CMWang 板


無責任不精確翻譯 ※ 引述《pleased ()》之銘言: : Wang sizzles, Farnsworth fizzles in Yankee win : (Staten Island Advance) : These days, there are at least two things you can count on concerning the : Yankees. 1. You're going to get a solid outing from ace ... yes, that's : right, despite what Joe Torre says ... ace Chien-Ming Wang and 2. Kyle : Farnsworth is going to give up a run or at least make Yankee fans sweat. : Both players were put on display during last night's 6-4 win over hapless : Tampa Bay, which once again puts the Yankees' record at .500 (44-44). 咻咻的小王 遜遜的小方 這些日子以來,關心洋基的你至少有兩件事必須注意: 1.在王牌建民(沒錯,別管托老說了啥)出賽的時候我們就安啦~ 2.放肆火起碼至少都會丟上一分或是要洋基迷們嚇到得心臟病! 兩位在昨晚對上低氣壓的魚隊最後以6-4勝利的比賽中登場,也將洋基隊再次推上了 五成勝率(44-44) : Wang, despite a shaky first, pitched brilliantly, retiring 12 straight at one : point and when he did encounter trouble later in the game, he fought his way : out of it. He also had six strikeouts, which, of course, signifies he wasn't : completely on since he's not a strikeout pitcher. 除去很抖的首局,小王精采的連續讓十二個打者出局,而且在他稍後遇到亂流時,他也成功 化解了.他同時也拿下了六K,當然啦,這顯示出他這位非三振型投手的狀況沒有完全發揮 : Wang is now 10-4 overall and 3-0 in July. : Farnsworth, on the other hand, couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. : Private Joker once again imploded, allowing a solo homer to Carlos Pena (yes, : that Carlos Pena) while trying to protect a 5-3 lead in the eighth. : Bottom line: Joker can't be trusted. Trade him, even if it's for a box of : balls and a few bats. 王目前已經是10勝4敗,而且七月則是3勝0敗 另外一方面,放肆火實在是連個紙袋都撕不破的無能,這個小丑再次被爆,在八局下 還以5-3領先的時候讓卡洛斯佩那(沒錯,那個佩那)轟了一支陽春砲{按:好兇喔,Pena有 那麼糟嗎?} 橫批:小丑無法被信任,換掉他!即使只能換來一箱球或幾支球棒! : Fortunately, Bobby Abreu, who is now 6 for 11 in the series with a nine-game : hitting streak overall, remained hot and Mariano got the job done in the : ninth. 欣慰的是,阿布瑞尤在這系列中有11支六的表現,而且連續9場擊出安打,而Mo也成功了保住 第九局 : Let's hope the Yanks do the right thing and finish the Rays off to make it a : 3-1 series win. Mike Mussina goes today, but my gut feeling is the Yankees : will have to smack the ball around because, as we know, crazy things happen : when Muss doesn't throw on normal rest. The right-hander has been off for : about a full week because of the all-star break. : Not good, but we'll see what happens. : Either way, remember, in a perfect world, we'd all be Yankees. 後略,大意是說穆帥在輪值不正常下反而會有不穩定表現,洋基需要會好好發威打擊實力 (感謝N版友在翻譯上的指正) --

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◆ From:
1F:推 searoar:44-44!!! 07/15 18:22
2F:推 myrzr:44:44!!!!! 驚!!! 07/15 18:23
3F:推 millertw:原作者好酸 把放肆火說得那麼糟 07/15 18:25
4F:推 LenardLee:寫得滿狠的 07/15 18:27
※ 編輯: ILLwill 來自: (07/15 18:28)
5F:推 okamifang:因為Pena是洋基自己丟掉的XD 07/15 18:37
6F:推 marpha:標題怎麼翻 ? 07/15 18:42
sizzle和fizzle都是壯聲詞,所以不太好翻,不過放肆火那個有失敗的意味就是了 此外最後一段smack the ball around不知道怎麼翻,所以有請高手了 ※ 編輯: ILLwill 來自: (07/15 18:47)
7F:推 darksaber:記得痛痛人去年也被酸說拿去換一袋球....老方好慘 07/15 18:55
8F:→ eric77:紙袋還是紙帶 還是錯字啊? sorry 只是問問~ 07/15 19:32
9F:推 weitingyeh:fizzle="嘖"? sizzle="嘶(拉長音)"? 07/15 19:34
10F:推 crazyman7011:Pena以前在老虎猛過然後爛了很久去紅襪洋基轉一圈 07/15 19:49
11F:→ crazyman7011:沒想到在小魚又回到以前的身手了 07/15 19:49
12F:推 vincentlan: 07/15 20:12
13F:推 pdaer:fizzle有失敗的意思 07/15 20:25
14F:推 blackghost27:幹群架會需要用到放肆火 07/15 20:29
15F:→ blackghost27:我還真想看放肆火vs冉柏油 07/15 20:29
16F:推 Sabel:標題意指小王目前正燙(火熱),Pena則是很糟 07/15 20:30
17F:推 soaringfish:翻得不錯呀 推推 07/15 21:13
18F:推 niceta:那段是說小王今天狀況不是頂好,因為他並非三振型的投手 07/15 21:21
19F:→ niceta:(如果狀況好的話應該會是滾地出局,而非三振出局) 07/15 21:23
20F:推 niceta:smack the ball around 意指洋基應該要發揮打擊實力 07/15 21:27
21F:→ niceta:(因為Moose不正常的輪值天數,狀況可能不會很好) 07/15 21:30
22F:推 SamChiang:有看有推~~~推推推! 07/15 22:49
23F:推 moso:有看有推!!謝謝翻譯!! 07/15 23:43
24F:推 windowboy:放肆火身價有飆高的趨勢 應該是換一箱球及幾支球棒 07/15 23:45
25F:推 gdemon:題外話, 嘖的注音怎麼打?我一直打不出來? 07/16 11:36
26F:推 MousePads:不就"嘖" 音"則" 07/16 11:50
27F:推 Annrod:沒錯,別管托老說了啥 XD 07/16 12:1
※ 編輯: ILLwill 來自: (07/16 14:18)

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