Billiard 板


阿顺被击败的消息果然是今天官网的头条新闻 的确,以整体实力来讲,阿顺绝对是优於对手 国际间也都已肯定阿顺的实力了,大大小小的冠军就是实力的证明 但是能来参加这次比赛的选手水准都不会差到哪里去 谁也没把握一定能赢谁,就看临场的发挥和表现了 阿顺输了是很令人惋惜,那一场我有在现场看,真可以说是哀鸿遍野 但是别忘了我们还有10位选手进入32强 超过四分之一的席位,今年台湾选手要夺冠还是很有机会 大家要继续为台湾选手加油喔~~~\( ̄▽ ̄")/ 以下转录自官网: 里面有说到台湾是最强的国家喔~~~看到这一句就很爽 XD Hero Hundal Heads Off Thursday GIANTKILLER Raj Hundal will head off day six of the 2005 Kaohsiung World Pool Championship on the TV table after his defeat of home favourite Ching-shun Yang. Hundal faces Rodney Morris, who knocked out Canada’s Luc Salvas in the last 64, and that match is then followed by new market leader Marlon Manalo as he comes up against one of the ten remaining Taiwanese players in Chien-che Huang. Defending champion Alex Pagulayan is then matched against dangerous young Hungarian Vilmos Foldes before Nick van den Berg plays Hua-fong Wang and 2001 champion Mika Immonen takes on Kunihiko Takahashi. With Taiwan having ten players remaining, they are the strongest nation still represented in the competition. There are five Filipinos, four Americans, three Germans and two Englishmen. The following countries all have one representative remaining: Japan, Holland, Finland, Sweden, Canada, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Hungary. TABLE ONE Rodney Morris (USA) v Raj Hundal (Eng) Marlon Manalo (Phi) v Chien-che Huang (Tpe) Alex Pagulayan (Phi) v Vilmos Foldes (Hun) Nick van den Berg (Hol) v Hua-fong Wang (Tpe) Mika Immonen (Fin) v Kunihiko Takahashi (Jap) TABLE TWO Andreas Roschkowsky (Ger) v Chia-ching Wu (Tpe) Gabe Owen (USA) v Jeremy Jones (USA) Gandy Valle (Phi) v Ying-chieh Chen (Tpe) Marcus Chamat (Swe) v Alain Martel (Can) Roman Hybler (Cze) v Fong-pang Chao (Tpe) TABLE THREE Rodolfo Luat (Phi) v Thanh Nam Nguyen (Vie) Kevin Uzzell (Eng) v Thorsten Hohmann (Ger) Kun-chang Huang (Tpe) v Hui-kai Hsia (Tpe) TABLE FOUR Po-cheng Kuo (Tpe) v Chun-chiang Liu (Tpe) Cory Deuel (USA) v Harry Stolka (Ger) Warren Kiamco (Phi) v Jung-ling Chang (Tpe) -- │╲ 我管理过许多看板,当板主的时间已经有 8 年了... ┌─┘ ╲ 在 PTT 上主要担任三个板的板主; │ ╲ 1.Diablo (暗黑板) 2.Billiard (撞球板) 3.Game-Talk (游戏讨论板) | ╱ PTT 是我最常上的 BBS 站,从开站那一年我就在站上注册了 └─┐ ╱ 我养的宠物是目前全站养最久的喔~~ 是一只恐龙啦! \( ̄▽ ̄")/ │╱ 欢迎光临《oBuy》电玩讨论区 电玩讨论 --

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◆ From:
1F:推 RedLiam:好像已经是公认的,不过还是很爽 07/07
2F:推 ag0953:台湾撞球实力是不容忽视的 07/07
3F:推 cuteship:我看完全文 他的意思是说 "在这场比赛里 最强的 07/07
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