Baseball 板

LINE Some Major League Baseball owners are increasingly supportive of sending major l eaguers to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, and a prominent executive’s p resentation to the owners Wednesday outlined how it could actually happen — wit hout greatly interrupting the regular season. 大联盟老板对於让大联盟选手参加洛杉矶奥运这事的支持度越来越高了 在周三的老板会议上也有做针对此事做简报报告 “There’s been a lot a lot of growing support, a lot of it based on the great s uccess of the World Baseball Classic last year,” said a person who attended the presentation, which took place at MLB’s regularly scheduled owners’ meetings this week at a hotel outside of Orlando. 一位出席本次会议的人表示 有鉴於这次经典赛的成功 此事的支持度越来越高了 On Wednesday, Casey Wasserman — CEO of the Wasserman agency and the chairperson of a group that spearheaded the push to bring the Olympics to LA in 2028 — dis cussed a tournament with the owners that could include six or eight countries, t hree meeting attendees told The Athletic. 这次简报中提到可能是六国或八国 Baseball’s portion of the Olympics also would be scheduled around the time that MLB would normally be on its All-Star break, in mid-July. The 2028 Olympic game s are scheduled to run from July 14 to July 30, and baseball could potentially b ecome one of the events to kick off the games. The usual All-Star Game might be canceled for one year, supplanted by the Olympi cs, which would serve a similar purpose — it’s a showcase of the best, but one that theoretically would be watched by many more people. Alternatively, it migh t be possible to hold an All-Star Game in conjunction with the Olympics, with bo th being played in Los Angeles. Even a Home Run Derby could potentially be worke d in. 当年明星赛可能选择取消 或是一起拉到洛杉矶举办

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 02/08/2024 08:18:19 zxc906383:转录至看板 MLB 02/08 08:18 ※ 编辑: zxc906383 ( 台湾), 02/08/2024 08:20:10
1F:推 pl726: 不让了 02/08 08:45
2F:推 Stanton27: USA蒿兔鹭鸶 02/08 08:52
3F:推 fman: 洛杉矶奥运毕竟是办在美国,所以MLB的态度会比较开放吧 02/08 08:53
4F:推 abc12812: 让世界看到加州的游民零元购 02/08 09:00
5F:推 thb96300: 又要到饭了 兄弟们 02/08 09:28
6F:推 kexfj: 剩下老叩叩在看棒球,怕到了 02/08 09:38
7F:推 ksutme: 奥运就一个星期的赛程,如果愿意把明星赛取消或移到LA, 02/08 09:45
8F:→ ksutme: 就会有3-5天左右的空档让球员去打奥运了 02/08 09:45
9F:推 ykesha: 顶多打两星期吧 找各种理由不就是怕没打出预期成绩罢了 02/08 09:49
10F:推 MarchelKaton: 都在自家办了不挺很奇怪吧,美国人也是很爱国的 02/08 09:49
11F:→ b99202071: 484被谁威胁惹 02/08 09:56
12F:推 abc5555990: 台湾也该准备了 02/08 10:15
13F:推 oncemore: 美国政府也不太可能让他们想不打奥运就不打吧 02/08 10:24
14F:→ xo1100: 到时应该暂时没0元购那些了吧 通常都会整顿怕丢脸 02/08 10:37
15F:推 takamiku: 在自己本土办比赛就是比爱国心 02/08 10:53
16F:推 Vram: 办在国内意愿提高很正常吧 02/08 10:53
17F:推 Derp: 还不是被日本虐爆 02/08 11:11
18F:→ Herb5566: 怎麽有人会觉得跟美国政府有关? 02/08 11:15
19F:→ jkl852: 又不是中国 关政府鬼事 02/08 11:25
20F:→ ADDUCE: 奥运冠军跟国联美联胜队再打一场 02/08 11:39
21F:推 yah13305: 自己国家主办 支持一下应该的 在自己熟悉场地又方便 02/08 12:22
22F:推 a1684114: 听说台湾有个教头说日本强 不让了 02/08 12:42
23F:推 Ronniecf: 美国奥运选手又不是政府养的 02/08 12:45
24F:→ jumperman: 反正也跟我们无关,看戏就好...继续憧憬日本...... 02/08 14:07
25F:推 alex0589: 放心 金牌还是日本的 02/08 15:12
26F:推 ilks2334: 美国徵召顺利对日本来说是硬仗 02/08 18:08
27F:推 tommy123310: 还不是被大谷虐 02/08 18:52
28F:→ cobras638: 美国自己主办奥运 支持一下应该的 02/09 00:39
29F:推 mibbl0: 上面写说 2028年例行赛会减少 打158场 02/09 02:12

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