CMWang 板


※ 引述《belister (無知就是力量 )》之銘言: : NEW YORK The Yankees' offense wasn't able to hammer Barry Zito like they : did in the season opener on April 3, but Chien-Ming Wang made sure they : didn't have to. Bombers或許沒法像季初那樣痛擊Zito,不過Wang的表現似乎讓打者們不需要這樣做。 : After the negative aura caused from pregame conversations regarding Hideki : Matsui subsided, Wang stepped up and provided some much-needed encouragement : for an organization that has been bruised and battered. In short, Wang was : brilliant. 賽前隊友們談論著Matsui的傷勢,氣氛是如此的低迷。 隨著比賽的開始,這股氣氛煙消雲散,Wang踏上投手丘,並且投出了讓陷入低氣壓 的洋基隊需要的好比賽。簡單來說,Wang實在太棒了! : Arguably pitching his best game of the year, Wang was as effective and in : control as ever, throwing just 85 pitches over eight innings, and inducing 20 : groundball outs. Wang was hoping Torre would let him return for the ninth, : but with a tight score of 2-0 and Mariano Rivera already warming up in the : bullpen, the skipper thought it was best to turn the ball over to his elite : closer. 在這場可以認為是本季目前他投的最好的比賽裡,Wang一如往常的有效率而且主控了比 賽,八局投了八十五球,其中有20個滾地球出局。Wang希望Torre能夠讓他投第九局, 不過比數如此的接近,Mo也在熱身了,Torre認為把球交給closer是最好的選擇。 : "He was just in so much command tonight," Torre said of Wang. "And to have : a game that close and to be pitching against Barry Zito, you have to be : impressed with that. Torre說:Wang今晚主控了全局,再這麼緊張接近的比賽裡,又是對上了Zito, 真是讓人印象深刻。 : "Last year there were a number of games that he threw 83 or 84 pitches and : you take him out in the ninth inning. The only guy you take him out for is : Mariano. Otherwise, you let him go. When he has it going, he can get some : outs with some very short pitch counts." 去年也是有好幾場Wang投了83或84球的比賽,讓他在九局下場休息,並且能接替他的 人就只有Mo了,Mo可以用幾顆球就取得關鍵的出局數。 : Wang retired the leadoff batter in every inning except the seventh, and : retired the A's in order in the first, fourth, fifth and eighth. He also : allowed just five base runners all night, none advanced into scoring position : and all were forced out via the double-play ball. In total, the Yankees : turned five double plays, one shy of tying the franchise record. Wang每一局都讓第一名打者出局,除了七局以外。 而且在一四五八局讓運動家隊打者排隊照順序下去休息 XD 整晚也只讓五名打者能上壘,沒有一個能推進到得分位置的,而且都慘死在雙殺守備下 ,這整場比賽洋基隊也送出了五次雙殺,差一次就平了紀錄。 (Wang好像有一位上壘 不是雙殺結束的?) : "With the sinker ball, we can turn some double plays," said second baseman : Robinson Can?, who along with Andy Phillips was stellar in the field. "It : doesn't matter who's pitching out there, I'm trying to be focused every game, : pitch by pitch. I know I'm out to get a lot of ground balls (when Wang is : pitching), but I try to put that out of my mind." Cano說:因為這些sinker,我們可以做出一些雙殺守備。不管是誰再投球,我都會試著 專心在比賽上的每個play。我知道在Wang投球時,我會有許多生意上門,不過我試著不 去想它。 : "We had a very good infield," Wang said. "I didn't worry about (them) getting : ahead with the ground balls." Wang說:我們有很好的野手,我一點也不擔心對手把我的球路擊成滾地球。 : Alex Rodr璲uez gave the Yankees a 1-0 lead with a solo home run to : left-center in the sixth off Zito, his 437th career home run and second : go-ahead home run in three games. In the eighth, Bernie Williams reached a : new career milestone with is own solo shot off Randy Keisler. It marked his : 1,209th RBI, tying Hall of Fame catcher Bill Dickey for seventh place on the : franchise's all-time list. A-Rod六局下對Zito打出了生涯第437號全壘打,並且讓洋基取得1:0領先。這也是這三場 比賽裡第二度擊出關鍵的超前全壘打。 Bernie在八局也擊出了一支陽春炮,生涯第1209分打點,追平了隊史上名人堂捕手 Bill Dickey的第七名記錄。 : "I was just looking for a good pitch to hit," Rodrized said. "Barry is so : unpredictable you can't get into a guessing game with him. A-Rod說:我試著找尋最好的出手時機。對上深不可測的Zito,你不能用猜的來跟他玩。 : "Wang was the story of the day. He was throwing the ball incredible. Wang was : awesome. The way the game was going, you got the feeling one run would make : the difference and it was." Wang是今日最佳男主角,他投出了驚人的比賽,令人如此感到敬畏!隨著比賽的進行, 可以感覺到關鍵的一擊會是今天比賽的分水嶺。 : Wang hasn't shown his teammates or the fans he can be as effective as he was : the first half of last season, so in terms of building confidence, Wang : needed to pitch a game like this. After both Randy Johnson and Shawn Chacon : struggled against the Red Sox earlier this week, Wang not only showed signs : of life and improvement, he jump-started a questionable rotation. Wang之前沒法投出像去年前半季如此有效率的比賽,所以為了建立信心,Wang比需要 投出像這場一樣的比賽。 Big Unit和Chacon在稍早對紅襪的比賽裡投的不甚理想,Wang出色的表現不僅為洋基隊 帶來了生機,他也從這不穩定的rotation中跳了出來,建立了信心。 : "You know you're not going to win every game, but you have to be able to : bounce back," Torre said. "When you look at the matchup, Wang against Zito, : it didn't seem like it favored us. But this kid just went out and did what we : knew he could do and he's done for us in the past." Torre說:我們沒法每場比賽都贏,但是我們必須要有反敗為勝,從谷底爬起的能力。 當你看到是Zito對上Wang時,似乎我們沒法做到。但是這小子做到了,如同之前他為我 們投出的好比賽一樣。 -- My album: --

