CMWang 板


有幾句可能要改一下 ^^;; 不過大致上還是辛苦囉 ※ 引述《firen ()》之銘言: 基本上,我覺得還蠻中肯的,以一個理性洋基球迷為出發點。 (提出這篇,是因為他是一個洋基迷,而我是一個Wang迷,大家似乎很想知道老美怎麼看) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pitching Rotation, Wang and Wright is not the true concern. 在投手輪值中,王和Wright都不應該是真正的焦點。 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 不太需要擔心。 (譯按: 王的表現還算ok,不用擔心;而對Wright不抱期望,故也不擔心) ---- It's amazing seeing people bashing Wang so much so far. bashing Wright have some merits, but Wang? 近來大家如此痛批王的表現,實在不可思議;把Wright鞭一鞭還有道理,但王有何罪? If you look at all the starts so far, the one thing you REALLY should worry bout is neither of these guys. Wang has kept the team in every game while pitching in horrible cold weather in the start of a sophmore year with the defense and the ump killing him and dominated in his indoor start. Wright is rusty and can be replaced at any time anyway. 如果你仔細觀察至今的所有先發出賽,這兩位投手,你"真的"不必過度操心,在酷寒的天 候下,不論防守或裁判問題,Wang總是讓比分在合理的範圍內,而這僅是他的第二個mlb職 業球季,更何況,他在室內球場比賽時的威風八面;Wright則是不堪用的投手,反正我們 總是要把他換掉。 ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 總是能找到人取代他。 (譯按:關於他提出的"王在室內球場表現的很好",這點我倒是沒有注意到,聽起來很爽) The true concern should be RJ. our.. ACE.... 我們該擔心的是RJ,我們的王牌投手。 (譯按:大家公認的王牌,果然是要用高標準來看待) If you realize, our worest start so far this year was by him, that's right, it's not by Wright (though his first start came pretty close) .. nor by Wang ... but by our ACE. his last start was also bad by any standards, only overshadowed by the fact that his oppenet (the last guy in the rotation for the Jays) was even worse. 如果你有注意到,我們今年至今最糟的一場先發,是由他RJ投出來的,既不是Wright(雖然 Wright的第一次先發也差不多糟),也不是Wang。RJ的上一場先發確實是不合格,只是這件 事情,被更糟糕對手給掩飾過去了。(他上次的對手是多倫多藍鳥隊) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jays 的五號先發 附上RJ上回先發的資料 APR 29 TOR IP H R ER HR BB SO NP-S GO-AO 5.0 6 6 6 0 4 2 109-58 5-7 主投5局,被打6安,6分皆為自責分,兩三振,但有4個四死球。 那一場RJ拿下了勝投 \囧/ And what excuse does he have ? besides age... which isn't exactly the one you would look for when your the ace. RJ有什麼理由嗎?除了年紀,而當你是王牌的時候,你也不該拿年紀當藉口。 (按:為求通順我猜最後一段應為for when you r the ace.)我猜的 請指正 (clifflu: 沒錯,是指王牌不應以年紀作為表現差的藉口) Even in some of his better outtings, the signs are not confident inspiring, his velocity is dropping, his slider is still flat quiet often, but he got away with some of those outtings (like the season opener) either because his oppenets can't hit or because he simply got lucky. 這一段是在講RJ好表現底下存在的一些問題,大家自己看吧。 即使是看他表現較好的幾次出賽,這也難以讓人產生信心。他的直球球速下滑, 滑球也常掉不下來。他至少安然渡過了其中幾場,不過靠的只怕是隊手打不好, 或是他自己的好運氣。 Relatively speaking, would you REALLY have more confidence in a grizzly veteran in his 40s improving as the season go on more than a young pitcher in his sophmore year or a guy comming off a bad season plagued by injury and tough luck ? 相對之下,你真的對一個頭髮斑白的老兵能在球季中進步抱期望,而不把希望放在一個二 年級的年輕投手?(而他只是因為傷勢和極差的運氣導致一個難堪的開季表現。) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 又或者是另一個因為傷勢和運氣不佳,使得上球季表現爛透了的傢伙 ? (我想他指的是 Wright 上季) But I suppose we shall see, the weather is only going to get warmer, so for Wang he should only get better.. .if he is still shaky like this near July then we really should start worrying and thinking about taking him out.. but not now, posing a 4.5+ ERA is still respectable after the first month . ... if Wright continues to not surprise us in his next few starts ... then he will be replaced so there's no point worrying anyway. 但我預期我們會看到,天氣慢慢轉暖,而Wnag會更上軌道,如果到了七月他還是令人不放 心,我們再來討論讓他走路,但不是現在,開季一個月略大於4.5的自責分率依然是值得期 ^^^^^^^^讓他離開先發輪值。 ^^^^^^ 待的;至於Wright如果沒有在接下來的幾次先發中,有令人亮眼的表現,他會走的,不用 ^^ 值得尊敬的 (比值得期待更好一些,至少 NYY SP 只有 Mussina ERA < 4.5) 操心。 Just my 2 cent, I can't see the point of bashing the younger guys more than the supposed leader of this team's rotation when their performance is almost equal in terms of stuff only that Randy have gotten off with better luck. Wang probably could have won all but yesterday's game if it weren't for bad defensive plays /umpire calls or simply freak nights for the offense. (以我微薄的地位,恕我直言??)我不懂為什麼大家怪罪一個年輕新秀而不是球隊的投手輪 值中的領袖,實際上這兩者的表現卻是相去不遠,只是我們的王牌有著較好的運氣撐腰。 Wang或許有可能贏下每一場他的出賽,如果不是防守、裁判亦或是見鬼了的打擊熄火造成 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 除了昨天的這場比賽 (5IP 3R 算是有機會吧) 現在的局面。 出處 -- 鬼壓床怎麼辦 騎上去啊 --

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◆ From:
1F:推 firen:感謝m(_ _)m 05/03 20:32
2F:推 pca:推一個! 2位大大辛苦了 05/03 21:14
3F:推 pon888:中肯~~~感謝辛苦的翻譯!! 05/03 21:19
4F:推 a78544521:感謝辛苦翻譯,讓我們可以看到老美球迷的批判 05/03 22:01
5F:推 ToHiman:^^ 05/03 22:06
6F:→ arslane:這篇是PTT板友寫的,並非老美球迷的意見 05/03 22:25
7F:推 JackeyChen:XD 原PO刪文了 別這樣嘛原PO 這不是你的錯 05/03 22:47
8F:推 ZzzBa:推一個 05/03 23:15
9F:推 smimi:感謝 05/04 02:14
10F:推 firen:是我搞笑了,怕誤導板眾,所以就自D了。 05/04 03:03
11F:→ RollingWave:這篇...XDDDDDDD是我寫的啊..... 05/04 15:06

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