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原文标题:Samsung Reportedly Signs USD 3 Billion HBM3e Deal with AMD 原文连结: 发布时间:04/26/2024 原文内容: According to a report from Korean media outlet viva100, Samsung has signed a new USD 3 billion agreement with processor giant AMD to supply HBM3e 12-layer DRAM for use in the Instinct MI350 series AI chips. Reportedly, Samsung has also agre ed to purchase AMD GPUs in exchange for HBM products, although details regarding the specific products and quantities involved remain unclear. Earlier market reports indicated that AMD plans to launch the Instinct MI350 ser ies in the second half of the year as an upgraded version of the Instinct MI300 series. The MI350 series is reportedly expected to adopt TSMC’s 4-nanometer pro cess, delivering improved computational performance with lower power consumption . The inclusion of 12-layer stacked HBM3e memory will enhance both bandwidth and capacity. In October 2023, at Samsung Memory Tech Day 2023, Samsung announced the launch o f a new HBM3e codenamed “Shinebolt.” In February of this year, Samsung unveile d the industry’s first HBM3e 12H DRAM, featuring 12 layers and a capacity of 36 GB, marking the highest bandwidth and capacity HBM product to date. Samsung has provided samples and plans to commence mass production in the second half of the year. Samsung’s HBM3e 12H DRAM offers up to 1280GB/s bandwidth and 36GB capacity, rep resenting a 50% increase compared to the previous generation of eight-layer stac ked memory. Advanced Thermal Compression Non-Conductive Film (TC NCF) technology enables the 12-layer stack to meet HBM packaging requirements while maintaining chip height consistency with eight-layer chips. Additionally, optimizing the size of chip bumps improves HBM thermal performance , with smaller bumps located in signal transmission areas and larger bumps in he at dissipation areas, contributing to higher product yields. The adoption of HBM3e 12-layer DRAM over HBM3e 8-layer DRAM has shown an average speed improvement of 34% in AI applications, with inference service users incre asing by over 11.5 times. In view of this matter, industry sources cited by the report from TechNews has i ndicated that this deal is separate from negotiations between AMD and Samsung Fo undry for wafer production. AMD plans to assign a portion of new CPUs/GPUs to Sa msung for manufacturing, which is unrelated to this specific transaction. 翻译: 据韩国媒体viva100报导,三星已与AMD签署了一项价值30亿美元的新协议,以供应HBM3e 12 层DRAM,用於MI350系列AI晶片。据报导,三星还同意购买AMD的GPU,以换取HBM产品,虽然 有关具体产品和数量的细节仍不清楚。 