Soft_Job 板


【公司名称】 Kronos Research 麒点科技有限公司(统编:50787692) 【公司地址】 台北市内湖区瑞光路333号 【职缺名称】 Senior Software Engineer, Full-stack 【职务内容】 Job Description Trading Experience team in Kronos builds analytics and software applications for internal users including researchers and risk professionals, to ensure quality investment. Your work include but not limited to: - Build real-time dashboarding systems that are built with Golang to help risk analysts alerted of unexpected market changes. - Build investment platforms to enable traders to focus on strategies without worrying about underlying machines. You should be energized by finding patterns amid chaos, acting on and resolving issues quickly, and enjoy solving business problems through technology. As a full stack engineer in Trading Experience team, you own the end to end cycle of all web services for the company. You interact with traders and risk analysts to understand their needs. You prioritize the tasks to make the most impactful features. You run the scrum process with other full stack engineers to ensure high quality deliverables. Responsibilities - Provide guidance on architecture and design, and define processes for launching solutions and features - Develop solutions that enable our research and trading team to deploy, configure, and monitor our real-time trading strategies - Drive the evolution of our investment platform to remove inefficiencies and streamline workflow across teams - Workload between frontend and backend is around 2:8 Requirements - Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience - 2+ years of backend experience - Experience in Java / Python / Golang / Node JS, data systems, and knowledge of internet protocols such as HTTP, TLS - Knowledge of browser UI development and in Javascript, HTML and CSS Preferred Qualifications - Experience working with modern, cloud-based infrastructure technologies like Kubernetes Google Cloud/AWS/Azure, Cloud Functions/AWS Lambda, etc - 1+ years of technical leadership experience - Experience communicating technical concepts to non-technical audience 【薪资待遇】 NT$ 1,500,000 ~ 6,000,000+ / year 【工作时间】 8 * 5 = 40 hr / week 【应徵方式】 --
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1F:→ MoonCode: 六百 08/27 16:01
2F:→ MoonCode: 加 08/27 16:02
3F:推 duck10704: 推 600 万 08/27 16:03
4F:推 hobnob: 推 08/27 17:24
5F:推 Lhmstu: 有点猛 08/27 17:29
6F:嘘 aas5566: 不知道有没有一千万得主 08/27 17:39
7F:推 ManOfSteel: 精神压力一定很大 08/27 19:19
8F:推 ManOfSteel: 要得到600万,不知道要付出什麽?QQ 08/27 19:27
9F:推 sjerrysss: 软体少见能跟科技业相提并论的薪资 08/27 20:38
10F:→ OBTea: 这家 senior 不是有机会破千 ? 08/27 20:54
11F:推 marsonele: 这间算高频交易吗? 08/27 22:30
12F:推 penta: 能领到六百万 一天要工作多久… 08/28 00:43
13F:推 Algers: CTO 有机会破千 08/28 08:42
14F:嘘 wulouise: 是高频没错吧 08/28 09:20
15F:→ wulouise: 奇怪怎麽点到嘘,等等补推 08/28 09:20
16F:推 mirror0227: 敢给就给推 08/28 10:31
17F:推 jj0321: 楼楼上说好的补推在哪 08/28 13:10
18F:推 neo5277: 常找的原因是学会就出去了吧 08/28 14:22
19F:推 bill0205: 少数可跟科技业比拼 08/28 14:26
20F:推 how30013: COSCUP跟HR聊过帮推 08/28 14:26
21F:→ diabolica: 有点强 08/28 16:20
22F:推 Mike1109: 推薪水 08/28 17:26
23F:→ BeardSmallGG: 全栈在台湾拿600 比在台湾科技业强多了吧 有这能力 08/28 21:17
24F:→ BeardSmallGG: 有机会去北美 不然也能去新加坡 待台湾这种战争风险 08/28 21:17
25F:→ BeardSmallGG: 越来越高的地方干嘛 待科技业你以为移民是瞬移吗 08/28 21:19
26F:→ BeardSmallGG: 等出事你以为房子不贱卖脱得了手吗XD 08/28 21:21
27F:→ MoonCode: 楼上为什麽能拿六百就比台湾科技业强@@? 08/28 22:11
28F:推 wulouise: 补,真的忙到忘xd 08/28 22:29
29F:推 hprince: 台湾科技业中位数没600这麽高吧 当然比科技业强 08/29 00:08
30F:推 winston11tw: 楼上是说软工班的中位数是600万吗? 08/29 02:04
31F:推 sjerrysss: 隔壁版就有一个7.5m的,6m离科技业天花板还很远但也不 08/29 11:56
32F:→ sjerrysss: 差了 08/29 11:56
33F:→ acgotaku: 之前面过,後来没上,但是过程中招募的人一直不断的说 08/29 13:15
34F:→ acgotaku: 这工作,我们其他RD都会做,真的是忙不过来才徵人 08/29 13:16
35F:→ acgotaku: 然後对话中一直强调上诉内容 不太懂他想要跟我传达什麽 08/29 13:18
36F:→ BeardSmallGG: 不都解释了? 科技业要出国不找纯软 还不如留台湾 08/29 13:54
37F:→ BeardSmallGG: 找纯软 你的工作经验跟大部分公司都不符 就算进去也 08/29 13:54
38F:→ BeardSmallGG: 会被压level 08/29 13:54
39F:→ MoonCode: 看无 08/29 14:00
40F:推 jobintan: 如果被lowball的话还不如Google与Microsoft… 08/30 07:32
41F:→ Murasaki0110: 下限这麽低 拿600还不被整天盯着review 08/30 09:50
42F:→ Murasaki0110: 外商400爽爽拿 何必折腾 08/30 09:51
43F:→ Ekmund: 印象中从疫情前就在徵了? 08/31 14:10
44F:推 Kyouverymuch: 不错啊 09/18 09:11

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