CMWang 板


※ 引述《wings2u2me (飛)》之銘言: : 不過剛剛看到yes第一頁的一個標題 : 真的讓我渾身發冷 : 因為原本只專心在Wang的good stuff 的洋基球迷們分散注意力 : 而且還真的逼人家把話講白了 : 原本是不用管立場 : 只要目標相同就可以了 : 現在卻變成雖然我們目標是相同的(王建民成為洋基的未來重要支柱) : 人家卻要劃清界限 說清楚講明白 : : Quote : Don't really care about Taiwan, but I think they need to keep : Wang for their own future. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 原文部分恕刪, 這一個討論串(YES Network的討論區裡)中老美洋基迷的回應, 其實還蠻有趣的,值得我們來看一看, 姑且不論原波從哪得來的英文消息, 也姑且不論是否為少數或多數美國球迷的意見. (0)mereb128(原波) 提了一人一信的事(不翻了) Maybe this will help us keep him and get rid of Brown or Wright. 也許這個可以幫我們(指基迷)留住王並且放掉Brown或Wright(顯然對王有好感). (1)by deadeye402 Whether or not the Yanks keep Wang up in the majors is not going to be decided by a Taiwanese campaign. 王是否留在大聯盟不會被台灣一人一信活動所決定. (2)by paulchiu This is pretty retarded. Perhaps this woman is trying to draw attention to herself for political purposes. 這件事真是笨.可能這個女人(指蕭)想要因此吸引注意力以達到政治上的某種目的. (3)by ExNooYoda (回應很長,慢慢翻XD) I'm surprised her American education didn't include any business cases concerning how revenue for MLB merchandise is treated. 我很驚訝她(指蕭)的美國教育背景沒有教她有關大聯盟球隊是如何從商品中獲利的. It's split between all teams. While the Yankees do see more money by having more of any MLB merchandise sold, they only see three and a third cents from every dollar of profit generated by MLB licensing fees on said merchandise. 所有商品的獲利會分給30支球團.雖然洋基可賣出比較多的商品,但每賣一塊錢大聯盟 授權的商品,洋基只能獲利0.033元(怎麼這麼少!). While I don't know how much of the price of every Yankee jersey sold is attribute to licensing fees, I bet they have to sell more jerseys than Wang could possibly be selling for the Yankees to sit up and take notice of the extra revenue stream generated by just one player over even the rest of this season. 雖然我不知道賣出每件洋基夾克的所要繳的權利金,但我敢打賭因為王賣出的商品利潤 一定不值得洋基花心思去注意單一選手的市場(好像是此意). And while I don't want to cast aspersions, it is possible some of the Taiwanese market for Wang merchandise is being fed by people not officially licensed to manufacture or sell such merchandise; sales of which do not benefit the Yankees or the rest of Major League Baseball at all. 另外,雖然我不想中傷,但是很有可能在台灣已經有人在賣或生產非授權的商品,這對 洋基或大聯盟其他球隊的獲利當然是毫無幫助的(盜版王國的印象orz). I bet the share of the TV rights are lucrative, though - I know Wang is one of the reasons why those were sold in Taiwan. 但我打賭電視權利金是一大收入,我知道台灣是因為王才買轉撥權的. Nonetheless, I do not think there's any coincidence between these three simultaneous truths in this situation: (1)The campaign is being started by a politician (2)This politician doesn't seem to have a good command of what she's talking about (3)The campaign is doubtlessly a very popular stand in her home of Taiwan, garnering her much favorable publicity. 不論如何,我不覺得下列三件同時發生的事實是巧合: (1)此活動是政客發起的. (2)此政客好像不知所云. (3)此活動在她的國家--台灣--已經人盡所知,使她得到高知名度. 接下來他抱怨了一下美國政治(不翻囉!) (4)by derf rekahtoot There is no chance Wang will be demoted if he continues to pitch as he has been pitching. I don't care what some people claim Joe has said. It will not happen. 如果王繼續表現像前幾場這麼好,不可能會把他下放.我不管別人說托瑞怎麼講. 這不會發生. (5)by Yacamo23 Don't really care about Taiwan, but I think they need to keep Wang for their own future. 我不管台灣怎樣,我覺得洋基為了未來打算就要把王留下. 結論: (1)洋基人還對王頗有好感. (2)愛王就支持王,不要害王. (3)我是來賺P幣的XD. -- 2004 ChiTown Aces #34 Kerry Wood 8-9 3.72 144K #22 Mark Prior 6-4 4.02 139K #31 Greg Maddux 16-11 4.02 151K #38 Carlos Zambrano 16-8 2.75 188K #30 Matt Clement 9-13 3.68 190K --

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◆ From:
1F:推 dearhui:哈~可以加快閱讀速度… 05/31
2F:推 mtwtfss:此舉動雖然不智 幫不了王 同樣的 也不會害到王 05/31
3F:推 jienan:推~~~翻譯辛苦了 05/31
4F:推 kavasaki:push 05/31
5F:推 maktub:好奇的是,洋基討論區的原po怎麼有這消息的? 05/31
6F:推 sgssgs:體育歸體育,政治歸政治,體育被政客利用是悲哀 05/31
7F:推 hww2027:原波沒說,但那英文新聞稿的文筆不錯,不像捏造的 05/31
8F:→ hww2027:至少是個英文程度不錯的人所執筆~~ 05/31
9F:→ sgssgs:立委的無知,背後幫他出主意的助理要打屁股 05/31
10F:推 Kyosuke:不會害到王,但是會傷害台灣形象 05/31
11F:推 laury:好文~~推一下 05/31
12F:推 griff:推你的結論3 XDXD 05/31
13F:推 jickey:推 有趣的文章 05/31
14F:→ hww2027:推不會傷害王,但台灣被看笑話~~ 05/31
15F:推 damonter:請問可以把這篇文po到無恥政客蕭大立委的版嗎? 05/31
16F:推 steroids:◆ 這一篇文章值 90 銀 05/31
17F:推 rainnnie:對台灣的印象就是政客 就是盜版 真慘 05/31
18F:推 catcake:感謝分享140.119.204.107 05/31
19F:推 hanijun:<(_ _)> 05/31
20F:→ peterwww:這件事是小事....... 05/31

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