早期的市场报告显示,AMD计划在下半年推出Instinct MI350系列,作为Instinct MI300系 列的升级版。据报导,MI350系列预计将采用TSMC的4nn制成,以降低功耗提高计算性能。12 层堆叠的HBM3e记忆体的加入将提高带宽和容量。 在2023年10月的三星记忆体技术日2023上,三星宣布推出了一款名为“Shinebolt”的新型H BM3e。今年2月,三星推出了业界首款HBM3e 12H DRAM,拥有12层,容量达36GB,是迄今为 止带宽和容量最高的HBM产品。三星已提供样品,计划在下半年开始大规模生产。 三星的HBM3e 12H DRAM提供高达1280GB/s的带宽和36GB的容量,较前一代八层堆叠记忆体提 高了50%。先进的热压缩非导电膜(TC NCF)技术使12层堆叠能够满足HBM封装要求,同时保 持与八层晶片的晶片高度一致性。 此外,优化晶片凸点的尺寸可以提高HBM的热性能,将较小的凸点位於信号传输区域,较大 的凸点位於散热区域,有助於提高产品产量。 采用HBM3e 12层DRAM而不是HBM3e 8层DRAM,在AI应用中平均速度提高了34%,推理服务用 户增加了11.5倍。 监於此事,报导中引用的TechNews的行业消息来源指出,此交易与AMD和三星Foundry就晶圆 生产进行的谈判是分开的。AMD计划将部分新CPU/GPU分配给三星进行制造,与此特定交易无 关。 心得/评论: 据我所知目前最先进的HBM3e应该是Micron 再来Sk Hynix, 个人推测苏妈有可能是产能问题 才找上Samsung 另外 之前AMD合作的云端服务大厂是不是只剩Microsoft了?博通跟Nvidia又更稳了!! --
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1F:嘘 s987692 : 从来没听说,消息在哪? 04/27 09:02
2F:→ kevinmeng2 : 三星自己发的新闻? 04/27 09:04
3F:→ bakayalo : 低阶的都给三星,不然显卡入门区间没几张卡 04/27 09:12
4F:嘘 a000000000 : 尼知道的一堆都错的 三星12hi先做出来 04/27 09:16
5F:→ a000000000 : 美光还不知道在哪里爬 当然三星良率未知 04/27 09:17
6F:→ rainf : 完了 块陶啊 04/27 09:17
7F:→ andylu1207 : 我指的就是加上良率.. 目前HBM3e领先的就是美光... 04/27 09:35
8F:→ andylu1207 : .. 04/27 09:35
9F:嘘 a000000000 : 镁光量产时间晚半年 尼说海力士还比较像回事 04/27 09:40
10F:推 tony890415 : 大错特错 海力士大於三星大於美光好吗 04/27 09:41
11F:→ tony890415 : 美光最弱 04/27 09:41
12F:→ tony890415 : 美光一直都是老三 04/27 09:42
13F:→ appledick : 三星其实放弃晶圆代工,往记忆体深耕就对了,未来记 04/27 09:53
14F:→ appledick : 忆体的重要性同等晶片 04/27 09:53
15F:推 a1379 : 美光HBM超慢开始做...现在还在爬 04/27 10:01
16F:推 onewaylun : 美光市占不到5% 你要确定耶….Hynix还是王者 04/27 10:13
17F:→ onewaylun : 你应该不在记忆体业吧… 04/27 10:13
18F:→ bakayalo : 可是记忆体价格起伏太严重了,大家都增产当白菜卖 04/27 10:21
19F:→ lise1017 : HBM3E 海最强 三跟美 伯仲 04/27 10:26
20F:→ lise1017 : 但说真的谁也拿捏不了谁 这技术门槛没有高到短时间 04/27 10:27
21F:→ lise1017 : 无法超越 04/27 10:27
22F:→ lise1017 : 而且客户又少 掉个一两单 故事就变了 04/27 10:28
23F:推 Transposon : AMD盘後连两天神仙指路,不知道下周财报是不是要杀 04/27 10:30
24F:→ Transposon : 一波 04/27 10:30
25F:推 cheerf : 8112至上开喷 04/27 10:54
26F:→ robin101246 : 丸子 04/27 10:56
27F:→ robin101246 : 下周法会 04/27 10:57
28F:推 PTIMIKE : 菜鸡问一下,HBM 是不是难在封装 04/27 11:53
29F:→ shlee : 美光在技术上目前是领先者没错 数据实测比其他家好 04/27 12:08
30F:→ shlee : 更有效率 但问题就在於美光产能没那麽大输其他人很 04/27 12:08
31F:→ shlee : 多 所以他现在积极的投资要扩产 美国政府也给了补 04/27 12:08
32F:→ shlee : 助 04/27 12:08
33F:嘘 pf775 : 韩国人有技术? 04/27 12:20
34F:推 roiop710 : 未来记忆体谁更快谁得天下 04/27 12:36
35F:推 PoloHuang : SK杀爆全场 04/27 12:41
36F:嘘 fedona : amd就是废 04/27 14:15
37F:推 lineage170v : HBM3E 最快是Micron 04/28 01:08
38F:嘘 madeinheaven: 美光是HBM3E 8H 三星这个是HBM3E 12H 差很多 04/28 23:52

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