CMWang 板


The Yankees will try to make things a little easier on themselves on Wednesday night than they did on Tuesday, when they tied the record for the biggest comeback in franchise history en route to a crazy 14-13 win. 洋基隊試著讓星期三晚上的比賽不要搞的像星期二這麼複雜 ,那天打了一場14-13的瘋狂逆轉賽...逆轉的幅度還追平了 記錄... Without Jason Giambi in its already-depleted lineup, New York battled back from a nine-run deficit in the third, as Jorge Posada's two-run, walk-off homer sent the crowd home happy. 在沒有 Giambi的殘破打線,洋基在第三局打回了落後的9分, 最後Posada以一支再見兩分全壘打讓大夥快快樂樂的回家... "Everyone, over the course of the season, has to step up," said Derek Jeter, who contributed four hits and four RBIs in the win. "We're missing guys, so we need some other guys to pick up the slack." "每個人在球季中總要有些貢獻",Jeter說,他在今天的比賽 貢獻了4支安打外加4分的打點。"我們是少了一些人,所以我 們需要其他人皮繃的更緊一些。" New York is now 4-1 against Texas this season. 洋基與遊騎兵本季的對戰成績是4勝1敗。 Chien-Ming Wang takes the mound looking to follow up both the team's momentum and his own. Wang pitched his best game of the season on Friday, shutting out the A's over eight innings of four-hit ball. 王建民將登板尋求球隊以及個人所需要的要素。他在上個禮拜五 投出了本季的代表作,讓運動家掛了八個鴨蛋只被打出4支安打。 (不是3支嗎?) The Yankees hope to have the services of Giambi, who missed Tuesday's game with a strained neck. 洋基希望 Giambi可以上場,星期二的比賽他因為扭傷脖子而缺陣。 ________________________________________________________________ Pitching matchup TEX: RHP Kameron Loe (2-3, 4.23 ERA) Loe allowed five runs in five innings on May 6 against New York. 5月6日對上洋基,五局掉五分 NYY: RHP Chien-Ming Wang (3-1, 4.04 ERA) Wang allowed three runs in six innings, beating the Rangers on May 7. 5月7日對上游騎兵,6局掉3分打敗遊騎兵。 Player to watch Jeter has 11 hits in his last 27 at-bats, a .407 average. His 29 RBIs rank second only to Giambi on the Yankees. Jeter過去27打數有11支安打,高達 .407的打擊率。他的29分打點在洋基 陣中僅次於Giambi -- ~● ~● ~● ~● ~● ~● 往前衝啊!弟兄們! --

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1F:推 verschieden:推 05/17 19:48
2F:推 arslane:momentum在這裡是連勝的意思. 05/17 20:01
3F:推 WinstonLee:不是吧, momentum在此最好翻做氣勢. 05/17 20:32
4F:推 eyelace:我想翻成慣性 XD 中文白話的意思是繼續延續目前的狀況 05/17 20:51
5F:推 WinstonLee:momentum是還算常見的棒球語言, 就是氣勢啦... 05/17 20:56
6F:→ arslane:我當然知道momentum是什麼意思,在這裡用連勝就好了啊. 05/17 21:17
7F:推 oukeheo:上場小王對綠帽,第四隻安打是Mo貢獻的! 05/17 21:19
8F:→ arslane:輸球還有什麼氣勢... 05/17 21:19
9F:推 leewavewater:我可以推簽名檔嗎~~~~ 05/17 21:45
10F:推 vandersar:簽名檔的尾巴有點短 05/17 22:21
11F:推 charmer153:推~~簽名檔 05/17 23:48

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