.) When you bring the invoice receipt, you need to check the applicant's ID, so p lease bring it. After ordering from Google Form, send the remittance receipt Please fill out the information below and send it to me by e-mail. thank you~ 1. NAME : 2. PHONE NUMBER : 3. E-MAIL : 4. REMITTANCE NAME : e-mail : [email protected] All merchandise and products has been authorized under permission from FNC ENT ERTAINMENT CO., LTD Thank you~ # #CNBLUE # #郑容和 #JUNGYONGHWA #ALLROUNDER #ASIATOUR #TAIPEI #CONCERT #BOICE #FNC #UJIN #UJINENT #HUAYE &mibextid=Nif5oz m04Q&s=19 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址:
1F:推 pingmay : 请问这是官方的吗?我好像在FNC官网找不到… 05/25 01:45
2F:推 eva041 : ujin是FNC跟台湾主办之间的沟通单位 也是算主办喔 05/25 10:16

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