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Instagram promises to fix bug after being exposed by always accessing the camera on iOS 14 Filipe Espósito - Jul. 25th 2020 8:50 am PT @filipeesposito
We have already covered here some apps that were caught accessing users’ clipboard thanks to a new feature of iOS 14, but that’s not all. The next major update to Apple’s mobile operating system also indicates when an app is using the camera or microphone, and that has just exposed Instagram’s app. According to some reports shared on social networks by users who have already installed iOS 14, the camera’s indicator stays on when the Instagram app is open. Even if the user is not using the camera, as when scrolling through the photo feed, the green dot shows that the app is accessing the camera in the background. The expected behavior, of course, is for the app to access the camera only when necessary — such as when you open the Instagram Stories composer. However, Instagram told The Verge that this behavior is just a bug. “We only access your camera when you tell us to — for example, when you swipe from Feed to Camera. We found and are fixing a bug in iOS 14 Beta that mistakenly indicates that some people are using the camera when they aren’t,” the spokesperson said. “We do not access your camera in those instances, and no content is recorded.” According to the company, the system sometimes understands that the user has swiped the finger to open the in-app camera, which is not always the case. Instagram promises to fix this problem in a future update of its iOS app. The privacy features of iOS 14 aren’t even available to the general public yet, but they have already caused trouble for some developers. More recently, LinkedIn was sued by being caught reading the content of the users’ clipboard without authorization — the company also says that was a bug. iOS 14 is currently available as a beta release and it’s expected to be available to everyone this fall. 来源: ----------------------------- 这次换IG,究竟是新系统造成的 bug, 还是网路流言的---手机会偷听你说话的神秘机制呢? (有次朋友才说到某牌某产品,後来他下车我就在手机看到广告,怕) --
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※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: kouta ( 台湾), 07/26/2020 06:19:15
1F:推 haleytll: 我跟朋友看新闻聊冰箱多大多好用,回家就出现冰箱广告 07/26 07:59
2F:→ haleytll: 这是真的… 07/26 07:59
3F:推 sambafruit: 我朋友跟我推荐一个App,没多久广告就在我的IG 07/26 09:01
4F:推 hayato01: 原来大家都有经验?我以为是我想太多 07/26 09:15
5F:推 yoshilin: 所以ig要预设停用这些 07/26 09:47
6F:推 yyhsiu: 我很确定FB真的没有偷听来下广告…你每天看到的数量 07/26 10:03
7F:→ yyhsiu: 跟每天聊天听到的东西太多了,再加上FB真的很了解你看过什 07/26 10:04
8F:→ yyhsiu: 麽,所以才会有这麽多的「巧合」发生一次你就会觉得在听 07/26 10:04
9F:推 tiffanygreen: 有时候只是用line聊到也会看到广告 囧 07/26 10:12
10F:→ Boom3: 楼上祖克柏? 07/26 10:12
11F:推 yyhsiu: 那就是我工作组在做的…(说真的祖柏克可能也不太清楚) 07/26 10:21
12F:推 can19y: 靠偷听来下广告...请问是被害妄想吗... 07/26 10:25
13F:推 yiyu0718: 哪有每次都这麽刚好... 07/26 10:29
14F:推 pretzel: 以前我也不相信,直到某一次跟朋友聊天聊到黑松益生菌汽 07/26 10:34
