Architecture 板


轉貼 - 建築人生活 以下是我朋友轉寄給我的 念建築的朋友們~大家可以笑一笑 不是念建築的朋友們~你們可以稍稍瞭解設計人的生活 你可能是建築系學生,如果... YOU MAY BE AN ARCHITECTURE STUDENT IF.... 1. you know the janitors by name. 如果你知道工友的名字. 2. your roommates say "good morning", and you reply"good night." 你室友對你說早安,你回答晚安。 3. you carry a toothbrush in your backpack. 你隨身攜帶牙刷。 4. someone asks you for your phone number and you give them the studio's.  別人跟你要電話,你給他studio的。 5. you start paying rent for your desk space in studio.  你改成付studio繪圖桌附近的房租。 6. you can't get a ride from 'Campus Cruiser'.  你叫不到半夜校車回家。 7. breakfast is your 5th meal of the day.  早餐是你一天之中的第五餐。 8. the morning newspaper beats you home. 早報比你早到家。 9. 'Red Bull' is you favorite drink. 蠻牛是你最喜歡的飲料。 10. all of the Christmas gifts you give are wrapped in trace. 所有你送出去的聖誕禮物都是用描圖紙包的。 11. you ask Santa Clause for architecture supplies. 你希望聖誕老公公送你材料。 12. you ask Santa Clause for a sleeping bag. 你希望聖誕老公公送你睡袋。 14. you have 3 or more cups of double shot coffee espressos in one night 你可以一晚喝三杯以上的雙份espressos。 16. you hear the same song on the radio 3 or more times in one night. 一個晚上你可以在廣播裡聽到同一首歌三次以上。 18. the cars have turned off their headlights. 路上車子都關了大燈。 19. construction workers are already working. 建築工人已經上工。 21. you're dating another architecture student. 你跟系上同學約會。 23. you spend more time in studio than in your own bed. 你花在studio的時間比你在你床上的時間多。 24. you spend more time in studio than with your wife. 你花在studio的時間比你跟老婆在一起多。 25. your parents are complaining that you're not having enough fun. 你父母親埋怨你玩得不夠多。 26. you only leave studio to buy supplies. 你只為了買材料離開studio。 27. you haven't taken a shower in a week. 你一星期沒洗澡。 28. you see showering as a waste of time. 你認為洗澡浪費時間。 30. upon hearing 'supermodel', you think of a nicely crafted-foam core model. 當你聽到super-model,你會想到一個手工完美的模型。 31. your parents have more of a social life than you. 你父母的社交活動比你多。 32. your 11-year-old sister has more of a social life than you. 你十一歲的妹妹比你還多活動。 33. you consider using broccoli for your models. 你想用花椰菜來當做模型裡的樹。 36. your friends gat more sleep in one night than you do in one week. 你朋友一天的睡眠比你一星期的睡眠總數還多。 37. the streetlights turn off. 路燈已關。 38. you consider 3AM an early night. 你認為凌晨三點還很早。 39. when your out at 3AM, and your wife knows where you're at.. 你凌晨三點不在家,你老婆知道你在哪。 40. you make love to your models (quoted by Jefferson). 你對你的模型做愛(傑佛遜名言) 46. picking up breakfast is the last thing you do before going home. 買早餐是你回家前做得最後一件事。 47. the only building on campus with its lights on is your studios'. 整個校園教室電燈還亮著的是你的studio的。 48. a break consists of moving your car. 休息包括移動你的車子。 49. you receive mail in studio. 你的信件都寄到studio。 50. you say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish." 你說"才晚上12點,我多的是時間完成"。 51. you confuse sunrise with sunset. 你把日出和日落搞混。 52. you ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?" 你問說"幾點了",再問am或pm? 53. you strangle your roommate because he said he stayed up late studying. 你掐死你室友是因為他說他昨晚讀書讀到很晚。 54. you've memorized you favorite vending machine combination item 你記得販賣機裡你最喜歡的飲料的編號。 55. your Friday night is 68 hours long. 你的星期五晚上有68小時長。 56. you know how much a cubic foot of cement weighs (150lbs). 你知道一立方英尺的水泥多重(150磅)。 57. you slice your finger, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be able to finish your model. 