Baseball 板


雙城隊在第三輪指名了大學捕手Khadim Diaw 他也成為首位塞內加爾裔在大聯盟選秀入選的 Diaw’s father -- who is trilingual in French, English and Wolof, a language nat ive to West Africa -- was born in Dakar and imbued his son with a love of sport, namely soccer. 他爸爸是塞內加爾人,會說法文/英文/沃洛夫語 Diaw’s mother, Suzanne Scheld, was a softball letterwinner at Yale in 1984 and ‘85; with Khadim having been born in Hoboken, N.J., idolizing Derek Jeter, a ne w path was formed: baseball. 媽媽則是打壘球的 然後Khadim Diaw在紐澤西出生,偶像自然是Derek Jeter “I loved it. I thought it was really cool,” Diaw said of spending time in Sene gal growing up. “I remember when I was younger, playing with the local kids in the community, you know, it was always soccer. They don't have much baseball, pl aying soccer in the streets just sparked my competitive side.” 小時候也在塞內加爾生活過 Long is the list of ball players who grew up with an extensive multisport backgr ound as a way to hone their athleticism. Before either Khadim or his father were on the baseball track, the son of a “big soccer guy” was using mostly his fee t before he ever got accustomed to swinging a bat. (Diaw’s namesake, Khadim Dia w, is a pro soccer player in the Sudan Premier League, who was born in Senegal.) 在那邊踢足球 “I think it's helped me with my speed and my power and just agility on the fiel d,” Diaw said, “kind of that balance to help me be dynamic as a person and not get too burnt out on baseball or soccer.” 也認為現在打棒球有幫助
話說雙城第一輪也是選黑人球員Kaelen Culpepper
目前大聯盟陣中也有兩位不痛痛很強的黑人 Royce Lewis
Byron Buxton

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/16/2024 09:58:19
1F:推 n61208: 原來Lewis 是黑人07/16 09:59
2F:→ Cathay: 想到第一個奈及利亞球員,好像是去留學後被選秀挑中07/16 10:00
3F:→ Cathay: 打了幾年小聯盟後退役,加入麥肯錫(印象中),後來開投顧公司07/16 10:01
4F:推 tgmrvmle: 屌爺07/16 10:04
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/16/2024 10:06:44
5F:推 jzzy: cmonBruh 07/16 10:07
6F:推 jack58: Diaw 的發音484屌? 07/16 10:09
7F:推 ohmyya: Boris Diaw 07/16 10:20
8F:推 sixer: Lewis應該是黑白混血 皮膚沒有這麼黑 07/16 10:32
9F:推 BleedWang: 這美國人吧 我還以為是塞內加爾球員 07/16 10:33
10F:推 blitz1991: 說ㄉㄧㄠ會被桶嗎 07/16 10:52
11F:推 arthur9292: 單說不會 如果拿來指稱球員綽號可能就會了 07/16 11:21
12F:推 aky46852: 我只好念迪奧了 他會砸哇魯多嗎 07/16 11:33
13F:推 pt510148: 對這國家的印象只有以前請他們國家足球隊來結果隨便踢 07/16 11:38
14F:→ pt510148: 踢 07/16 11:38
15F:推 jason930502: NBA那個都唸迪奧啊 07/16 12:24
16F:推 iPolo3: Konodiawda 07/16 13:03
17F:推 JER2725: 以前塞內加爾還是邦交國,在日韓那屆世界盃還來台灣,結 07/16 13:12
18F:→ JER2725: 果惹出桃色風波 07/16 13:12
19F:→ v2020black: 百年紀錄嗎?那該MVP了 07/16 13:31
20F:→ lightjayjw: 美國黑人跟非裔美國人,我分不出來 07/16 13:50

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