CMWang 板


※ 引述《heartfree (讓心自由)》之銘言: : Flaherty Q&A: Yanks' errors 'surprising' : Catcher discusses Game 2 loss, Unit's upcoming start : By Mark Feinsand / : ANAHEIM -- The Yankees dropped Game 2 of the American League Division Series, : 5-3, to the Angels on Wednesday night at Angel Stadium, evening the : best-of-five series after two games. 星期三晚上在天使球場 洋基隊以5-3輸掉了美聯分區賽中的第二場 使得兩隊在五戰三勝的系列賽中打成1-1平手 : Rookie Chien-Ming Wang allowed four runs -- one earned -- over 6 2/3 : innings, keeping his team in the game. But two costly errors hurt the : Yankees' chances, while John Lackey and the Angels' bullpen did the rest. : Yankees catcher John Flaherty, who will catch Randy Johnson in Game 3 at : Yankee Stadium on Friday, will provide game-by-game analysis for : throughout the postseason. 菜鳥投手王建民主投6 2/3局 失四分(一分責失) 他讓洋基隊在比賽中維持競爭力 但兩次價值連城的失誤 搞丟了洋基隊的大好機會 讓John Lackey和天使隊牛棚接管了接下來的比賽 將和洋基投手Randy Johnson在星期五的第三場比賽中搭檔的捕手John Flaherty 將為 提供季後賽洋基逐場賽事的精密分析 : Flaherty spoke with's Mark Feinsand following the win, discussing : Wang, the Yankees' poor fielding and what he expects from the Big Unit on : Friday. Flaherty和MLB.com的Mark Feinsand 將討論小王 洋基隊貧乏守備 和他所期望大個兒在星期五的表現 : There were a lot of questions before the game about how Wang would : handle his first career playoff start. What were your impressions of him on : Wednesday?在看到小王生涯第一場季後賽先發表現後 大家有很多問題 你對他星期三的表現印象如何 : Flaherty: I thought he was outstanding. We had good signs right from the : get-go when he got a lot of ground balls and he kept the ball down. The one : thing with Wang is that we have to play good defense behind him; we can't : give the other team any extra outs, and unfortunately, we did that tonight. Flaherty:我想他很傑出 當他壓低球路 被擊出很多滾地球 我們有很多封殺 小王上場時 我們在他身後必須要有很好的守備 我們不能奉送額外的出局數給對手 但很不幸的 我們沒做到 : Alex Rodriguez has had such a good season at third base and Wang has : been spectacular fielding his position, so were you surprised to see each of : them make crucial errors? Rodriguez擔任三壘手本季表現非常棒 小王也是在守備上也表現耀眼 所以 當他們出現關鍵性失誤時 你驚訝嗎 : Flaherty: It's surprising. I was in the bullpen when Alex made his error, so : it was hard for me to see if he lost it or what happened. Wang is such a good : fielder, so maybe he thought the ball was bunted a little harder and it checked : up on him a little bit. He had a big performance for us, but unfortunately, : Lackey threw the ball well and they got two big innings from Kelvim Escobar. Flaherty:是非常訝異 當Alex失誤時我在牛棚 所以很難看清楚那怎麼發生的 而小王守備一向很好 所以當時 也許他想那觸擊會打得用力點並向他迎來 對我們來說 他表現得很棒 但不幸 Lackey投得好 天使隊從Kelvim Escobar開始拿到兩個大局 : Your team stranded eight runners on base and went 1-for-9 with runners : in scoring position. How tough is it to overcome that with the bullpen the : Angels throw at you? : Flaherty: Escobar was the key for them. Scot Shields did his job against one : batter, and Escobar came in throwing 95-96 with a good splitter. He's a force : to be reckoned with. You don't want to give the ball to K-Rod at the end with : a lead. : People always say that a team should be happy with a split on the : road, but when you win the first game, you get greedy and want the second win, : too. Does this loss give them the momentum going to New York, or is it still : with you, having taken away their home-field advantage? : Flaherty: I think if you had asked us coming out here if we would have taken : 1-1, we'd have probably taken that going back. We didn't play well enough to : win tonight; we didn't play well defensively, and we didn't get the big hit : when we needed it. When you look at it that way, it's not a game we were : supposed to win. Now we go home with Randy on the mound, so we feel good : about our chances. : You have seen a lot of Johnson this season as his personal catcher. : What do you expect out of him? : Flaherty: I expect what we've seen down the stretch. Every time we've needed : a win, he's answered the call for us. We expect nothing different on Friday : night. Hopefully we'll put up some runs against Paul Byrd and let Randy do : his thing. : On a personal note, are you excited to start your first postseason : game in pinstripes? : Flaherty: Yeah, I am. I think I was thinking a little greedy, that if we had : won this one, we'd have had a chance to clinch on Friday. I'm going to focus : on Randy and try to treat it like any other game -- which will be hard to do. : I'm excited about it and looking forward to it. 其他沒講到小王就不翻了..... 另...因為今天小王輸球太難過 翻不好 就將就點吧.... --

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1F:→ kevev:有看有推 10/06 20:51
2F:推 heaven12:不要太難過了,謝謝你的翻譯 10/06 20:52
3F:推 acc1016:有個小小的疑問...extra out在這邊會不會是指 10/06 20:54
4F:→ acc1016:"額外的出路(機會、生機)"?? 10/06 20:55
5F:→ acc1016:只是小疑問啦,不肯定....原po辛苦了^^ 10/06 20:55
6F:推 balleys:怎會不難過,亞洲首勝就這樣飛了 10/06 20:58
7F:→ rresonance:是...額外出局數...有空改吧 10/06 21:11
8F:→ rresonance:哎呀比賽總有輸贏 沒啥大不了 只是討厭明明投得不差 10/06 21:12
9F:推 Thade:嗯 額外出局數 本來只要三個出局 失誤以後變成要抓四個出局 10/06 21:13
10F:→ rresonance:卻因為沒贏球 就被說成不好...切~是沒看過Wright投球喔 10/06 21:13
11F:→ rresonance:怎麼投 都找不到好球帶 一直保送 那才叫差 好嗎~~~ 10/06 21:15
12F:推 acc1016:原來是這樣,剛剛沒有想到:p 10/06 21:25
...終於看了重播...一整個唉~~~明明投得讚爆 幾個小閃失 結果 唉唉唉 好吧 這一切就當成為了成就一位終極偉大投手的磨練 ※ 編輯: rresonance 來自: (10/07 00:21)

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