LINE NYLON 導演CAROLINE SUH談拍攝BLACKPINK與捕捉她們的脆弱時刻 在紀錄片《BLACKPINK: Light Up the Sky》公開前,該片導演暢談拍攝全球最大女團 There's a moment early on in Netflix's BLACKPINK: Light Up the Sky when member Jennie turns shyly away from the camera and says, "I always avoid interviews or any questions about me because I would rather not talk about myself." It's not exactly what a filmmaker wants to hear when tasked with the job of getting someone, especially a famous someone, to open up. But Jennie's soft-spoken confession is real enough to be revealing. It's this frankness — delicate in its delivery, direct in its message — that makes BLACKPINK's Jennie, Jisoo, Rosé, and Lisa such compelling muses for Korean-American director Caroline Suh as she focuses her lens on the biggest girl group in the world. BLACKPINK: Light Up the Sky, the gargantuan K-pop girl group's new documentary out Oct. 14, paints a more prismatic portrait of the group than the "pretty savage" personas they project through their music and on stage. Over its 79 minutes, it reveals four young women who yearn to show more: their talents, vulnerabilities, and ambitions. They do so through intimate moments where they get to be themselves — Rosé pouring her soul into a song she doesn't want anyone to hear, Jennie advocating for a girly concept, Jisoo joking around in the studio, and Lisa snapping photos of her bandmates as if committing them to memory. As documentaries become an increasingly popular medium for celebrities to tell their stories, Suh had access to an "amazing amount of archival material" from the group's Korean management company YG Entertainment, she tells NYLON on a recent phone call. There's footage from their trainee days, and the doc even opens with a scene from the group's 2016 debut news conference as they stand nervously on stage ready to introduce themselves as BLACKPINK for the first time. Putting it all into context, Suh makes a point to show not only who they are as individuals and how they came to be part of the BLACKPINK revolution but also to capture what that feels like. The singular sensation of going from sleepless nights spent in practice rooms and giggling on dorm room floors to becoming chic global superstars making history. 你花了多久時間與BLACKPINK一起拍攝? 我們一共拍攝了2週的時間。其中一段是2019年的秋天,今年2月我們又再去了一趟。 拍攝過程很棒,當我們在韓國時,成員們將所有的時間都撥給我們,所以我們得以 拍攝她們在錄音室的情形,以及休息時間喜歡做的事。 What was your perception of the K-pop industry before you started working on this project? I knew a little bit. My nephew knows everything about K-pop. He's in high school, and he's a huge fan. So I knew a little bit just from talking with him. And I knew about the Korean wave, the culture wave. But I didn't know anything beyond that. So I did a deep dive when I found out that I'd be working on the project to get the context for their story. I read all sorts of articles and listened to podcasts, and we had great researchers who passed along a bunch of clips to me. It's funny because that's what a lot of fans do as well when they get into a new group. One video turns into five videos turns into 13 videos, and suddenly you're staying up all night watching variety show clips and performance stages. The first time I went to Korea to meet with Teddy and the BLACKPINK members, I got to go backstage at one of the shows. I actually went to the cafeteria where all of the performers go after their tapings. It was incredible. It was like a scene from a movie. All of these boy groups were eating ramen while perfectly made up and in their costumes. This film really highlights the contrast of who BLACKPINK are onstage versus offstage. Was that what you wanted to convey? I really wanted to give them space to talk and talk about their experiences in a candid way. So it was less that I was trying to prove a point and more that I wanted to understand and explore how they were feeling, where they came from, and how they came to be in this crazy moment. I just wanted to understand their personal stories of how they came to be part of this phenomenon and what that felt like. For people who aren't huge BLACKPINK fans, we wanted to introduce them and where they came from. 我喜愛JENNIE以說不喜歡談論自己的方式開始她的訪問,仿佛她在間接地挑戰你 一樣。讓她敞開心胸很難嗎? 我們是在拍攝的尾聲時進行訪問的,所以她們已熟悉我們。她們不曾做過類似的 項目,所以對我們想要做的事、我們真的想呈現她們真實樣貌等有所了解。這也 是我們唯一的目的。所以當進行訪問時,她已感到自在。她很害羞,但同時也在 許多方面是不設防的。她只說事情的真相,如果要她開口,那她必定誠實以待。 