來源 10 Things You Learn Hanging Out With Blackpink: More From the Group's Billboard Cover Story 與BLACKPINK相處後得知的10件事: 更多沒寫進封面報導的內容 Blackpink is in your area -- and the K-pop girl group means that literally.The quartet’s catchphrase has become something of prophecy as they take steps to become global pop superstars through their deal with Interscope Records and their upcoming world arena tour, as detailed in Billboard’s new cover story. 4人K-pop女團BLACKPINK正身體力行「BLACKPINK In Your Area」口號,隨著與新視鏡唱 片簽約、展開世界巡迴,這句標語在她們邁向成為全球巨星的路上,愈來愈像一句預言。 For their first major sit-down interview in the U.S., the group opened up about the years of pop-star training they put in before debuting in Blackpink, their involvement in the creative process and their bonds with each other. With five different covers, tons of photos and exclusive videos to go along with it, there are plenty of Blackpink goodies for the Blinks -- as their fans call themselves -- to pore over. But in case that’s not enough, here's what else we learned while hanging out with the group: 在BLACKPINK於美國進行的首次深入訪問中,她們暢談出道前的多年訓練過程、對創意發 想的參與,以及彼此之間的連結。在5種不同封面、大量照片與多支獨家影片釋出後,她 們稱之為BLINK的粉絲,有了滿滿的材料可以鑽研。但是,為了預防這樣還是不夠,這裡 還有一些Billboard在與4位小女人相處後得知的事可以分享。 (譯按:舊坑未平、新坑又起,痛並快樂著...) A full-length album is still important to them. 完整專輯仍是團員們在意的事 Since debuting in 2016, Blackpink has released nine songs via one-off singles and mini-albums. While plenty of artists have taken to parceling out new music in the streaming age, the members say a proper full-length is now their top priority. “We have so much we want to show that we’ve worked on, and [putting out] a few songs just doesn’t satisfy us,” Jennie says. “We want to make a full album to really express ourselves. To have a story in an album could be fun, something we haven’t tried yet. We’ve been working on it very hard.” What the tracklist will look like -- and whether older songs will appear on it -- is up in the air for now. “That wouldn’t be decided until we release it, ” Rosé explains. 自2016出道後,BLACKPINK一共透過單曲與迷你專輯形式發表了9首歌曲。儘管身處許多藝 人逐漸傾向以分散方式逐一釋出新曲的串流時代,BLACKPINK表示,發表1張正規的完整專 輯已成為她們目前的最優先事項。Jennie說:「我們有許多努力成果想要向大家展示,只 放幾首歌出來無法使我們滿足。我們想要製作1張能真正表達自我的完整專輯,在專輯中 擁有1篇故事可能很有趣,這是我們還未嘗試過的事。我們已非常努力地在進行中。」至 於曲目表究竟會是怎樣、舊歌是否會包含其中,目前仍是未知數。Rosé解釋道:「這些 都得等到釋出時才會決定。」 They held onto “Forever Young” for years. 她們扣著《Forever Young》好多年了 One of the highlights of Blackpink’s 2018 mini-album Square Up is the reggaeton-tinged “Forever Young,” though the group says it was done and ready to go long before its release. “When we released ‘As If It’s Your Last’ [in 2017], we had ‘Forever Young’ as an option too, and we thought that could have been the song we released at that time,” Jennie reveals. “We had ‘Forever Young’ since way before our debut,” Rosé adds. 帶有雷鬼動色彩的《Forever Young》,是BLACKPINK去年發表的迷你專輯Square Up中的亮 點之一,但她們表示這首歌很久之前就完成了。Jennie透露:「在我們發表《As If It's Your Last》那時,《Forever Young》其實也是選項之一,我們曾認為後者才是當時會發 表的歌。」Rosé補充:「《Forever Young》是離我們出道還很久之前就有的歌。」 (譯按:應該很多人都看過2015年粉絲在YG大樓外聽到這首歌的影片了吧XD) “Ddu-du Ddu-du” helped Jennie with her confidence. 