Baseball 板

LINE 大聯盟官網在2017年有篇報導回顧高中生法官的球探報告 節錄 It wasn't always that way. As a senior at Linden HS in California, the now-outfi elder played first base. At a position known as a hub for power bats, Judge's di dn't stand out. 高中守一壘但表現不是很出色 The scout rated his power a 4 on the 2-8 scouting scale, indicating that this 17 -year-old iteration of Judge possessed below-average power despite already stand ing at his current height of 6-foot-7. Though the notes indicate that he had abo ve-average raw power, the overall summary of Judge-the-high-schooler didn't even mention his power. 長打力量在2-8評分表只有4分,代表雖然17歲的法官他已經長到了現在的身高但長打力量低 於平均。雖然球探的筆記指出他的潛在力量高於平均,但在總結部分根本沒提到力量。 It would be inconceivable now, in the year 2017, to pen a six-sentence summary o f Judge and omit his power. In 2010, that was what happened. 現在當然很難以想像,不過這在2010年確實發生過。 We also know that Judge is one of the best teammates out there. He's so good in that facet that he's even drawn comparisons to Derek Jeter. 我們也知道法官是同屆當中最好的隊友之一,好到模板是基特。 Returning to the scouting report from high school, Judge received an "excellent" rating for emotional maturity. There has never been a 17-year-old male in histo ry with excellent emotional intelligence. At least, there wasn't until Aaron Jud ge turned 17 in 2009. 回到他高中時期的球探報告,法官的情緒成熟度被評為傑出。從來沒有17歲的男性在這個項 目被評為傑出,至少在2009年的17歲法官之前沒有。 中間一段跳過,是講他到了大學人品還是很好,球探叫他紳士巨人 Lastly, all scouting reports come down to an evaluation of a player's OFP -- his overall future projection. OFP is based on the 20-80 scouting scale, where a gr ade of 50 would indicate an average Major League player. Even the lanky, below-a verage powered, first-base version of Judge received an OFP of 54. Even at his l east appealing -- a first baseman without great power -- Judge was seen as an ab ove-average player down the road. 最終來到OFP,即整體未來評價,50分就代表未來是平均水準的大聯盟球員。即便是這個修 長、力量低於平均而且防守一壘的法官也得到了54分。意味著即使是個沒有什麼力量的一壘 手,高中的法官還是被視為未來能夠成為高於平均的選手。 之後他在大二長打開始爆發,力量給到6分,OFP也上升到60分 大概是這樣 --

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1F:推 sony0223098: 潛在力量要怎麼看阿 看他體格嗎?07/30 21:12
2F:推 RodrigueZ810: 美吉國谷都是人品好 球就打得好的代表嗎?07/30 21:12
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/30/2024 21:15:14
3F:→ polanco: 就從身材跟打擊練習看出來的吧 不一定能轉換到比賽中 07/30 21:16
4F:推 alpacaHong: 你人真好 07/30 21:19
5F:推 wpd: 討論區本來就是這樣用的 沒這問題 多少人能看到這篇?? 07/30 21:20
6F:→ wpd: 多少人自己在MLB 2017年看過這文的 07/30 21:21
7F:推 bbo40453: 所以法官進行肌肉改造的意思? 07/30 21:22
8F:推 tc6289: 不是講話很嗆的私人教練幫他進化的嗎 07/30 21:27
9F:推 kelvin0430: 選秀那年法官在BA#30,那年洋基有三張1輪籤就是了XD 07/30 21:30
10F:→ angel902037: 看起來是 評價不是頂尖的 隱玉概念 07/30 21:38
11F:推 Atkins13: 有點像大王 高中時打得不錯但沒到入選國手 長打是進大 07/30 21:43
12F:→ Atkins13: 學才長出來的 07/30 21:43
13F:推 edhuang: 推 這篇當下法官正在當全壘打王 3/4/6 OPS逼近1.1 07/30 21:44
14F:→ JustinIdiot: 法官是raw tool好 而且還長超過預期的例子(大學成績 07/31 00:02
15F:→ JustinIdiot: 也沒有多突出 但看得出EV高 潛力不錯) 坦白說 像他這 07/31 00:02
16F:→ JustinIdiot: 樣的新秀真的十分罕見 甚至他剛上大聯盟那年的表現 07/31 00:02
17F:→ JustinIdiot: 還讓他的價值掉不少 隔年居然變聯盟最頂尖打者之一 07/31 00:02
18F:→ sssss: 他進到職業後有請專門的打教 07/31 00:39
19F:推 MrNeverDie: 感謝分享 07/31 01:29
20F:推 max011060: 感謝翻譯 07/31 15:05

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