15F:→ pretzel: 水,几个小时後ig就出现相关广告...在这之前完全没搜寻 07/26 10:34
16F:→ pretzel: 过这种东西 07/26 10:34
17F:推 chenming867: 上厕所不能看IG了 07/26 10:35
18F:推 yyhsiu: 我只能说,程式就不是这样写的,20亿用户真的就是那麽刚好 07/26 10:37
19F:→ yyhsiu: 会看第三方网站,这个是真的,有就是有没有就是没有 07/26 10:38
20F:推 gk2885821: 家里养猫,饲料都交给我弟买,平常我都不搜饲料相关资 07/26 11:21
21F:→ gk2885821: 料,然而前阵子打电话问他平常都买哪款,IG马上跳该饲 07/26 11:21
22F:→ gk2885821: 料牌子广告 07/26 11:21
23F:推 cevs: 一起删ig吧 07/26 11:23
24F:推 ChienFong: 我以为主要都是搜寻纪录的关系 毕竟如果要说app偷听 07/26 11:29
25F:→ ChienFong: 平常我都和客户聊饲养管理和疾病用药 网页也没跳药商XD 07/26 11:30
26F:推 greg7575: 药商在fb下广告干嘛 07/26 11:31
27F:→ ChienFong: 不是说怀疑app偷看/窃听会给你置入广告? 我是只有网页 07/26 11:33
28F:→ ChienFong: 搜寻之後 才会跳出相关广告 07/26 11:33
29F:推 horseorange: Ios14真的照妖镜 07/26 12:16
30F:→ sam613: 怕就删帐号阿,不用IG又不会死 07/26 12:17
31F:推 GoingMerry: 三人成虎? 07/26 12:47
32F:推 a867s77890: iOS14再这样下去,会不会正式发表就拉掉这个功能(x 07/26 13:38
33F:推 andy34158: FB用网页版就好 07/26 13:39
34F:推 gonna01: 个资保护唯一选择ios14 07/26 13:41
35F:推 cc5566cc: fb不意外 07/26 13:55
36F:推 cs01580: 把麦克风隐私权关一关 07/26 14:13
37F:推 chennylee809: 时时刻刻偷拍也太恶了吧 07/26 14:19
38F:推 ddoll288: 那不是bug,功能有作才有,不可能是bug 07/26 14:44
39F:推 bowaveradio: fb有阿,根本从来没搜寻过相关的东西,讲到也会出现 07/26 14:51
40F:推 tiesto06202: 垃圾祖克柏会死无葬身之地,被车碾死脑浆爆出,垃圾 07/26 15:38
41F:→ tiesto06202: 脸书创办人屍骨未寒死状凄惨 07/26 15:38
42F:推 asteea: 如果这是BUG 那只代表QC部门可以整个直接炒掉了 07/26 16:00
43F:→ asteea: 公众向APP的存取权必有内部规范 说BUG代表有群人不跟从 07/26 16:03
44F:→ asteea: 究竟是刻意开启又漏测 还是忘了关又漏测 他们自己才知道 07/26 16:04
45F:推 Richun: 现在除了要注意memory leak外还要注意camera leak了 07/26 16:06
46F:→ azuel: ios没有memory leak造成安全性问题过吧...? 有吗? 07/26 19:18
47F:推 see3small: 为什麽我都只收到地方妈妈的广告 07/26 19:33
48F:推 ananbig: 那叫既视感吧 你聊到,看到才会注意啊 07/26 19:57
49F:→ kouta: 他十分钟前讲到契尔氏亚马逊白泥 然後我就在IG看到广告 07/26 20:20
50F:嘘 ed123123: 无良fb 07/26 20:38
51F:推 converse: 因为siri随时在听,从这边着手 07/26 21:34
52F:推 hellomotogg: 难怪开启相机速度这麽快 07/26 21:38
53F:推 can19y: 那个白泥广告打那麽凶 我ig看到都数不清了 07/27 00:35
54F:→ can19y: 难道都没有人想过靠窃听或盗用相机来预测广告效率会有多低 07/27 00:35
55F:→ can19y: 吗 窃听就代表ig要一直使用你的麦克风 耗电量会很可怕 窃 07/27 00:35
56F:→ can19y: 听完之後还要过滤你一整天讲的垃圾话前提是还要能正确辨识 07/27 00:35
57F:→ can19y: 你讲了什麽然後要还分辨中文和英文还有语意 光是siri都不 07/27 00:35
58F:→ can19y: 一定能中英夹杂分辨正确更不要说ig了好吗= =? 07/27 00:35
59F:→ can19y: 如果你真的觉得ig会窃听那就把权限关掉 结案 07/27 00:35
60F:→ ShadowSpirit: 我上次在路边拍了一台很少见的重机 也没查过相关资 07/27 01:11
61F:→ ShadowSpirit: 料照片 结果yt推荐影片自己跑出来该车的试驾 真的是 07/27 01:11
62F:→ ShadowSpirit: OMG 07/27 01:11
63F:→ kouta: @can19y 看不懂 IG 在 iOS 14 被发现常驻取用相机吗 07/27 03:05
64F:推 can19y: 回原po 那你说讲到白泥就看到广告是...? 07/27 03:56
65F:推 KTNP: 明明讲ig,为啥 一堆人扯脸书? 07/27 08:59
66F:嘘 AndyLee76: ig现在不就是脸书的产品吗= = 07/27 09:27
67F:推 ishuen: 有几分证据 说几分话 否则只是网路流言 07/27 12:23
68F:推 x8462795s: 其实我觉得本来就有可能窃听,而且你只是抓当中的关键 07/27 16:44
69F:→ x8462795s: 字而已,又不是像翻译要你分析整段话里的语意= = 07/27 16:44
70F:推 Damaohigh: 真的快笑死哪来一堆智障发言XDDDD 07/28 11:52
71F:推 SirAirPower: 我只看到一个 07/29 11:23
72F:推 yuinghoooo: 中国.... 咦 08/07 01:45
73F:推 hiyakaikai: 我打了一个喷嚏PC家就送一箱卫生纸来了 09/22 21:55

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