Aviation 板


※ 引述《freeflywould (誠實可靠小郎君)》之銘言: : 最近在努力搞懂的東西 : 只看的懂一半而已 : 貼上全文,希望有英文達人出面嚕 : The operating empty weight (OEW) is the basic weight of the aircraft : including the crew and all the gear required for flight but not including : the payload and fuel. The operating empty weight is not a constant for : passenger aircraft but varies with the seating configuration. 空機操作重量(OEW) =飛機本身重量+機組人員體重不包括酬載客貨的重量與燃油重量 客機的OEW值會因座位配置不同而改變 : The zero-fuel weight (ZFW) is the weight above which all additional weight : must be fuel, so that when the aircraft is in flight, the bending moments : at the junction of the wing and fuselage do not become excessive. 飛機無燃油重量(ZFW) =飛機本身重量+機組人員體重+酬載量上限 不可超過,以免飛行當中機翼彎曲程度超過機體結構所能忍受的程度 : The payload refers to the total revenue-producing load. : This includes the weight of passengers and their baggage, : mail, express, and cargo. 酬載量 飛機收費營業的對象,包括乘客、行李、郵件、貨物的重量 : The maximum structural payload is the maximum load which the aircraft is : certified to carry, whether this load be passengers, cargo, or a : combination of both. 最大酬載量 飛機所能酬載全客、全貨或客貨混合重量的上限 : Theoretically, the maximum structural payload is the difference between : the zero-fuel weight and the operating empty weight. The maximum payload : actually carried is usually less than the maximum structural payload : because of space limitations. This is especially true for passenger aircraft, : in which seats and other tiems consume a lot of space. 理論上,最大酬載量 = 飛機無燃油重量-空機操作重量 實際承載的客貨重量,因空間配置因素,通常低於最大酬載量 尤其是客機,因為座位和其他設施占用不少空間 : The maximum ramp weight is the maximum weight authorized for ground : maneuver including taxi and run-up fuel. As the aircraft taxis between : the apron and the end of the runway, it burns fuel and consequently loses : weight. 最大停機坪重量 飛機獲准在地面行動的最大重量,包括滑行和引擎試車時消耗的燃油重量 飛機從機坪滑行到跑道端點時,消耗燃油,重量隨之減少 : The maximum structural takeoff weight is the maximum weight authorized at : brake release for takeoff. It excludes taxi and run-up fuel and includes : the operating empty weight, trip and reserve fuel, and payload. : The difference between the maximum structural takeoff weight and the maximum : ramp weight is very nominal, only a few thousand pounds. 最大起飛重量 飛機獲准放開剎車起飛的最大重量 =空機操作重量+飛行暨備用燃油重量+酬載量 不包括滑行和引擎試車時消耗的燃油重量 最大停機坪重量和最大起飛重量差距通常很小,只有幾千磅 : The maximum structural landing weight is the structural capability of : the aircraft in landing. The main gear is structurally designed to absorb : the forces encountered during landing; the larger the forces, the heavier : the gear must be. 最大降落重量 飛機結構所能承受降落時的最大重量 主起落架的結構設計為能承受降落的衝力,衝力越大,起落架必須越粗壯 : Normally the main gears of transport aircraft are structurally designed : for a weight less than the maximum structural takeoff weight. This is so : because an aircraft loses weight en route by burning fuel. This loss in : weight is considerable if the journey is long, being in excess of 80,000lb : for large jet transports. 一般主起落架設計所能承受的最大降落重量低於最大起飛重量 因為飛行途中消耗燃油,就會減輕重量, 長途飛行則減輕的重量更可觀,例如大型噴射機,可以高達八萬磅 : It is therefore not economical to design the main : gear of an aircraft to support the maximum structural takeoff weight during : landing, since this situation will rarely occur. 最大降落重量很少等於最大起飛重量, 因此主起落架無須設計為能承受相當於最大起飛重量的降落衝力 否則不符合經濟效益 : If is does occur, as in the case of aircraft malfunction just after takeoff, : the pilot must jettison or burn off sufficient fuel prior th returning to : the airport so as not to exceed the maximum landing weight. 如果有降落重量相當於最大起飛重量這樣的情況要發生 例如,起飛後不久就故障,必須立刻降落 必須先空中洩放燃油,或盤旋飛行消耗燃油,再降落 以免降落時實際重量超過最大降落重量 : For short-range aircraft such as the DC-9, the main gear is designed to : support, in a landing operation, a weight nearly equal to the maximum : structural takeoff weight. This is so because the distances between stops : are short, and therefore a large amount of fuel needed to make the trip : and the reserves required by regulations set forth by the government : in the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) , part 121. 短程的飛機,例如DC-9,主起落架結構設計能承受的降落重量幾乎等於最大起飛重量 因為起降地點距離近,依美國聯邦航空管理規則第121條, 必須攜帶充足的飛行暨備用燃油 (121.639: 攜帶燃油,必須足供飛到目的地+最遠的備降機場+ 巡航45分鐘或白天目視飛行巡航30分鐘) --

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