作者zxc906383 (無無)
標題[情報] MLB老闆開始支持球員打洛杉磯奧運了?
時間Thu Feb 8 08:16:24 2024
Some Major League Baseball owners are increasingly supportive of sending major l
eaguers to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, and a prominent executive’s p
resentation to the owners Wednesday outlined how it could actually happen — wit
hout greatly interrupting the regular season.
“There’s been a lot a lot of growing support, a lot of it based on the great s
uccess of the World Baseball Classic last year,” said a person who attended the
presentation, which took place at MLB’s regularly scheduled owners’ meetings
this week at a hotel outside of Orlando.
On Wednesday, Casey Wasserman — CEO of the Wasserman agency and the chairperson
of a group that spearheaded the push to bring the Olympics to LA in 2028 —
cussed a tournament with the owners that could include six or eight countries, t
hree meeting attendees told The Athletic.
Baseball’s portion of the Olympics also would be scheduled around the time that
MLB would normally be on its All-Star break, in mid-July. The 2028 Olympic game
s are scheduled to run from July 14 to July 30, and baseball could potentially b
ecome one of the events to kick off the games.
The usual All-Star Game might be canceled for one year, supplanted by the Olympi
cs, which would serve a similar purpose — it’s a showcase of the best, but one
that theoretically would be watched by many more people. Alternatively, it migh
t be possible to hold an All-Star Game in conjunction with the Olympics, with bo
th being played in Los Angeles. Even a Home Run Derby could potentially be worke
d in.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://webptt.com/m.aspx?n=bbs/Baseball/M.1707351386.A.3BE.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/08/2024 08:18:19
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 02/08 08:18
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/08/2024 08:20:10
1F:推 pl726: 不讓了 02/08 08:45
2F:推 Stanton27: USA蒿兔鷺鷥 02/08 08:52
3F:推 fman: 洛杉磯奧運畢竟是辦在美國,所以MLB的態度會比較開放吧 02/08 08:53
4F:推 abc12812: 讓世界看到加州的遊民零元購 02/08 09:00
5F:推 thb96300: 又要到飯了 兄弟們 02/08 09:28
6F:推 kexfj: 剩下老叩叩在看棒球,怕到了 02/08 09:38
7F:推 ksutme: 奧運就一個星期的賽程,如果願意把明星賽取消或移到LA, 02/08 09:45
8F:→ ksutme: 就會有3-5天左右的空檔讓球員去打奧運了 02/08 09:45
9F:推 ykesha: 頂多打兩星期吧 找各種理由不就是怕沒打出預期成績罷了 02/08 09:49
10F:推 MarchelKaton: 都在自家辦了不挺很奇怪吧,美國人也是很愛國的 02/08 09:49
11F:→ b99202071: 484被誰威脅惹 02/08 09:56
12F:推 abc5555990: 台灣也該準備了 02/08 10:15
13F:推 oncemore: 美國政府也不太可能讓他們想不打奧運就不打吧 02/08 10:24
14F:→ xo1100: 到時應該暫時沒0元購那些了吧 通常都會整頓怕丟臉 02/08 10:37
15F:推 takamiku: 在自己本土辦比賽就是比愛國心 02/08 10:53
16F:推 Vram: 辦在國內意願提高很正常吧 02/08 10:53
17F:推 Derp: 還不是被日本虐爆 02/08 11:11
18F:→ Herb5566: 怎麼有人會覺得跟美國政府有關? 02/08 11:15
19F:→ jkl852: 又不是中國 關政府鬼事 02/08 11:25
20F:→ ADDUCE: 奧運冠軍跟國聯美聯勝隊再打一場 02/08 11:39
21F:推 yah13305: 自己國家主辦 支持一下應該的 在自己熟悉場地又方便 02/08 12:22
22F:推 a1684114: 聽說台灣有個教頭說日本強 不讓了 02/08 12:42
23F:推 Ronniecf: 美國奧運選手又不是政府養的 02/08 12:45
24F:→ jumperman: 反正也跟我們無關,看戲就好...繼續憧憬日本...... 02/08 14:07
25F:推 alex0589: 放心 金牌還是日本的 02/08 15:12
26F:推 ilks2334: 美國徵召順利對日本來說是硬仗 02/08 18:08
27F:推 tommy123310: 還不是被大谷虐 02/08 18:52
28F:→ cobras638: 美國自己主辦奧運 支持一下應該的 02/09 00:39
29F:推 mibbl0: 上面寫說 2028年例行賽會減少 打158場 02/09 02:12