AntiVirus 板


軟體版本:Avira Antivirus Pro 15.0.2011.2022 作業系統:Win10 家用版 1909 (OS Build 18363.1198) 問題描述: 小紅傘於本週四(11/19)早上開始無法更新,雖然網路狀態一切正常,防火牆也未更動 但錯誤訊息顯示為網際網路連線失敗、因此無法更新。 目前防毒軟體仍未到期,請教大家該如何設定以使得更新作業能正常執行,謝謝大家~ 錯誤報告: Avira Antivirus Pro Updater Complete product update Creation time: Saturday, November 21, 2020 11:19:03 AM Operating system: Windows 10 Home () [10.0.18363] 64 bit Product information: Product version: 15.0.2011.2022 Updater: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\update.exe 15.0.2010.1999 Update resource: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\updaterc.dll 1.0.2004.608 Library: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\update.dll 15.0.2010.1999 GUI: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\updgui.dll 15.0.2009.1990 Temp Directory: C:\ProgramData\Avira\Antivirus\TEMP\UPDATE\ Backup folder: C:\ProgramData\Avira\Antivirus\BACKUP\ Installation Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\ Updater folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\Antivirus\ AppData folder: C:\ProgramData\Avira\Antivirus\ Connection settings: - Connection type: Web server - Transfer type: Existing connection - Proxy settings: No proxy 11/21/2020,11:19:03.226 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using direct connection. 11/21/2020,11:19:04.089 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:07.091 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using direct connection. 11/21/2020,11:19:07.952 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:13.954 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using direct connection. 11/21/2020,11:19:14.812 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:23.817 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using direct connection. 11/21/2020,11:19:24.718 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:24.719 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using system proxy. 11/21/2020,11:19:25.624 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:28.626 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using system proxy. 11/21/2020,11:19:29.525 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:35.527 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using system proxy. 11/21/2020,11:19:36.415 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:45.418 [UPD] [INFO] Get product file from update server using system proxy. 11/21/2020,11:19:46.334 [UPD] [ERROR] Connection to Avira update bridge failed: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK. Error Code: 51. Check your Internet connection or proxy settings. 11/21/2020,11:19:46.335 [UPD] [ERROR] Missing settings from updater bridge: No filename list and update server is available. 11/21/2020,11:19:46.336 [UPD] [ERROR] No Internet connection. Summary: ******** 0 Files downloaded 0 Files installed Saturday, November 21, 2020 11:19:46 AM The update failed! Error: 4 -- ※ 編輯: Willful1 ( 臺灣), 11/22/2020 01:37:03
1F:推 greg7575: 有花錢去問客服 11/22 09:48
2F:→ greg7575: 看一下系統時間有沒有錯 11/22 09:50
3F:推 gmkuo: 重開ISP的數據機跟分享器看看。我遇過一次Steam軟體可登入 11/22 18:09
4F:→ gmkuo: 但無法使用錢包,重開後就正常了。可能是後端機房調整線路 11/22 18:10
5F:→ gmkuo: 影響加密連線。 11/22 18:11
6F:推 jfgt7j8qgx: 以前用小紅傘的時候,也會偶爾無法更新 11/26 18:09
7F:→ q0325: 小紅傘 之前刪掉 看工作管理還有exe在跑 關都關不掉 11/27 06:47
8F:→ q0325: 後來進下檔案位置進安全模式終於刪掉 今天用電腦用自己裝 11/27 06:48
9F:→ q0325: avira開頭程式 真的有點傻眼..... 11/27 06:49

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