太陽CON裏的女伴舞Aimee關於CON的留言 From:DCYB 翻譯:KATI 轉載請注明:[email protected] 『注:這個Aimee就是在YB的SOLO CON裏跟他一起跳Ma Girl和罪人的女伴舞~Shaun就是給YB 和BB編舞的Omarion的編舞。』 hey guys!!! Hey 朋友們!!! this is aimee, the dancer from LA who helped choreographed the concert with Shaun evaristo. 我是Aimee,是和Shaun Evaristo一起從LA過來幫助設計演唱會編舞的舞者。 yesss…i had a lot of fun working with young bae especially on ‘MY GIRL’ and ‘PRISONER’. we are both back in the states now but we’re truly glad everyone enjoyed what we had to offer. 是的…我在與永裴合作‘MY GIRL’和‘罪人’的時候非常的有趣。我們已經都回到了美 國,但每個人都很喜歡我們所帶去的一切,因此我們感到真心的高興。 i can’t wait to go back to korea, i really miss it! feel free to hit me up anytime! 我簡直等不及再次回到韓國了,我真的很想念它!隨時都歡迎與我聯繫! on a side note: tae yang was shy when it came to our partner work but he definitely knows when and how to perform. 順帶一提:當我們要合作的時候他真的很害羞,不過他絕對很清楚自己何時和應該如何去 表演。 xoxo xoxo aims ^_^ aims ^_^ - i was pretty stoked to see that…. i kinda freaked out… but then i decided to email her back & this is what she wrote to me…. she’s super nice! -我看到的時候很激動…我都有點瘋狂了…不過接下來我決定回郵件給她&這是她寫給我 的…她人真的很好! (這個MS是一個飯的回帖) I really hope I made an impact on YG as well during my stay in Korea because we look forward to working with Uhm Junghwa, Young Bae, Big Bang, and CL’s girl group even more next time. 我真希望我在韓國期間給YG留下了印象,因為我們還希望下次能夠更多地與嚴正花,永裴 ,Big Bang,以及CL的女子組合合作。 Shaun and I were there for at least 2 weeks to a month and did non stop work but it was well worth it and paid off in the end. Shaun和我在韓國呆了大概2周到一個月的時間,不間斷地工作,但是這非常值得,並且在 最後也得到了回報。 I can’t stop running Tae Yang’s concert through my mind. I want to know feedback of the whole show and what parts fans liked or others not as much. 太陽的演唱會一直不斷地在我腦海中重複。我想要知道整場演出的效果,歌迷們喜歡哪些 部分,或是不喜歡哪些部分。 Shaun took care of ideas and concepts and choreography while I assisted him, cleaned the girls, and choreographed details here and there. Shuan負責設計編舞和創意,我從旁協助他,帶領女舞者們,並在各處設計細節的部分。 It’s a big step in my dance career as well. I’ve been training CL’s group very closely. I hope to rock the stage one day with them like Shaun does with Young Bae but I know that will be far from now. 這也是我的舞者職業生涯中的一大步。我之前有非常緊密地訓練CL所在的組合。我希望有 一天也能和她們一起撼動舞臺,就像Shaun與永裴的合作一樣,不過我知道那一天將是遙 遠的。 I LOVE the YG family! It was a great experience and opportunity of a lifetime to have had such a part in this crazy month of back to back performances. 我喜歡YG Family!這是人生中一個非常寶貴的經驗和機會,能夠參與到這繁忙的一個月 中接踵而至的演出之中。 I am very excited for Big Bang’s new single and I’ll be keeping an eye out for all the artists while in LA. I can’t wait to get the DVD and I hope I danced well enough for the fans to really feel the songs he was singing about, especially ‘prisoner’. 我非常期待Big Bang的新單曲,並且我在LA也會繼續關注這所有的藝人們。我簡直等不及 拿到DVD,我也希望我的舞蹈能足夠讓歌迷們感受到他所演唱的那些歌曲,特別是‘罪人 ’。 Please e-mail back with comments or questions. Shaun also received a gift from the fansite I believe…DCYB? 請用郵件發表評論或疑問。Shaun還從歌迷站收到了一份禮物…大概是DCYB? (DCYB在 CON的前一天和當天分別給YB的四個男伴舞跟Crazy的女伴舞,還有Shaun送了禮物~) But he really appreciated it and it’s here hanging in our place. 不過他真的很感謝這份禮物,並且它正被掛在我們的房子裏。 (Shaun跟Aimee是同居關 係= =) Thank you for all the love and support. Young Bae is a hard worker and deserves everything he is receiving, I believe in him and his talent.” 謝謝大家的喜愛與支持。永裴是一個刻苦努力的人,他理應得到他所正在獲得的一切,我 對於他和他的天賦有信心。 - Aimee Lucas - Aimee Lucas 女dancer的照片

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1F:推 katiechu:很漂釀捏XD沒有侵略性的健美感~ 07/25 04:02
2F:推 chuanisme:我很喜歡這次的舞 很讚! 還有我第一次這麼愛女舞者們XDD 07/25 14:04

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