你切到手指時想到的第一件事情是:不知道模型做不做得完? 59. you swear there are only 120 people at USC. 你發誓南加大只有120個人。 60. you know all of these are true, no exaggerations. 你知道以上皆屬實,絕無虛言。 61. you can listen to all your CD's in one night. 你可以在一個晚聽完你所有的CD。 62. certain songs remind you of studio. 某些歌曲會讓你聯想到studio。 66. the 'Shop Cafe' closes when you arrive, and reopens before you leave studio. 學校咖啡廳在你到達時關門,當你離開studio時開門。 67. you have to wait for breakfast shops to open. 你必須等早餐店開門。 69. you use architecture tools to eat. 你用繪圖工具吃飯。 70. you think "X-acto Blade Throwing" is a sport. 你認為"射美工刀"是一種運動。 71. you only buy groceries once a month. 你一個月只須購買一次生活必需品。 72. you wake up to go to school and you're already there. 你起床去學校,而你已經在學校了。 73. you start wearing all black. 你開始穿一身黑。 74. you carry a sweatshirt to all of your classes. 你隨身攜帶換洗的汗衫。 75. you have no life, and admit it. 你承認沒有生活。 76. you start to critique a radio selection's selection of songs. 你開始批評廣播DJ的歌曲選擇很爛。 77. you bring your friends to studio to keep you company. 你帶朋友到studio陪你。 78. you refer to outside studio as the "Real World." Studio以外得地方對你來說都是真實世界。 81. you have memorized every radio commercial that airs after 10PM. 你背下了所有晚上十點以後的電台廣告。 82. you confuse today and tomorrow. 你分不清今天和明天。 83. you tell time by when other people leave studio. 你的時間觀念是以別人幾點離開studio為基準。 85. you hear "Didn't you wear that yesterday?',followed by "and the day before that" 你聽到別人問你:你昨天不是穿這件衣服嗎?還有前天和大前天...? 86. you roommate files a 'Missing Person Report'. 你的室友對警察提出失蹤人口。 87. you count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake. 你算你已經醒著幾天(不算小時)。 89. you go to the store to buy a six-pack of 'Red Bull'. 你去雜貨店買六瓶蠻牛。 91. on Halloween, you dress like your instructors. 萬聖節時,你打扮得像你教授。 92. on Halloween you trick-or-treat in studio to get arch supplies or 'Red Bull' . 萬聖節時,你去要材料或蠻牛,不要糖果。 93. "respect", "coolness', and "hatred" are all based on how much sleep you get, or lack of. 尊敬,冷靜,和恨意都取決於你睡了多少或沒睡多少。 95. you start using words your instructor uses. 你開始用你教授所使用的詞。 96. your bed has collected a layer of dust on it. 你的床上集結了一層灰。 97. concept of time is not forward, but a countdown from the time a project is due ("What time is it?""4 hours 'till"). 時間不是像前走,是還剩多久作業截止(幾點了?還有四個小時!?) 98. you contemplate suicide 3 times a day. 你照三餐抱怨想自殺。 99. you contemplate dropping your major 3 times a day. 你照三餐揚言要轉系。 100. you have a tent pitched in studio, but still don't go to sleep. 你在studio搭了帳棚卻還是不睡覺。 101. ANY OF THESE APPLY TO YOU! 以上任何一樣發生在你身上。 Presented by 2nd year students at USC.南加大,建築系二年級提供 --

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◆ From:
1F:推 mjchen:每次看了都心酸卻又好想笑.... 04/04 03:19
2F:推 aslan:Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! 04/04 05:17
3F:推 libraliu:推~ 一切屬實 04/04 09:54
4F:推 ILAD:淚.... 04/04 13:04
5F:推 ilikeeat:推... 04/04 14:02
6F:推 yuandtetsu:正中下懷...囧 04/05 13:25
7F:推 archinono:少了41-45 :] 04/06 03:54
8F:推 shawn4937:淚推!有一種找到家人的感動...XD 04/07 12:04
9F:推 jiayeu:笑翻天了 點頭點頭 04/08 19:29
10F:→ jiayeu:剛趕完圖真心酸真有感覺!!!! 04/08 19:29
11F:推 chiaju83: 大推 04/16 09:49
12F:推 lenforeede:你想用花椰菜來當做模型裡的樹。XD 08/30 03:22
13F:推 mnbymnby:@@ 好恐怖 09/12 02:53
14F:推 MingXi :推 被透視了 10/19 21:58

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