這是你在訪問中可以看見她完全地直來直往,也是她這個人的作風。 You were able to talk to Jennie and Rosé primarily in English. Did that help foster a connection with them during these interviews? The language barrier is a bit of a barrier, but you overcome it with other kinds of expressions and body language. I do feel like I got to know Lisa and Jisoo as well. You just have to get over that initial hurdle of trying to figure out what the other person is saying. You have to place a lot of trust in your translator. That is very true. She was great, and she was very involved. I trusted her completely. 你也在ROSÉ著手一些solo工作時與她一起進入錄音室。她談到錄音室對她來說 是多麼脆弱的地方,她對於讓很多人聽見她尚未完成的作品感到不自在。拍攝這 段時有進行過什麼樣的說服工作嗎? 不,她想要這麼做。我認為她想要展現出自己的這一面。當我們在錄音室拍攝她 時,她忘記了我們在那裡。她完全專注在歌曲上。我喜愛當時的那一幕,因為你 可以不經任何言語,在她的臉上看見所有她正在經歷的情緒,那種畏懼但又堅決 的樣子。我喜愛看見她驅使自己去做一些自己真正害怕的事情時的模樣。 這部紀錄片中有許多真實心聲,但ROSÉ的部分訪問特別具有揭露性。有一個坦率 的時刻是,當她說自己懷念練習生時期,因為當自己是練習生時,她每天都是被 音樂包圍,現在她的生活花了很多時間在非音樂相關的事情上。當我們想到業界 標準的練習生過程時,想到的是嚴苛的日子,但ROSÉ卻渴望重返那段時光。 我喜愛她這麼說。同時,當我問JENNIE對於未來是否感到緊張,因為在一首爆紅 曲後的新歌往往會讓人擔心。她說「我們還有許多東西要展現給你們看」我認為 這十分有趣。她們經歷了相當深度的訓練,可以利用很多創意的影響力,所以她 們還能做出有更多不同類型的音樂。 LISA對那個問題的答案也很有啟發性。她說「我們變老或被新人取代了沒關係,只要 還有人記得我們曾如此閃耀就好」。作為音樂界中的女性,存在著當她們年紀變大了 之後,必須爭取關聯性(LesBleus:fight for relevance,不太會譯這句)這樣的 想法存在,但LISA有著如此正面的心理建設。 這很LISA,我喜愛她這點。她非常快樂,充分運用著一切,你可以看出她真的很享受 眼下的時刻。 她在影片中說著自己的母語-泰語,這是個很好的個人風格。 我們告訴她們使用任何自己感到最舒適的語言說話,LISA令人難以置信地在訪問中於 3種語言間切換自如,那很有趣,對她來說也是很自然的事。 Jisoo is someone who is often misunderstood by people who don't know a lot about BLACKPINK. She is a bit quiet and can come off as reserved, but this film really highlights her humor. What was it like getting to know her? I love Jisoo. She's really funny. She is very mature. I just like her a lot as a person. Her instinct is to take care of everyone else, to step back and help everyone else be successful. I love when Teddy says that she's street smart because that shows a different side of her. You really shouldn't take her powers for granted. She's a force. She's very subtle, and there are small moments in the film where she shows who she really is. At the beginning when they're in the recording studio, she sings one note, and it's really funny. When she's cooking with Jennie and says it's not bad but not good. She has these subtle, very funny moments. 這類型的名人紀錄片有時是充滿挑戰的,尤其是涉及存取資料和管控的時候。在整個 拍攝過程中,你曾感受到YG娛樂試圖控制影片所傳達的訊息嗎? 你知道的,很意外地這完全不成問題。當我們在規畫拍攝,試著想出與女孩們一起拍 攝什麼的時候,YG只說了「去問女孩們,別問我們」。他們必須核可拍攝計畫並樂於 拍攝過程。所以他們真的幾乎完全與我們的製片計畫,以及我們將要拍什麼、不拍什 麼沒有任何交集。他們在訪問中也宛如不存在。他們對整個過程的尊重以及沒試著控 制一切,是個好的驚喜。當我們完成最終的剪輯版本後,他們最後看了影片。幸運的 是,他們非常滿意。我被很愉快地驚喜到了,因為每當你與任何名人、天才應對時, 總是會感到仿佛有許多階層要通過,但(這裡)真的沒有。 The film attempts to contextualize their success. As someone who has spent time getting to know them, hearing their stories, looking at countless hours of footage, what do you think is the secret to BLACKPINK's meteoric rise? I don't know for sure, but what is true about them is that they are these very determined, hard-working women who come together and are part of a group that's become bigger than each of its members. They're stronger together. They take care of each other. That's a very appealing idea to people, and it comes through in their performances and their music. BLACKPINK去年的《In Your Area》世巡紐澤西場你去現場了,第一次親眼看到火力全 開的「BLACKPINK革命」(revolution)的感覺如何? 在巨大的體育館內與所有這些應援棒一起的感覺令人懾服,我曾想像會有很多青少女, 但那裡有各式各樣的人們,有30多歲的男性,也有帶著小孩的父母。我對現場觀眾的 多樣性感到震驚。這可能是天真的想法,我也曾以為多數觀眾會是亞裔,但事實並非 如此。 看見她們影響力的規模後,有讓你對拍攝計畫帶來更清楚的想法嗎? 我想我在那晚成為了粉絲。她們的歌非常抓耳。我也激動著見證這個製作會有多龐大。 你能正式稱呼自己為BLINK了嗎? 我可以。我應該要嗎? --

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1F:→ LesBleus: 看到這篇紀錄片導演非常棒的訪問,裡面提到了許多有關這 10/14 08:53
2F:→ LesBleus: 次紀錄片的幕後細節,以及在拍攝過程中最接近成員們的導 10/14 08:55
3F:→ LesBleus: 演,眼中所見的成員是什麼模樣。無奈現實生活不允許我一 10/14 08:56
4F:→ LesBleus: 口氣翻譯出來,暫時先譯了幾段,之後再補。但生肉應該還 10/14 08:57
5F:→ LesBleus: 不算難啃,推薦BLINK一定要看。 10/14 08:57
6F:→ vsko: 推整理 10/14 11:52
又譯了幾段,3點前能譯多少算多少,因為我要準時收看紀錄片XD ※ 編輯: LesBleus ( 臺灣), 10/14/2020 14:53:59
7F:推 Linjinhong: 對於YG不控管拍攝 我真的很驚訝哈哈哈 10/15 00:53
8F:推 dstory: fight for relevance那邊應該是有省略掉後面的一些詞匯 10/15 10:44
9F:推 dstory: 所以那段我可能會理解為"作為女性(這邊應該指女團成員) 10/15 10:48
10F:→ dstory: 當她們年紀漸長,她們必須為了適不適當(繼續作為女團)而 10/15 10:48
11F:→ dstory: 奮鬥" 10/15 10:48
12F:→ dstory: relevance感覺翻在適當性會比較能夠合乎其義 10/15 10:49
13F:→ LesBleus: 感謝s大!常常隱約知道原文想表達什麼意思但翻不出來XD 10/15 11:03
14F:→ LesBleus: *d大啦! 10/15 11:03

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