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※ [本文转录自 MobileComm 看板 #1TZajpCu ] 作者: kyle5241 (Kyle Korver) 看板: MobileComm 标题: [新闻]iPhone无法修复的永久漏洞被发现 可无限JB 时间: Sat Sep 28 01:48:31 2019 New ‘unpatchable’ iPhone exploit could allow permanent jailbreaking on hundreds of millions of devices 新的无法修复的iPhone漏洞让iPhone可以永久越狱 A newly announced iOS exploit could lead to a permanent, unblockable jailbreak on hundreds of millions of iPhones, according to researcher axi0mX who discovered it. Dubbed “checkm8,” the exploit is a bootrom vulnerability that could give hackers deep access to iOS devices on a level that Apple would be unable to block or patch out with a future software update. That would make it one of the biggest developments in the iPhone hacking community in years. 新公布的iOS漏洞将导致上亿只iPhone永久、无法阻挡的越狱。这个漏洞利用了开机档 的弱点让人们可以取得深层iOS的权限,但苹果却没有任何办法可以修补它。 EPIC JAILBREAK: Introducing checkm8 (read "checkmate"), a permanent unpatchable bootrom exploit for hundreds of millions of iOS devices. Most generations of iPhones and iPads are vulnerable: from iPhone 4S (A5 chip) to iPhone 8 and iPhone X (A11 chip). 所有A11晶片以下的机种都将可以永久JB The exploit is specifically a bootrom exploit, meaning it’s taking advantage of a security vulnerability in the initial code that iOS devices load when they boot up. And since it’s ROM (read-only memory), it can’t be overwritten or patched by Apple through a software update, so it’s here to stay. It’s the first bootrom-level exploit publicly released for an iOS device since the iPhone 4, which was released almost a decade ago. 这个漏洞是开机码漏洞,利用iOS开机时的启动码的弱点。这个起动码只能读,不能写。 所以苹果没有办法藉由软体更新去更动它。自从iPhone 4以来,这是第一个开机码层面 的漏洞,上次找到已经是10年前的事。 In a follow-up tweet, axi0mX explained that they released the exploit to the public because a “bootrom exploit for older devices makes iOS better for everyone. Jailbreakers and tweak developers will be able to jailbreak their phones on latest version, and they will not need to stay on older iOS versions waiting for a jailbreak. They will be safer.” axi0mX解释说公布这个漏洞是希望让iOS的旧装置更好。JB开发者总是可以在最新的 iOS版本越狱,他们不需要卡在比较不安全的旧版本,所以他们越狱的手机会更安全 Hundreds of millions of iPhone devices are affected by the exploit: any device starting with an iPhone 4S (A5 chip) through the iPhone 8 and iPhone X (A11 chip) is vulnerable, although it appears that Apple patched the flaw in last year’s A12 processors, meaning that iPhone XS / XR and 11 / 11 Pro devices won’t be affected. 上亿只iPhone受到这个漏洞的影响,A11以下的机种都可以越狱。 但苹果在A12以後的机种修复了这个漏洞 心得: 苹果啊~与其叫我们改买iphone 11,我是觉得啦~ 你推出一个花$100 旧机种换iPhone XR的活动好了~ 这样表示出一个企业的良心 顺便把所有没有face ID的机种消灭 把所有3D touch的机种消灭。 刚好一举两得 --
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※ 转录者: kyle5241 ( 美国), 09/28/2019 01:48:54
1F:嘘 kouta: 什麽心得 09/28 02:13
2F:→ mooyjiang: 翻译有翻错,上一次同一位开发者找出3GS的alloc8漏洞 09/28 02:31
3F:→ mooyjiang: 根本才两年前的事。 09/28 02:31
4F:→ paul4047: 好烂的心得 09/28 05:46
5F:→ ken6136: 心得在打三小 09/28 07:24
6F:嘘 sky912745: 心得 09/28 07:28
7F:推 AlexKISS: 看了一下推特 可以期待 09/28 08:04
8F:推 p587868: 都2019了还有人觉得越狱刷机要低调XD 09/28 09:43
9F:推 ArcueidY: 我的i5又能再战惹吗!? 09/28 09:58
10F:→ tomtzeng: r以後只能买原厂线了,不然线一插就被破解在装一堆殭屍 09/28 11:14
11F:→ DefTM: 这逻辑 那安卓连安全性更新都更不齐不就赔死 09/29 00:04
12F:推 pippen2002: 那为何我的ipad air2无法JB? 12/20 13:15

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