《Ddu-du Ddu-du》幫助Jennie找回自信 As part of a get-know-you-exercise for new American fans, I ask the members of Blackpink to choose which of their songs best represents them. Lisa picks “Whistle,” saying, “I love hip-hop, and it’s hip-hop-based, so I think it’s just me.” Rosé picks “Playing With Fire”: “It covers the warmth of me, and it’s also not so hardcore -- it’s pop, but it’s nice and warm and dark.” Jisoo picks “Forever Young”: “Everytime I listen to it, it refreshes me. Whenever I’m down, it makes me happy.” And Jennie picks “Ddu-du Ddu-du,” which she says helped her get through a period of self-doubt. “I had a hard time trying to figure out what I like and what I want to give on stage before we released the song,” she says. “I had a lot of pressure: What if I don’t fulfill the fans? What if they don’t like it? But it brought back my confidence -- fans will support you no matter what you do, as long as you enjoy it, and I like what I’m doing.” 為了讓美國新粉絲更了解團員,Billboard詢問BLACKPINK團員認為在自己的作品中,哪1 首最能代表自己。選擇《Whistle》的Lisa說:「我喜歡嘻哈,而這首歌是以嘻哈為主體, 所以我認為它代表著我。」Rosé選了《Playing With Fire》,她說:「這首歌表達出我 的熱情,且不太偏hardcore曲風,它是流行樂,但它很棒、很溫暖也很黑暗。」Jisoo則 說:「每次聽《Forever Young》總是有身心煥然一新的感覺,當我低潮時,它能使我快 樂。」而Jennie指出《Ddu-du Ddu-du》助她度過自我懷疑的時期:「在我們發表這首歌 之前,我正處在1段試著找出自己想要什麼、想要在舞台上展現什麼的難熬歷程。當時我 肩負許多壓力:如果我無法滿足粉絲怎麼辦?如果粉絲不喜歡這首歌怎麼辦?但它找回了 我的信心,只要你樂在其中,粉絲不論如何都會支持你,而我喜歡我現在在做的事。」 (譯按:不愧是藝術家Rosé...) They have secret English versions of their songs -- sort of. 她們的歌有著秘密的英文版(算是吧) When Blackpink producer and creative director Teddy Park, who was born in South Korea but grew up in the U.S., and some of his English-speaking co-writers work on new Blackpink music, the first version they put together is often in English. “When we make demos of our songs, we do our demos in English -- the whole song’s in English,” Jennie says. “We actually start off in English before [we record] any Korean lyrics.”“It feels like we have songs of our own that only we know about,” Jisoo jokes of these alternate versions. But because they’re rough takes, the group doesn’t plan on ever releasing them. Whenever they do decide to make English-language music, they want to do it right. Says Rosé: “Changing the lyric is not just changing the language, it’s really changing the expression.” Adds Jennie: “It changes the song, it changes the tone, it changes our vocals. If we were to put out a song in English, we would have to put in lots and lots of effort.” 南韓出生、美國長大的BLACKPINK製作人Teddy,在與一些說英語的創作者替BLACKPINK寫歌 時,最初版往往都是以英語呈現。Jennie說:「我們是用英語錄Demo,整首歌都唱英語。 在正式開始錄製任何韓語歌詞前,一切都是從英語開始。」Jisoo開玩笑說:「就好像我們 擁有只有自己知道的自己的歌。」由於這些都只是非常粗糙的未完成品,BLACKPINK從來沒 想過將其公諸於世,當她們決定要製作英語歌曲時,她們希望以正確的方式完成。Rosé 說:「改變歌詞不單單只是更換語言,還將完全改變曲子的表達。」Jennie補充:「包括 曲調、團員所唱出的聲音都會因此改變,如果我們要發表1首英語歌,那我們將必須投入許 多許多努力。」 They record songs with a global audience in mind. 在她們製作歌曲時,全球聽眾常在心中。 