CMWang 板


來自亞伯拉罕的消息: ==================== Big night for Bobby Abreu 今天是阿布之夜 Posted By Peter Abraham On July 15, 2007 @ 12:36 am In Uncategorized | 9 Comments 作者:亞伯拉罕 It seemed a bit strange to some when Bobby Abreu sat against Scott Kazmir on Friday night. But Joe Torre’s decision seemed to pay off tonight when Abreu went 2 for 5 with a homer and five RBI. 昨天對戰Kazmir的比賽阿布沒有先發似乎有點奇怪,但是托瑞那樣的決定在今天得到了 收穫! 阿布今天5打數2安打,有5分打點,外帶一發全壘打!! “They don’t want me to lose my rhythm,” Abreu said. “It worked. We faced a righty today and I helped the team win.” 阿布說: 昨天沒有先發是因為教練團不希望我失去擊球的節奏,而這在今天面對右投手就 馬上得到了成效,讓我可以幫助球隊取得勝利。 You never know what will motivate a player. Hall of Famer Luis Aparicio was at the game tonight, throwing out the first pitch as part of Latin Festival Night. Aparacio is a national hero in Venezuela and has known Abreu for 15 years. 你永遠無法得知能夠激勵球員的因素會是什麼。 今天擔任開球的嘉賓是名人堂的球員 Luis Aparicio,他是委內瑞拉之光, 阿布已經認識他有15年之久了。 Abreu said having “Mr. Aparicio” at the game gave him some extra incentive. 阿布說: 有“Mr. Aparicio”這位委內瑞拉之光在場,給了他莫大的鼓舞! ========= Meanwhile … 同時,一些其他球員的消息~~ Mariano Rivera on his 425th save: “I can’t believe it. If you told me that 10 years ago, I would tell you you were drunk.” MO拿下生涯第425個救援點。MO說他不敢相信他達成了這樣的紀錄,假如你在10年前跟 他說達成紀錄的事情,他會說你一定是喝醉了!! XD Ron Villone: The lefty has thrown 10.1 scoreless innings in his last eight appearances. There’s a reason he was used in the seventh inning today. Torre said to expect more of that as it seems Mike Myers is on the outs. 左投的Villone在過去8場出賽中已經投出10.1局無失分的表現,而他今天之所以會在 第七局就上場的原因,托瑞說是因為老麥今天不在他的算盤之中。 Johnny Damon: On base three times, his going first to third on a single in the ninth was a huge play as it gave the Yankees an insurance run. He seems to have his legs back. 大門~ 今天有三次上壘的表現,他在第9局從一壘跑到三壘是洋基能夠取得保險分的關鍵。 他找回他的腳了....XD (大門的腳程回來了) Chien-Ming Wang: He said he pitched the entire game the same way, balls just found holes in the first inning. That’s what happens with guys who pitch to contact on turf fields sometimes. But Wang struck guys out when he needed to. Get this: Wang has 29 wins since the start of last season. Only Johan Santana (30) has more. 王建民~~ 小王說他今天就是如往常一樣地投球,但是在第一局時球就是有辦法找到洞鑽 而形成安打,而這就是投手們常在人工草皮上發生的事情,不過當小王有需要的時候他 都能夠賞打者一個痛快,把打者給三振出局,守住勝利。另外,小王從去年至今已經有 29勝囉!目前只有山大王比他多一勝而已。 Hideki Matsui: He has hit in nine straight (12 for 35) with five homers, four doubles and nine RBI. A lot of people on the team think Godzilla is about to start knocking over buildings. That ball he hit tonight was smoked. 松井秀喜~~ 小松目前連9場安打,這9場中累計是35個打數12支安打,其中有5支全壘打, 4支二壘打和9分打點。隊上很多人認為酷斯拉今天是打算要把球場給拆了是吧! 酷斯拉今天打出去的球就像煙霧彈一樣猛。 Finally … 最後一個消息~ Kenny Lofton was asked in Texas what he thought of Gary Sheffield’s comments about the Yankees and racism. Kenny Lofton在德州被問及對於Sheffield對洋基的言論和提到的種族歧視他的看法~ “All I can say is, Sheffield knows what he’s talking about. That’s all I’ m going to say,” he said. Lofton說: 我只能說老薛他知道自己在說什麼,而我也只能說到這裡...。 (感謝Kinra的指正^^) Lofton played poorly for the Yankees in 2004, his only season on the team. I didn’t cover the team that season, so I can’t speak to what happened or didn ’t happen. But I would like to see Torre say more than “no comment” tomorrow. Lofton只有2004年在洋基打球,成績並不是很好,而那年亞伯拉罕不是洋基的隨隊記者, 所以亞伯拉罕無法說那年到底發生了什麼事情,但他明天會試著去問拖瑞,希望除了無 可奉告的回答之外能夠撈到一些東西。 Torre’s best friend is Bob Gibson. He runs a charity that works to combat domestic violence in the inner city and he has treated players like Rivera, Jeter and Bernie Williams like sons. 但是啊~~Bob Gibson是托瑞的麻吉,又托瑞有在經營一個反家暴的慈善基金會,而他 對待MO、隊長和柏尼就像對待兒子一樣說....。(Gibson、MO、隊長和柏尼都非純白人) It only continues the story to comment, but Torre may need to say something. Racism is a serious word to throw around. 故事要發展下去的話,托瑞得說些東西呀。 Racism,種族歧視,它是個嚴肅的字眼啊! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article printed from The LoHud Yankees Blog: 部落格的連結~ URL to article: 這篇文章的連結~ ================================= 心得: 大嘴巴 大嘴巴 大嘴巴 >"< 覺得帶誌大條了..Orz- 翻的不好 請海涵 o(‧"‧)o --

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1F:推 Kinra:不是"而那也是我要說的" 是"而我也只能說到這裡" 07/15 17:12
2F:推 XX9:推樓上 07/15 17:15
※ 編輯: wangtsaok 來自: (07/15 17:21)
3F:推 HXZ:只能說到這裡感覺語帶保留...但那句感覺並不是這樣 07/15 17:30
4F:推 heacoun:That's all I'm going to say,把它看成That's all就懂了 07/15 17:33
5F:推 heacoun:很字面的翻法是『這就是我全部要說的』 07/15 17:34
6F:→ wangtsaok:恩~反正Lofton是支持老薛的言論就是了...Orz..翻譯好難 07/15 17:35
wangtsaok:轉錄至看板 NY-Yankees 07/15 17:57
7F:推 Re12345:酷斯拉那個應該不是像煙霧彈一樣猛...是冒煙的意思吧? 07/15 18:07
8F:→ Re12345:很HOT的意思 都burned所以smoked 07/15 18:08
9F:推 sky99:酷斯拉的棒子燙到冒煙 07/15 18:51

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