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情报来源: Apple discouraging aftermarket iPhone battery swaps with new ‘Service’ message in iOS 苹果藉由警告讯息来吓阻私下换电池 Apple is taking new measures within iOS to prevent aftermarket battery swaps for the iPhone. As detailed by iFixit, Apple has activated a “dormant software lock” in iOS that blocks features like Battery Health in Settings when an iPhone uses a battery that was not installed by Apple itself. 苹果已经启动了一个软体锁,当你的手机电池不是由苹果安装时,会看不到电池健康度 Essentially, if your iPhone needs a new battery and you take it upon yourself to replace the battery, the Settings app will display a “Service” message that reads as follows: 除此之外,你打开设定的时候会看到以下讯息 Important Battery Message Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple battery. Health information not available for this battery. 无法验证这是真的苹果电池,所以无法显示健康资讯 Notably, this message will appear whether you install an aftermarket battery or an official battery from Apple. The only scenario in which it doesn’t appear is when Apple itself or an Apple authorized service provider does the battery swap. 就算你是装真的原厂电池,还是会看到同样的警告画面。只有苹果或是其授权商换的 电池才不会有这个警告。 All of this stems from a Texas Instruments microcontroller on the battery itself, which includes an authentication feature that includes details for pairing the battery to the iPhone’s logic board. If the authentication key provided by the battery doesn’t match what your iPhone is expecting, you’ll get the “Service” warning. Apple and its partners are the only ones who can clear this “Service” message. 这来自於电池本身微控制器的授权,假如iphone侦测到不同的授权,就会给你警告 Put simply, Apple is locking batteries to their iPhones at the factory, so whenever you replace the battery yourself—even if you’re using a genuine Apple battery from another iPhone—it will still give you the “Service” message. The only way around this is—you guessed it—paying Apple money to replace your iPhone battery for you. Presumably, their secretive diagnostic software can flip the magic bit that resets this “Service” indicator. But Apple refuses to make this software available to anyone but themselves and Apple Authorized Service Providers. 相对而言,苹果和其授权商可以用软体把"服务"的这个指标重设,所以不会显示"服务" 讯息 简单的说:我要赚钱~ 不过中国的授权商不会把这个软体流出吗? --
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1F:推 marx0126: 我上次去神脑换完也看不到啊 DFU後也一样 08/08 15:52
2F:→ roman80010: 通讯行换的看得到健康度 08/08 15:59
3F:推 bloodyway: 看不到健康度也还好 又不是看不到剩余电量 08/08 16:06
4F:→ Ken52039: 健康度显示了还会觉得阿炸,还不如不要显示 08/08 16:10
5F:→ darkMood: 健康度有什麽好看的啊,感觉没电就换,健康度看个屁啊 08/08 16:25
6F:→ darkMood: 反正健康度还很高一样会喷电,这数据很烂到爆啊 08/08 16:26
7F:推 BDrip: 接coconutbattery还看的到就好 08/08 16:33
8F:推 chennylee809: 健康度靠感觉就好啦 掉电快就该换了 08/08 16:46
9F:推 john950146: 健康度85%还不是半天没电 看好玩的 08/08 17:09
10F:推 yuyu814: 以前没电池健康度时 大家还不是爽爽用 现在有了却很多人 08/08 17:27
11F:→ yuyu814: 在意那个1、2% 想不通 08/08 17:27
12F:推 jaannddyy: 建议软体设定非原厂换电池的低於50%自动关机 08/08 17:28
13F:→ gn01881106: 感觉不健康,我可以多换三四次 08/08 17:42
14F:推 Vek1112: 没差 本来的也没多准 还是有办法测 08/08 17:43
15F:推 cevs: 还不一下就被破解 08/08 18:08
16F:推 XD119: 自己来的话半年一次应该永远90up 08/08 18:15
17F:推 mopanda: 我换红扳手 看得到电池健康度啊 08/08 18:16
18F:推 bcpsowen: 我的原厂电池健康度永远100 那麽不准还敢威胁唷 08/08 18:53
19F:→ kenss: 没差、那健康度假的 08/08 19:34
20F:推 virginmary: 用某软体不是都看的到.有差吗? 08/08 19:58
21F:→ huabandd: 无所谓,健康度一点都不重要 08/08 20:09
22F:→ huabandd: 手机开始严重掉电直接换电池就好了 08/08 20:09
23F:推 Andosinjo: 浏海机的电池%数给回来比较实际 08/08 20:14
24F:推 w09703006: 看得到剩余电量就够了 08/08 20:51
25F:推 PPPGGG: = =我前几天去A13换电池 staff建议我80%以下再换电池 08/08 21:32
26F:→ PPPGGG: 我剩下86%寿命就称不到半天了 谁跟你80%以下 08/08 21:32
27F:推 voyage0131: 万一电池膨胀只能换整新机 不能换电池 08/08 21:54
28F:推 section: 二手买卖就知道是不是原装了嘻嘻 08/09 06:45
29F:推 tungptt: 这不是很久了吗 还是又是新政策 08/09 08:07
30F:→ denal: 就算看到健康度也很难让人相信是真的;i8前十个月内掉到85 08/09 10:47
31F:→ denal: %,然後接下来半年完全不会掉,却很明显感受到续航力变差 08/09 10:47
32F:→ denal: 感觉苹果又在搞肮脏手段 08/09 10:47
33F:→ denal: 根本是可以避开79%以下可以出保 08/09 10:48
34F:→ hokkaidosky: 神脑换完还是有看到阿,1F的不一样? 08/09 13:11
35F:推 y956403: 主要不是真的想让你看不到健康度 是要让你没办法隐瞒私下 08/09 13:37
36F:→ y956403: 换过吧 08/09 13:37
37F:推 kaybai: 我上礼拜才刚把电池健康度还有95%但电池已经膨胀到撑爆机 08/09 14:52
38F:→ kaybai: 身的iphonex送回原厂换电池而已 08/09 14:52
39F:推 kaybai: 拿回来单子上是写更换电池跟萤幕 08/09 14:54
40F:→ kaybai: 重点是完全免费! 08/09 14:55
41F:推 ooxxboy: 健康度95就有很明显的感觉了好吗,怀疑根本快乐表 08/12 09:10

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