While making the final Korean versions of songs, Park and the band still include some English phrases and verses as entry points for listeners everywhere. The hooks of Blackpink songs are also often to sing along to know matter what language you speak. “Teddy knows there are a lot of fanbases around the world that are just waiting on our songs, so I’ve seen him try to target those people,” Rosé says. “Lisa spits out English raps, and he always comes up with cool phrases, because we’re trying to take care of everyone listening to our music. I really respect that about our producer.” Says Jennie: “He’s very considerate of our fans around the world.” 在進行歌曲最終的韓語版製作時,Teddy和團員們仍然會保留一些英語片段,作為各地聽眾 的切入點。BLACKPINK歌曲的hook(副歌中最令人印象深刻的樂句),也很容易被口說不同 語言的聽眾跟唱。Rosé說:「Teddy知道有很多粉絲散落世界各地等待著我們的新歌,我 看過他試著鎖定那些粉絲。」Jennie則說:「因為我們想照顧所有聽我們音樂的人,所以 Lisa唱了英語饒舌,而Teddy也總是寫出很酷的段落。對此我真的很尊敬我們的製作人, 他很體貼全球的BLACKPINK粉絲。」 The group says Jisoo is the queen of harmonies. Jisoo是和聲女王 Lisa credits the training process with helping the members discover their talents: "We all tried rapping, we all tried singing, we all tried different kinds of styles and performances, so we naturally found our perfect spot." Jennie, however, likes to joke that she was the one who discovered Jisoo’s knack for harmonizing when they were working on an arrangement of an R&B song for one of YG’s monthly tests: “Jisoo would be the quiet one, but then she’d be like, ‘How about this?’ She’d make this harmony, and we were like, ‘That’s so good!’ She’d stay quiet and act like nothing happened, and then in an hour she’d say, ‘How about this?’ And she’d have another amazing harmony. Even to this day, I’m like, “I can’t find the harmony, Jisoo what is it?’” Lisa對於練習生階段幫助團員們發現自己的天份給予肯定,她說:「我們都試過饒舌、也 都試過唱歌,我們嘗試過各種不同風格與表演,所以很自然地找到自己最適合的位置。」 不過Jennie喜歡開玩笑說,是她發現Jisoo的和聲本領的。那是在1次YG每月例行的考核, 團員們當時正在討論如何呈現1首節奏藍調歌曲。Jennie說:「Jisoo通常都悶不吭聲,但 會突然冒出1段讓我們讚不絕口的和聲說『這樣如何?』,然後繼續保持沈默,好像什麼 都沒發生,大約過1個小時後,她又會再唱出1段動聽的和聲,然後說『這樣如何?』。直 到現在我還常常向她求救『我抓不到和聲啊!Jisoo教我!』」 (譯按:難道是這首?
Having simultaneous solo careers was always part of the plan. 同時進行個人活動始終在計畫之中 Last fall, YG announced that the four members of Blackpink would release individual tracks on top of new music with the group. But that wasn’t a big surprise for the women, who worked on solo performances in addition to group work while they were in training. “We all had to know how to perform on our own, that’s always been there,” says Jennie. “And when we started recording with Teddy, he said, ‘You can’t always depend on each other -- you have to know how to fill up a song by yourself.’” 去年秋天,YG宣布BLACKPINK在團體新曲之外,4名團員也都會發表個人作品,這對練習生 時期就同時在團體作業外訓練個人表演的她們來說並不意外。Jennie說:「我們都必須知 道該如何單獨演出,這個想法一直都在。當我們開始與Teddy合作後,他告訴我們『你們 不能總是依賴彼此,必須知道如何靠自己撐起整首歌。』」 The group says releasing solo music makes them stronger together. 發表solo作品讓團員在一起時更強大 According to Blackpink, the main draw of having solo careers is that they can hone and explore different skill sets they can eventually bring back to the group. “We’re always waiting to discover new parts of ourselves,” Rosé says. “These solo projects are the biggest steps to discovering them.” For Jennie, working on the “Solo” music video taught her a lot about the group’s approach to fashion. “I really enjoyed putting all the outfits and the whole look together,” she says. “That’s what I learned a lot about -- putting outfits together for the dancers and myself. How will it go with this song? What could I do different? It’s not just about the song, it’s really everything else within.” BLACKPINK認為,進行solo活動的主要目的,在於團員們可以各自磨練與探索不同技能, 並結合在團體活動之中。