CMWang 板


※ 引述《veronica4 (Veronica)》之銘言: : : Ww3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTY5MTYwMTAmeXJpcnk3ZjcxN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk2 : Wednesday, April 12, 2006 : By BOB KLAPISCH : SPORTS COLUMNIST : 節錄.. : Jeter made it possible for the Yankees to ignore just how ordinary Wang has : been this season, even in spring training when his ERA was close to 5.00. In : his two regular-season starts, the soft-spoken right-hander has allowed 15 hits : in 102/3 innings, his ERA now inching toward 6.00. 洋基隊隊長Jeter的表現暫時讓主場觀眾可以忽略掉小王在開季到現在的表現, 即使是在春訓中,他的ERA也是上升到接近5.00,而在小王的兩場季賽出賽先發, 平常沈默寡言的右投手在他先發的10又2/3局中,讓打者打出了15支安打,他的ERA 更飆高到6.00 : Torre keeps promising a prosperous summer for Wang, but in the meantime it was : Jorge Posada's scouting report that rang true. The catcher said, "His ball kind : of flattened out" after going through the Royals' lineup one time. 雖然如此,總教練Torre仍然對王充滿了信心,在此同時,洋基捕手Posada的預言卻成真 了,他說『小王的球在面臨了打了一輪之後的皇家打線之後,就再也不會下墜了。』 : From the fourth through the sixth innings, Wang faced 15 batters, eight of whom : reached base. While that early 4-1 lead was melting away, Wang allowed six hits, : including a solo homer to Reggie Sanders, while walking two. 從第四到第六局,小王面為了15位打者,他讓其中八位上壘,這也使得一開使洋基打者 為他打下的4-1領先化為烏有,小王在這三局裡面讓打者打出了六支安打,其中包含了 Reggie Sanders的陽春砲,以及兩次保送。 : Think the Yankees aren't already sweating Wang's lack of progress? He's already : had two serious shoulder injuries before the age of 26 and looks less explosive : in his delivery than last year. It's games like these that make you believe the : Yankees eventually will turn a desperate gaze toward Oakland general manager : Billy Beane, who'll start shopping Barry Zito in July. 難道洋基球團還沒開始擔心小王表現的退步嗎?在26歲前他曾經傷過兩次肩膀,同時也 從這幾場球看起來他投球的威力也比去年差,這似乎會讓你開始漸漸相信洋基球團也許 最後在七月份會轉向運動家的general manager Billy Beane尋求Barry Zito的交易可能。 : By then, the Yankees may or may not have their bullpen sorted out, but the : short-term concern with Sturtze surpasses Wang's. The once-indestructible right : -hander is struggling to regain the 4-5 mph that made him so devastating on : right-handed hitters in 2005; these days, Sturtze has to muscle up even to : reach 92. 但在那之前,洋基球團至少會讓他們的牛棚保持一定的戰力,短期內對於Sturtze的 關注也許會超過對小王的關注,Sturtze,這個曾經讓打者難以擊垮的右投手正在努力 找回他去年賴以維生的速球武器,而距離還有4~5英哩,現在的情況看來,即使要投出 92mile的速球也讓Sturtze必須要使出全力了。(編按:有沒有那麼饒舌啦,囧) : That explains why Shane Costa blasted a first-pitch homer in the seventh inning : and why Sturtze allowed hits to two of the next three batters before being : mercifully removed by Torre. 這也解釋了為什麼Shane Costa,Sturtze在第七局所面對的第一位打者可以在面對的第 一球就轟出陽春砲,並讓接下來的三個打者中的兩個打出安打,最後被Torre換下場。 : On any other day, the Yankees would've been stung by how old and slow they : looked compared to the Royals -- the Royals! -- but the flaws, from Wang to : Sturtze to Williams to Gary Sheffield, 0-for-5 with two strikeouts, were all : blurred by the intoxicating effects of a game-winning three-run homer. 也許在另一場比賽,洋基會在皇家隊的對照之下更顯示出他們的高齡與慢速,再加上 其他的缺點,從小王到Sturtze,Williams到Shaffield(他們兩個打出了五支零 並吞了兩次三振),但在今天,這所有的缺點全都被逆轉的三分全壘打給模糊了。 : The fact that it came from Jeter meant everyone went home happy, including : George Steinbrenner, who watched from his private box. For now, the wounds are : covered, although not necessarily healed. 事實就是,由於隊長Jeter的傑出表現,讓每個人都能在比賽結束後快樂的回家,包括了 George Steinbrenner,他從他的私人包廂看完了這場比賽。到現在為止,以上所提到 的隱憂只是被暫時掩蓋而已,他們並沒有被解決。(這篇文章怎麼那麼悲觀阿..囧) -- 【板主:wubaiwubai/smilefi..】中華健兒齊出擊 淘汰郎回家吃自己 看板《Baseball》 [←]離開 [→]閱讀 [^P]發表文章 [b]備忘錄 [d]刪除 [z] [TAB]文摘 [h]說明 編號 日 期 作 者 文 章 標 題 人氣:12703 --

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◆ From:
1F:→ Miseryz:可是我覺得他說的是事實耶 小王什麼時候會穩下來沒人知道 04/12 22:44
2F:推 finalx:感謝大大熱心翻譯XD 04/12 23:24
3F:推 johnrox210:果真,連美國媒體都開始擔心了,希望小王趕快調整好!! 04/12 23:27
4F:推 arieskae:小王這兩場表現真的會讓人有失望感~~~~ 04/12 23:33
5F:推 lireha:翻的超讚的 ^^ 04/12 23:46
6F:推 leaveaway:有看一定要推。 04/12 23:57
7F:推 redzero:這篇是好文 04/13 01:04
8F:推 yoyobear:感謝翻譯 04/13 01:07
9F:推 awhat:你轉行來翻譯阿= = 嘖 下次分我一些阿~ 04/13 01:13
10F:推 ZzzBa:XD... 04/13 13:02
11F:推 kaku216:感謝 04/13 22:10

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