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◆ From: ※ 編輯: GarciaWu 來自: (05/13 16:39)
1F:推 youwen:水喔~ 05/13 16:41
2F:推 JackeyChen:推一個賈西亞.吳 05/13 16:42
3F:推 eatpeanut:有看有推! 05/13 16:43
4F:推 randyhsieh:推 05/13 16:44
5F:推 lireha:推!!! 05/13 16:46
6F:推 f2002:感謝您^^ 05/13 16:47
7F:推 kevev:推 05/13 16:49
8F:推 Sfchang:先推在看 05/13 16:52
9F:推 DSB520:BOMBER是不是故意留給言己者的? 05/13 16:52
10F:推 FFMM1:推啦~~~多謝翻譯!! 05/13 16:54
11F:推 cheerchichi:翻譯的好清楚 感謝~ 05/13 17:00
12F:推 bluepolo:我不相信王建民可以講出這麼高級的英文 <囧> 05/13 17:07
13F:推 datoan:感謝翻譯呀~~~記者別拿去抄!! \_/ 05/13 17:25
14F:推 RTY1026:推一個 05/13 17:28
15F:推 oumo:推!!! 05/13 17:53
16F:推 deadchild:王那句是不是事先就準備好的 反正會很常用到(逃) 05/13 18:07
17F:推 fengels:等你投得跟他一樣好 台詞自然有人會幫你想(逃) 05/13 18:17
18F:推 leewavewater:大推啊...謝翻譯魔人 05/13 18:25
19F:推 pastor168:推一個 05/13 19:02
20F:推 Eric0605:推 05/13 20:45
21F:推 eaquson:thx 05/13 22:13
22F:推 ace323:感謝 05/14 00:11
23F:推 csqeszzz:感謝你的翻譯 05/15 18:21

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