Rosé說:「我們總是期待發現自己身上新的部分,solo計畫則 是找出它們的最佳途徑。」對Jennie來說,拍攝《Solo》音樂錄影帶的過程就教了她許 多對團體時尚的敏銳度。她說:「我真的很享受穿搭所有服裝,以及整體的視覺感受。當 我自己與伴舞都穿上服裝後,與這首歌的搭配度如何?還能在哪裡做些改變?這讓我學到 很多東西。不只是關於歌曲,而是所有其他包含其中的部分。」 Their solo tracks will surprise you. 她們的solo曲會令你大吃一擊 The group is tight-lipped about what to expect from the other members’ solo releases. “That’s too much of a spoiler!” Rosé says, laughing. “That’s all to be imagined. I feel like there will be lots of surprises, because we’ve all got things we haven’t shown to the world yet.” Adds Jisoo: “When people mention our solo projects, people start guessing: What will Rosé do? What will Lisa do? I enjoy watching fans speculate.” BLACKPINK對其他團員們的solo內容守口如瓶。Rosé笑著說:「不能再洩漏更多了!讓一 切都維持在想像之中吧。我感覺到時會帶來很多驚喜,因為我們都準備了過去不曾讓外界 看過的東西。」Jisoo補充:「當人們談到我們的solo計畫時,他們開始猜測Rosé會做什 麼?Lisa會做什麼?我很享受欣賞粉絲們的推測。」 (譯按:Rosé女士你要給我看什麼呀?!) Their favorite part of their live shows is the fan interactions. 團員們在現場表演中最愛的環節是與粉絲互動 When the group first started doing shows outside of South Korea, Lisa says she was stunned at the response: "All of our songs are in Korean, so I was really surprised that all these foerigners were singing along to a Korean song." But the biggest surprise has been the gifts fan give them between songs. “Whenever we go to different places,” Jisoo says, “fans in each country prepare something before we go on stage for our encore.” 當BLACKPINK首次在南韓境外表演時,Lisa被觀眾的反應嚇到了:「因為我們的歌都是韓 語,所以我真的很驚訝所有外國觀眾都能跟著一起唱。」但最大的驚喜來自於粉絲在歌曲 之間所送的禮物。Jisoo說:「每當我們到達不同地方,各國粉絲都在我們重回舞台進行 安可前有所準備。」 "They try to make moments for us," Rosé says, before adding with a laugh, "Fans throw a bunch of meaningful things [on stage]. Sometimes they throw a chipmunk because they think I look like a chipmunk! Or fan letters. Holding [those things] is just holding a part of them as well. It's great to see fans express themselves towards us...They try to make moments for us.” Rosé表示:「他們試著讓我們留下回憶。粉絲丟了很多有意義的東西到舞台上,有時他 們會丟1隻花栗鼠玩偶上來,因為他們覺得跟我長得很像!還有寫給我們的信。捧著這些 東西仿佛也是捧著一部份的他們。看到粉絲盡力向我們表達自己真的很棒,他們想讓我們 擁有美好記憶。」 (譯按:專業寵飯Rosé xi)

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1F:推 abulu0329: Jisoo真的很有天賦耶,待過合唱團,和聲是最難的了 03/02 17:35
2F:推 abulu0329: Rose明明平常最軟萌,但內心卻是非常堅強且有自己想法 03/02 17:37
3F:→ abulu0329: 的,對歌的見解也好,也很勇於表達 03/02 17:37
4F:→ LesBleus: Jisoo和聲印象很深的一首: 03/02 17:39
5F:→ LesBleus: 03/02 17:39
6F:推 abulu0329: Jisoo 和聲好好聽 03/02 17:43
7F:→ abulu0329: 影片亮點:忙內line 彎膝蓋XD 03/02 17:44
8F:推 brianhxy: 謝謝L大的用心~ 03/02 17:45
9F:推 yzkeroro: 推 好豐富的報導 期待每個人的solo和團體正專 03/02 17:59
10F:→ LesBleus: 應該說環球音樂集團真的很給力 XD 03/02 18:03
11F:推 hermes20372: 真的會大發的!期待! 03/02 18:18
12F:推 shumei: 這些訪談真的還蠻用心的 03/02 18:18
13F:推 yurie53: 不得不說這一系列報導真的好看阿! 03/02 18:54
14F:推 angnes: 這個訪談我等了多久~原本很希望他們在vlive和我們分享這 03/02 21:40
15F:→ angnes: 些事的哈哈 03/02 21:40
16F:推 yijing: 訪談很用心~ 03/04 09:00

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