《告示牌》雜誌 2019年第5期 Inside Blackpink's U.S. Takeover: How the K-Pop Queens Are Changing the Game 探究BLACKPINK的攻美之旅: K-Pop皇后們正如何改變遊戲 On a modest stage inside a tent in downtown Los Angeles, the four members of the South Korean girl group Blackpink assume a diamond formation and aim their fingers like guns at the audience as they launch into the chorus of their breakout hit, “Ddu-du Ddu-du”: “Wait till I do what I ... Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du!” 在洛杉磯市中心一座帳篷內的簡單舞台上,當她們的爆紅歌曲《Ddu-du Ddu-du》進入副 歌時,以鑽石陣形排列的南韓女子團體BLACKPINK成員,將手指化作手槍對準觀眾,高唱: “Wait till I do what I ... Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du!” It’s the afternoon before the Grammys at Universal Music Group chairman/CEO Lucian Grainge’s annual showcase, where he presents the company’s prospective superstars to a crowd of record executives and industry types. (Past performers have included Ariana Grande, Halsey and Shawn Mendes.) With their intense choreography, dance-heavy beats and Clueless-esque high-fashion looks, the four women offer the kind of bells-and-whistles pop production that makes them an anomaly not just on today’s lineup, where rappers like 2 Chainz and Lil Baby abound, but also on the charts, where women like Grande serve up their divadom with an extra dose of realness. 這是環球音樂集團主席兼執行長Lucian Grainge,在葛萊美獎典禮前1天下午舉辦的年度 展示舞台,以向唱片業與相關產業的高層介紹旗下的未來巨星們(Ariana Grande、 Halsey和Shawn Mendes等,過去都曾在這個場合表演)。隨著她們的強力舞蹈、動感節奏 ,以及帶有電影《獨領風騷》風格的時尚裝扮,這4位女性帶來的花俏流行演出,不僅有別 於2 Chainz、Lil Baby等當今熱門的饒舌歌手,與排行榜上Grande那些於曼妙歌藝中注入 額外真實元素的女歌手們也有所不同。 The showcase marks Blackpink’s first stateside performance, though the band made history long before: “Ddu-du Ddu-du” became the highest-charting single by a Korean girl group on the Billboard Hot 100 when it peaked at No. 55 last June, and this April the act will be the first Korean girl group to play Coachella, before embarking on a North American arena tour. “Ddu-du Ddu-du,” sung mostly in Korean, is a boastful warning to those who underestimate Blackpink, with a hook (meant to imitate the sound of bullets flying) that’s also a canny invitation to non-Korean listeners -- anyone can sing the words. The buttoned-up UMG crowd seems a little unsure, but also intrigued: Just as Blackpink’s Jennie -- soft-spoken in person, but onstage a fierce singer and rapper -- slides into a rat-tat-tat flow in the second verse, more and more audience members whip out their phones to capture video. 這個展示舞台是BLACKPINK首次在美國表演,但在此之前她們就已締造歷史: 《Ddu-du Ddu-du》去年6月站上告示牌百大排行榜第55名,成為南韓女團史上最高排名單 曲。今年4月,BLACKPINK也將在展開北美巡回演唱前,成為首支在Coachella演出的南韓女 子組合。歌詞以韓語為主的《Ddu-du Ddu-du》,是對於那些因自負而低估BLACKPINK者的 警告,透過模仿子彈四射的聲音,巧妙地吸引不諳韓語的聽眾,所有人都能琅琅上口。展 示舞台下安靜的觀眾似乎對此還有些懷疑,但好奇心已被勾起。當台下軟萌、台上強勢 的Jennie在第2段主歌飆起猛烈節奏後,愈來愈多觀眾掏出手機拍攝。
2月9日於洛杉磯舉行的環球音樂集團展示舞台 (待續) --

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※ 編輯: LesBleus (, 03/13/2019 12:53:38

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