Billiard 板


阿順被擊敗的消息果然是今天官網的頭條新聞 的確,以整體實力來講,阿順絕對是優於對手 國際間也都已肯定阿順的實力了,大大小小的冠軍就是實力的證明 但是能來參加這次比賽的選手水準都不會差到哪裡去 誰也沒把握一定能贏誰,就看臨場的發揮和表現了 阿順輸了是很令人惋惜,那一場我有在現場看,真可以說是哀鴻遍野 但是別忘了我們還有10位選手進入32強 超過四分之一的席位,今年台灣選手要奪冠還是很有機會 大家要繼續為台灣選手加油喔~~~\( ̄▽ ̄")/ 以下轉錄自官網: 裡面有說到台灣是最強的國家喔~~~看到這一句就很爽 XD Hero Hundal Heads Off Thursday GIANTKILLER Raj Hundal will head off day six of the 2005 Kaohsiung World Pool Championship on the TV table after his defeat of home favourite Ching-shun Yang. Hundal faces Rodney Morris, who knocked out Canada’s Luc Salvas in the last 64, and that match is then followed by new market leader Marlon Manalo as he comes up against one of the ten remaining Taiwanese players in Chien-che Huang. Defending champion Alex Pagulayan is then matched against dangerous young Hungarian Vilmos Foldes before Nick van den Berg plays Hua-fong Wang and 2001 champion Mika Immonen takes on Kunihiko Takahashi. With Taiwan having ten players remaining, they are the strongest nation still represented in the competition. There are five Filipinos, four Americans, three Germans and two Englishmen. The following countries all have one representative remaining: Japan, Holland, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Hungary. TABLE ONE Rodney Morris (USA) v Raj Hundal (Eng) Marlon Manalo (Phi) v Chien-che Huang (Tpe) Alex Pagulayan (Phi) v Vilmos Foldes (Hun) Nick van den Berg (Hol) v Hua-fong Wang (Tpe) Mika Immonen (Fin) v Kunihiko Takahashi (Jap) TABLE TWO Andreas Roschkowsky (Ger) v Chia-ching Wu (Tpe) Gabe Owen (USA) v Jeremy Jones (USA) Gandy Valle (Phi) v Ying-chieh Chen (Tpe) Marcus Chamat (Swe) v Alain Martel (Can) Roman Hybler (Cze) v Fong-pang Chao (Tpe) TABLE THREE Rodolfo Luat (Phi) v Thanh Nam Nguyen (Vie) Kevin Uzzell (Eng) v Thorsten Hohmann (Ger) Kun-chang Huang (Tpe) v Hui-kai Hsia (Tpe) TABLE FOUR Po-cheng Kuo (Tpe) v Chun-chiang Liu (Tpe) Cory Deuel (USA) v Harry Stolka (Ger) Warren Kiamco (Phi) v Jung-ling Chang (Tpe) -- │╲ 我管理過許多看板,當板主的時間已經有 8 年了... ┌─┘ ╲ 在 PTT 上主要擔任三個板的板主; │ ╲ 1.Diablo (暗黑板) 2.Billiard (撞球板) 3.Game-Talk (遊戲討論板) | ╱ PTT 是我最常上的 BBS 站,從開站那一年我就在站上註冊了 └─┐ ╱ 我養的寵物是目前全站養最久的喔~~ 是一隻恐龍啦! \( ̄▽ ̄")/ │╱ 歡迎光臨《oBuy》電玩討論區 電玩討論 --

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◆ From:
1F:推 RedLiam:好像已經是公認的,不過還是很爽 07/07
2F:推 ag0953:台灣撞球實力是不容忽視的 07/07
3F:推 cuteship:我看完全文 他的意思是說 "在這場比賽裡 最強的 07/07
4F:→ cuteship:國家是台灣" 07/07
5F:推 timmic:我也在現場...對手太準...沒辦法220.134.146.225 07/07
6F:推 allenyao:在這次比賽各國中,目前表現最佳的仍是台灣203.203.164.131 07/07
7F:推 quark:你以為我看不出來文章的意思嘛..ˋ(′~‵")ˊ 07/07

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