CMWang 板


資料來源:洋基官網新聞 Wang shines as Yanks blank A's Righty fires eight scoreless frames; A-Rod, Bernie homer By Mark Feinsand / 小王發光 洋基完封運動家 八局完美投球 A-Rod, Bernie貢獻陽春砲 NEW YORK -- With Hideki Matsui and Gary Sheffield sidelined by injury, the Yankees' offense was missing two of its most important cogs on Friday night. The way Chien-Ming Wang pitched against the A's, it didn't make much of a difference. 縱使酷斯拉及雨刷男雙雙掛病號,洋基頓時缺少兩門巨砲,但小王對運動家的這場投球 告訴我們這沒有太大的差別。 Wang shut Oakland out over eight innings, while Alex Rodriguez gave the right-hander all the run support he would need, drilling a solo home run. 小王在八局投球中,完全封鎖住運動家隊的打擊,而A-Rod則在最適當的時候擊出了陽春 全壘打,給了這位右投小王滿分的支持。 The end result was a 2-0 win for the Yankees, who bounced back with a crisp game after losing a tough one to the Red Sox on Thursday. 球賽最後比數 2-0 ,洋基獲得了最後勝利,且是在和紅襪隊的三場苦戰後所獲得的艱 辛勝利。 Wang allowed three hits and walked two batters, but he induced four double plays, facing just one batter over the minimum. 小王在今天的投球中,僅僅被打出三支安打,送出兩次保送,可喜的是製造了四次雙殺, 總共面對了25人次,只比最少八局24人次多出一人。 Barry Zito pitched a gem of his own, giving up one run over six innings, his only mistake coming in the sixth when A-Rod drilled a 1-0 pitch over the wall in left-center field. 雞頭也投出了一場絕世好球,六局的投球中失掉一分,他犯的唯一錯誤就是A-Rod的左中 外野全壘打,使得比分成為 1-0 Zito, who is 1-1 with a 0.87 ERA in his last three starts, allowed five hits and walked four, striking out four. 雞頭,在最近三場先發中,獲得0.87防禦率,1勝1敗的戰績,在六局投球中被擊出五支 安打,投出四次保送,四次三振。 Of the 24 outs Wang recorded, 20 came on ground balls. Only two A's hit balls to the outfield, with the other two outs coming on a lineout and a popup. 在24個出局數中,有20個是滾地球出局,只有兩個運動家球員將球擊倒外野,相信我, 即使松井要上場,小王是不會擋住他的。而另兩個出局者則是界外飛球出局、內野飛球 出局。(對不起,這一段有鄉民式翻譯) Bernie Williams added a solo home run against Randy Keisler in the eighth, giving New York an insurance run. 老伯尼在八局從後援投手Randy Keisler手中追加了一支陽春砲,給了洋基隊多一分的保 險分。 Mariano Rivera tossed a scoreless ninth to record his seventh save of the season. MO 在這場超低緊張刺激比賽中,驚險獲得了本季第七次救援成功。 --

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1F:推 kevev:有看有推啦 05/13 10:08
2F:→ Highbrow:感謝翻譯 05/13 10:08
3F:推 ppaauull:頭推~~~哈哈 ~~~ 05/13 10:08
4F:→ kkggg:推,雨刷男 05/13 10:09
5F:推 lense:推 05/13 10:09
6F:推 sunman79979:推~~ 05/13 10:09
7F:推 peterlin:翻的好~感恩 05/13 10:09
8F:推 hellowilliam:好少的救援成功XD 05/13 10:09
9F:推 gan:推松井要上場 小王也不會讓球到左外野 05/13 10:09
10F:推 fizeau:最後一段原文沒有出現「驚險緊張刺激」喔 ^_^ 05/13 10:09
11F:推 leewavewater:翻譯速度也太快了吧...大推 05/13 10:10
12F:推 enricofermi:推'球不會到左外野'XD 05/13 10:10
13F:推 maxoj:翻的又精確又有笑點XD 05/13 10:10
14F:推 Sfchang:先推在看 05/13 10:10
15F:推 godmiracle:感恩推 05/13 10:11
16F:推 hondobaka:推推 05/13 10:11
17F:推 dalireal:有看有頂 05/13 10:11
18F:推 JUI67:推 05/13 10:11
19F:推 vincentlan:推一個~ 05/13 10:12
20F:推 tcling:推推推 05/13 10:12
21F:推 nimby:謝謝 05/13 10:14
22F:推 ZFon525:推 05/13 10:14
23F:推 DanielC:雨刷男 我真的笑了 雨刷式打法 05/13 10:14
24F:推 karlch999:謝翻譯~! 05/13 10:17
25F:推 tomonori:推 感謝翻譯^^ 05/13 10:21
26F:推 nknulittled:推 05/13 10:33
27F:推 RicardoKaka:有看有推....感謝.. 05/13 10:39
28F:推 tlw0709:翻的很棒!! 05/13 10:46
29F:推 csqeszzz:感謝翻譯 05/13 10:57
30F:推 potatoes:推 05/13 11:05
31F:推 oumo:推阿~~~感謝 05/13 11:37
32F:推 amilu:感恩推 05/13 12:32
33F:推 MCmail:推阿... 05/13 13:07
34F:推 ace323:大推 05/13 23:47

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