作者dearestcupid ((miss)understood)
標題Re: [問題] 2002年MTV新加坡典禮男主人說的那段英文
時間Sat Feb 25 22:02:39 2006
※ 引述《ainosei (全部都是愛的錯)》之銘言:
: AYU出場唱M前
: 那個老外用英文講了一段英文
: 在唱完後也講了一段英文
: 有人可以PO出全文嗎
: 以下是我大概聽懂的
: Most people agree that Japan is a land of contrast.
: But even this is true, I'm still amazed that Japan...
: .........
: Ayumi Hanasaki
: 不知道有沒有聽錯
~ 開始唱之前 ~
Most people agree that Japan is a land of contrast,
but even if this is true,
I'm still amazed a nation that grows sumo wrestlers,
the size of mountains,
could also produce a J-Pop singer,
the size of ayumi hamasaki~~
~ 唱完後 ~
Ayumi was fantastic,
and we have a little suprise for you, here yeah...
Thank you~~
Each year there is a very special award presented to the
most influential Japanese artist in Asia, so congratulations!
Thank you, haha~~
Ayumi hamasaki, because of you,
congratulations to ayumi hamasaki!!
Thank you so much. I love you all~~ Thank you~
Guess you never really know him
in these days.
spell of distance between
your hearts, it never goes away.
Time to give up. Time to fall deeper.
Let me choose one,
right now.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 ainosei:THANKS 聽力好強 02/25 22:09
2F:推 ainosei:女主持人那段講超快 你聽得出來 真是佩服 02/25 22:11
3F:推 BoAyu:我也好想聽原音重現喔 原波很強 是公館大學嗎XD 02/25 22:35
4F:→ dearestcupid:公館大學?? 02/25 22:42
5F:推 GodzillaLee:公館大是140.112喔 ^^ 02/26 19:54
6F:→ GodzillaLee:不過當然也有可能是住外面啦囧|| 02/26 19:54