Soft_Job 板


Hi 大家好!美国上市公司:优比快)在徵Sr. ChatBot/NLP AI工程师. 希望有chatbot开发经 验的加入我们AI Team. 工作地点在信义区一兰拉面附近. 职缺申请link: 公司名称:(美国上市公司)美商优比快科技股份有限公司台湾分公司 统编:90448797 公司地址(填写详细至号):台北市信义区松仁路105号6F 职缺:Senior ChatBot/NLP AI Engineer (1位) 职务内容与技能需求: 【Senior AI NLP Engineer】 We are looking for outstanding NLP/ChatBot developer to join our fast growing AI team. We expect you to bring your experience, enthusiasm and creativity on deep learning into high-quality and impactful real-world solutions. 【Responsibility】 - Design and Develop AI Chatbot services and target to make “human-like” conversation in dialogue management systems. - Participate in the end-to-end machine/deep learning product lifecycle, from data collection, data exploration, feature engineering, model training, model evaluation, model deployment, model inference monitoring to solve real world cases. - Arrange and design the training dataset, prompts and pipeline required for fine-tuning large language models and validation purposes. - Design and establish ETL processes, system architecture, algorithm pipeline, and evaluation metrics for various NLP tasks. - Investigate and implement robust approaches of slot filling, NLU, NLI/entailment, intent classification, text generation, question answering, and keyword extraction. - Conduct effective training and automated inference/retrain pipelines. - Stay up to date in current technologies and state of the art methods. - Thrive in an agile development process and constructive feedback. Critical thinker, problem solver, team player, time management skills, good interpersonal and communication skills. 【Basic Qualifications】 - MS or PhD degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or equivalent. - 5+ years of NLP/Chatbot Machine learning development and deployment experience. - Expertise in Python and ecosystem library pandas, spark, dask, machine learning/deep learning framework - pytorch, huggingface, scikit-learn, spacy, cupy ...etc. - Strong ability in designing conversational AI Chatbot and dialogue management system integration. - Strong ability in problem solving. Capable to reach out for solutions and enjoy closely collaborating with PM/engineers to share AI Chatbot design and solution ideas. - Strong verbal and written communications skills are a must, as well as the ability to work effectively across internal and external organizations and virtual teams. 员工是否需自备工具? (是/否) :否 薪资(保证最低年薪,必填项目): 1.2M+ ~ 2M+(no upper limit) --
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1F:→ MoonCode: XD 乍看以为找设计师03/08 18:33
2F:→ libitum: 一个美国上市公司找sr. nlp engineer 最低只有1.2m+ ??03/08 22:19
3F:→ libitum: 只能说 面试流程毫无一个上市公司的样子03/08 22:22
4F:→ DrTech: 不是写了 no upper limit了…03/09 00:03
5F:→ DrTech: 台湾哪家公司做NLP,"最低"可以给月薪十万? 03/09 00:05
6F:→ libitum: no upper limit到底能干嘛...? 当真认为开职位没有任何03/09 01:03
7F:→ libitum: budget吗? salary range能开那麽广的 真能达到2M+会多03/09 01:03
8F:→ libitum: 挑惕 就不说那个标准了 这不跟美国一堆tech companies 03/09 01:04
9F:→ libitum: provide unlimited PTO一样的道理吗 怎可能不对公司有利03/09 01:04
10F:→ libitum: 台湾哪家 标准是指本土公司还是国外在台湾设RD team?03/09 01:05
11F:→ libitum: 比较的基准要有 也要一致吧03/09 01:05
12F:→ libitum: 5+ years nlu or ml experice 下限只值1.2m+?03/09 01:06
13F:→ libitum: 然後total package 1.2m 不等於月薪十万喔 看给13个月还03/09 01:13
14F:→ libitum: 还有没有rsu之类的 1.2m+接近外商在台招募的市场价?03/09 01:14
15F:推 NTUmaki: 啊就开什麽薪水就找什麽样的人啊@@ 也没必要嘘吧,薪水没03/09 02:34
16F:→ NTUmaki: 竞争力的话就只能找比较弱的啊03/09 02:34
17F:嘘 gocreating: 请问要写回家作业吗?写完没过会给feedback吗?面试官03/09 11:12
18F:→ gocreating: 会嘲讽人选吗?会像回避给作业feedback一样回避这个推03/09 11:12
19F:→ gocreating: 文吗?我先坐等勇者舔你们的香蕉好了,应该会臭到来板03/09 11:12
20F:→ gocreating: 上开箱ㄅ03/09 11:12
21F:→ acgotaku: 请给正确的薪资范围, no upper limit 很像吹牛的人很常03/09 11:19
22F:→ acgotaku: 讲的话, 装阔气却把下限开这麽低 这不就是吹牛招人吗 03/09 11:20
23F:→ pleomax0730: go大有挂?03/09 12:16
24F:→ loadingN: 我也觉得你要来ptt发,就乖乖给范围嘛,又不是骗新人,03/09 12:21
25F:→ loadingN: 谁不知道职级都有对应的价码03/09 12:21
26F:推 dxwd1: 先批评,之後再自己默默投offer03/09 15:23
27F:推 jobintan: +1,现在经济寒冬,一堆5+YOE的前FANGMAN工程师应徵。 03/09 16:44
28F:推 baboimoma: 回前几楼,搜go的id有发过文跟留言,投履历但code跑不03/09 23:28
29F:→ baboimoma: 起来的大大03/09 23:28
30F:→ baboimoma: 不知道被嘲讽是什麽故事就是了 03/09 23:28
31F:→ jobintan: 开TC无上限结果面试砍价很会呀…03/10 07:58
※ 编辑: iewang ( 台湾), 03/10/2023 10:17:21 ※ 编辑: iewang ( 台湾), 03/10/2023 10:18:33
32F:→ ddonme: 保14,所以1.2M不会是月薪10万.不过还有bonus.所以会>1.2M 03/12 20:35
33F:→ ddonme: 2M 应该是无可挑剔的人选会有机会拿到 03/12 20:37

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